What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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lol i just saw this on reddit xD

God damn that's gross.


Too many taco bowls

that obvious shop


looks fake

The funny part is that it's not even a shop

You elected an orange fat fuck who can't form a coherent sentence or control his temper and massive ego, congrats. Hope the memes were worth it.

>we could have had a sexy milf as president instead

way to fuck up america


Too much bulkinvestment

The DNC rigged the primaries and ost.

Jews. As always.

it's going to be awesome


>Bumpkinocracy elects a literal retard as their leader because memes


>it's not even a shop

jesus, leftards are that desperate...


Enjoy your beta jew puppet president

I will. More dead muslims the better.

What went wrong? That he didn't run under the GOP ticket is 2000.

Wouldn't have gone into Iraq with President Trump.

what's up with the goggles

Cry more.

They're touring a factory


You're stupid if you think everyone should trust the people in the Sup Forums ptg. Of course they wouldn't take responsibility for spamming other boards you idiot. Of course they would blame others. Not to mention that you keep changing the story. It was just Canada and now It's New Zealand. I assume you did that to avoid questions about time zones. And Sup Forums trying to scapegoat other sites/boards? Yeah that's totally unheard of.

You're probably OP and the samefag who keeps bumping the thread. There's over 4 posts per person in this thread on average. Obviously most of the posters here are the same person. Since you're accusing others of false flagging, it's probably projection. You're probably pretending to be liberal and arguing with yourself. When nobody replies you bump with the "LOL LIBERALS BTFO SO SALTYMAGA" shit. You also don't pass up any opportunity to reply to accusations of Sup Forums.

You'll be banned soon so enjoy it faggot. Your fucking Persimmon Elect, Agent Orange, Cheeto Bandito, Orange Julius Caesar will be impeached or shot soon as well. When you chimp out with your cheap moist nugget and antique nazi helmet, that you bought form a gun show, some riot cop will shoot you and we won't have to suffer through another shitty thread you make.

Oh its the nojaw who sounds like an edgy 14 year - better give him some power

wtf Israel loves muslims now????!?!?!?!

jesus the left is getting desperate

you already won the culture war retards, that's why conservatives went for the nuclear option

Do you guys reckon the jews will let Donald actually do anything? Will Putin or is he so cucked hell just OBEY?

>implying OP voted for trump
Libs more gullible than Chris Chan.

>muh jews
Has anyone noticed sjws are as bad as Sup Forumstards?

bringing industrial jobs back b4 he's even inaugurated.

>trump steps down
>based pence shocks the gays
its gonna be a great 4 years

Sup Forums changed their minds, they love jews now.


what disease was it anyways?

Wait, what did NZ do?

netanyahu just admitted annihilation of jews was not hitler's goal, it was expulsion.

she had a glimpe one year into the future



>wanting America to go back to industrualism



Role reversal as usual, leftard, YOU cry more for eight more years ^^

We need a coffee shop economy instead

>less money in the economy is better

>wanting wagecuck slaves in massive factories is good

>Orange Julius Caesar
Is that an insult. Caesar was great. I think you want to compare him to Nero.

who here /chapotraphouse/

guy got taken out like a punk

well he was born that was the first problem

More like cheeto elvis

Trump has no qualities of a Roman emperor, outside of being born into aristocracy.

You would rather them be unemployed?

it's that or no jobs at all

>Trump has no qualities of a Roman emperor, outside of being born into aristocracy.

t. I know nothing about roman emperors

that was like over a year ago.

It turns out that everyone's first impressions were correct, and he is exactly what he appears to be. I still can't believe that Donald fucking Trump managed to convince everyone he cared about the working class

Why is this thread still up?
If you wanna discuss Trump then go to Sup Forums

Bibbi blames the Palestinians instead.

we're on the "anger" stage. just let them vent, they've got a tough 4+ years ahead!

Why are leftists so idiotic and elitist when it comes to jobs? That unbearable smugness is why you lost you fucking retards, but keep it up, you might as well make sure Trump wins 2020 already

it's board reversal day

go discuss tv on pol

Sup Forums got flooded with right-wing Israeli shills, other astroturfers, and younglings voting for the first time. Also, the Trump marketing campaign was better than The Force Awakens.


Yes, I do.

Fucking faggot.

amazing how everything they accuse him of is used against him

this is the 'fake news' payback

that's clearly a neutral comment


It was when the terrorism started ramping up. The Muslims were chill until ISIS came along. Now Europe is flooded with these freaks and the jews became the lesser of the two evils as opposed to the greater of the two evils.

>Also, the Trump marketing campaign was better than The Force Awakens.

Why are conservacucks so retarded they can only work manual labor and industral jobs for massive corporations?


Then go discuss your memes, ecelebs, cuck, child porn and Sup Forums culture on Sup Forums

We're not going to break down robots just so oxycontin-addled hillbillies can glue parts together for $50k a year.

It's going to be a good 8 years.

Who cares?
It doesn't matter if you're a left wingor right wing you're all still a bunch of shitposting faggots

this cuck is your wifes bull ese

>that's clearly a neutral comment

the brown haired one is a guy

this is pretty reflective of the vibe i get from most of the left. "if you can't make it in a service economy then get fucked".

can you not see the lack of appeal there or do you just not care?

Are we just going to forget about the time Trump maliciously assaulted a man on live television in front of his son? How come that doesn't make the news? Talk about media biase.

Why did hillary only win with poor people who have coffee shop jobs

>What went wrong?

>tell normal people for years that they are the problem for being normal
>surprised when they turn their back on you

they did it to themselves

8 years of Obongo. Good thing Trump will fix it.

Secret service is stepping outside the yellow lines to set up a perimeter where workers and machinery are in operation. The blue track doesn't require safety equipment.

Despite Trump instantly going back on his promises on election day his win was still worth it for the liberal open border cretins getting BTFO


>US presidents literally always visit Canada, Mexico, or a NATO country for first foreign trip en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_international_trips_made_by_the_President_of_the_United_States
>Trump going to Russia for first foreign trip

What a maverick.

His daddy made him lick the tip.

That's morbid obesity tier. People think this thing will live 8 more years?

Not really. The smartest and most respected professions in the world are dominated by leftists. Scientists, engineers, academics, writers, artists, filmmakers, musicians, doctors, entrepreneurs, and so on.

Conservatives mostly make up trust fund babies cruising on daddy's money, retarded rednecks, and christcucks.

The silly part is for awhile there i thought all of these autistic memelords on Sup Forums were trolling by supporting trump. Turns out Sup Forums isnt completely full of trolls

how did she lose bros?

waaaah I didn't go to college and now I want big daddy government to give me a make-work job to retain my insecure masculinity :(

Spread the word, brother


Russia is gonna help defeat isis, cuxico and cuckada don't do shit.

>tfw combined household income is less than 35,000 american dollary-doos a year

Can confirm all my peers are fucking retarded libcucks.

he went to mexico before the election.

it's important to soften the tension with Russia since king nigger is doing everything he can to start a war.

But user, those are all Sup Forums topics.

hillary looked liked humpty dumpty