Is this the most Reddit moment in Hollywood history?
Is this the most Reddit moment in Hollywood history?
The entire event was
So many pedos in one image
>The one unfamous nigger pushing actually-famous people out of frame to immortalize himself in entertainment history
Is he #/ourguy/?
>he doesn't like selfies
what's it like to be old?
no the vote clinton ones were
all of them
Prove it?
The only thing more reddit is someone making threads about it years after everyone forgot about it.
>ywn be abused as a child by Natalie Portman
Ellen De Generes is the most detestable human being that ever lived
Why did it have to be all the terrible actors in that image (except mayb specey & brad)
the only good one is leto
Reddit hates Hillary though, they even preferred Trump.
No, that would be Michael Moore.
>brad pitt
no everyone hates trump on there
>waving in a selfie
what in god's name are you talking about?
Simpsons out Reddited it
>what is r_thedonald
Reddit were Bernielovers. They always detested Hillary.
Someone needs to put a stop to this
What the hell happened to this show? How did it fall this badly?
Touché Mr double trips
I used to think this until I found out libcucks hate him
No, this was and it happened at the same event
I'm just glad no one gives a shit about Bradley Cooper anymore.
>cheese pizza
pizzagate confirm
The black dude on the right isn't an actual celeb. He was with me in College. But I'm proid of him for that photobomb.
Oh fuck. What if accepting a slice was a code for something? Like an afterparty invitation of sorts?
Literally who?
Why is this unfunny fat dyke popular in the US?
The Jews
Looks like a collection of people who'd be at a Hillary event endorsing her
he's the brother of lupita nyoingobongo, who's in the back in that photo
He needs to get his black ass out of the fucking photo and stop being such an attention whore. They need to crop his ass out.
More like Ellen DeGenerate lmao
Are old people really this fucking clueless that they can act like the selfie was a new thing in 2014? It's been around since fucking MySpace
That doesn't even make sense why would Bradly cooper be stepping on homers head
And what are those god fucking awful faces
You wouldnt have taken the opportunity ?
Oh yeah because everyone knows random black guy and would not at all mind looking back and seeing a turd of shit in an image full of important people.
If they were selfie'ing around his body being hanged, that would be a whole different story.