Reddit reacts to brexit

redditors from europe react to brexit


>scotland ireland and gibralter get referendums

why? for what?

because these countries voted in favour or remain not leave

gtfo of britain, gtfi the eu



There are people on Twitter honestly suggesting old people should lose the right to vote because they disagree with their views. FUCK DEMOCRACY RIGHT?

Holy shit, reddit is full of globalist shekel mongering leftist scum

>I will lose my EU passport, and will reinforce the idea that the UK isn't quite the same as the rest of Europe


>chart shows millennials are cu.cks
yup checks out

this applies to literally everything so yea they're basically saying only young people should ever vote.

Christ these people are dramatic, how do they cope in life?

>cuck cuck cuck cuck
Jesus Christ you fucking parrot.

Children have been brainwashed. They are the ones who shouldn`t vote, should stick to taking selfies and being genderless,

the finngol has a point though
Will Gibraltar finally return to Spain or is it going to be Berlin Blockade 2.0

This logic simply isn't sound. If the older people are happy to leave, it must be because the situation presented to them in the status quo is harmful. Therefore, the old people getting what they want means everyone is simply on a journey to happiness when they are older.

It isn't like 18-24's are actually happy about anything anyway.

The people of Gibraltar are British and want to remain so.


dumb cucks, Germany and France will be next to leave

In a non sheltered world, like what our anchestors lived in, these people wouldnt ever survive

Not anymore, thanks to the Trump Sup Forums colonies, reddit is more split than it ever was between redpilled fags and bluepilled cuckold liberal cumshitters.

>they literally tell you when they are fully triggered
sure makes a troll's job easy

If is true then Britain and Spain are probably going to work out some border policy for Gibraltar.

Really depends on if Spain wants to be a dick about it or not. I can see the US throwing its weight in to settle the issue because of NATO, but then again Obama is a pussy so he will probably side with w/e EU jews want.

Look, we all know that as you get older, the amount of real world experience you have steadily decreases, and your ability to make decisions suffer for it. Children know best, and adults are little more than drooling retards. Honestly no one over the age of 12 should be allowed to vote.

Are they implying young people actually know what to vote for?

lmao butthurt as fuck detected

Poor bait leaf. Australia would be disappointed.

>they think N Ireland is going to leave
They were in favor of the brexit. Can redditors not even read a map?

this generation created Genderless Bathrooms, need i go on?

They voted to remain


They don't. Some are part of the statistic of people committing suicide.

It must be hard being a reddit cuck

>but then again Obama is a pussy so he will probably side with w/e EU jews want.
He's a lame duck, and Congress will fuck him over just to spite him.

>mfw eu is broken up by then

>live at home with mommy
>think you know everything
sounds about right


>It isn't like 18-24's are actually happy about anything anyway.
This is probably the most truest thing I've read on Sup Forums. Seriously, most of us are in this age bracket, and I'm sure we can tell from experience that over half (not me, thankfully) of the people are depressed and aren't even happy about life in general.

Can someone explain to me why they think Britain is just going to fucking collapse?

Germans had a lot of money in UK banks and shares.

>referendums for scotland



They don't. That's why they need safe spaces.

>Feels fucking weird to see Finland and Portugal on a reddit layout spouting retarded gay shit

This makes me so angry.

When are we going to kill wide-mouthed millennials?

moortugal spouting stupid shit surprises you?