
Brandolini's law edition

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>why yes, i am from the united states of america

>Irish war flag

Ireland has never fought a proper war

wish you guys just gave us equal representation as citizens in britain

jews and leftists fucking hate Russia and their culture more than anything

that's why they targeted it for their commie revolution a hundred years ago, that's why Hillary was meant to declare war on them had she become President

that's not a law though

do ireland even have an army

Call me a yank and I'll give you a wank.

hillary would never have declared war on russia. they know they'd lose a conventional war with the US so they make no secret that they will use nukes should a war start

see a chiropodist post haste

millennials are ruining everything

Yes, a pitiful one. They'd rely on us as always in a proper conflict.

Lads, can I just leave a half-unfinished sentence in my CV because I don't know how to end it?

what did he mean by this

>Podiatry or podiatric medicine is a branch of medicine devoted to the study, diagnosis, and medical and surgical treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle and lower extremity.

there's nothing wrong with my foot

She aided a negroid who murdered a young Anglo girl. Why would defend Knox?

you will never know until you try it la

hate boomers
hate millenials
love gen z


what are your thoughts on gen x?

yes, it shows courage to look as stupid as you are


she was framed by the shitalians

>british (((humour)))

millennials are poopy

I wish actors could act nowadays instead of pretending to be "real".

>click a webm link
>not gay porn

who? (i know who but im pretending i don't to show their irrelevancy)

alri poof

He's actually Sup Forums

Sup Forums is the fucking President.

NEED a british slag gf

what's the supposed 'problem' with this image


cannot imagine being enough of a turborunt to use a rolling machine

want a chink gook zipperhead jap cunt fuck wife to love and care for

Someone needs to assassinate that white fuck.

/brit/ is a russoboo anti-communist general

capitalists blown the fuck out
commies blown the fuck out
redcens blown the fuck out
/brit/ blown the fuck out
you blown the fuck out

the RSFSR was excellent
tsarist russia and yeltsinite/putinist russia can die in a fire though

knew i made the right choice voting for this guy

east asians look so fucking ugly

I like Trump, but he makes it hard when he is such a gullible retard.

looks like a category theory paper


t. Elron Hubbard

glad i voted for him
glad he's still being discussed in a british forum

better than sea monkeys

how about you die in a fire, Brody

>the most powerful man on earth actually believes this shit

Each and every one of us must maintain our dignity whether in public or in private. There is not a moment of our lives when we are not in the majestic presence of God and His Angels. When we add to this the presence of our neighbours when we are in public, then we must honour our obligation to give good example.

Unfortunately, it is not rare today, with the growing paganisation of society, to see people scattered on lawns, floors and staircases, like so many pieces of debris. We should avoid taking such indignified stances and ludicrous positions.

Find a chair or bench to sit on properly.

think you mean Leningrad x

>executed muslim terrorists with pig's blood-soaked bullets

fake news

they just buried a few muds in the same grave as pig carcasses

Fuck on back to shitskinistan.

that is a TINY hand

Imagine being so schizophrenic that this makes perfect sense

But it DID work

Are you a nonce or something? Just curious

Literally wouldn't make a difference. All sins are forgiven in jihad, along with those of your immediate family. This is the most basic shit.

not a nonce, just would probably shag a 16 year old

no, I am dead

give me your smuggest pepes lads

you should be able to understand this


genuinely think im going through like... a 2nd puberty through age 21/22ish to my current age, 24

i understand your mom's stinky pussy haha i fucked it last night

what's the final boss of /brit/?

based pershing

what's so interesting about mary, queen of scots to have a film starring Saoirse Ronan, Margot Robbie, Jack Lowden, Martin Compston, Joe Alwyn, Brendan Coyle, David Tenant and Guy Pearce.

Danelad imo.


I have this saved from like 2 years ago.
Probably the most British thing on my hard drive.

delede dhis

Zara Larsson is actually well peng

*drives a car into the thread*

she's actually well mediocre

*blocks your path*

>just gotta get through these ashlanders and I'm on to Sadrith Mora

moderate rorke

Trump is that one rorke family member you have on facebook who rants about muslims all day

haha alri lids



>tfw communism has just been a social experiment propagated by the political and industrial elite
>tfw they've killed 100 million people and ruined so many countries all for banter just to see what would happen in a globlaist system

disgusting that zblogpf can collude with russia and these innocent muslims are being scapegoated x

haha yeah

oh look another nonsense right wing conspiracy

>defending a 5/10 murderous sex fiend in an open relationship with an effete Italian and an Ivorian

>bognited sharts of ameriga

reminder that the yanks present actually think they're above /cum/


read any good literature lately?

consider myself above /cum/ tbf

I just come here to get away from the Canadians.


i read your moms body language as she sucked my diiiiick

just learned that the native americans had black slaves

time to rename all of long island

Why did those white nationalists murder those people in Barcelona?

nice statue...