Is the director's cut worth watching?
Is the director's cut worth watching?
Yes it was great
WHY? I hated this movie. Maybe it's because I saw Lawernce of Arabia shortly before it so I couldn't help compare the two, but to it was just look at this awsome dude for 3 hours
I saw the theatrical release in the cinema and HATED it, a friend put on the directors cut and i had really low expectations but it made a lot more sense. Character motivations etc. I liked the directors cut in the same way i like Lawrence of Arabia, a nice long epin picture to watch on an afternoon. Its the kind of film that is rarely made today and I appreciated that. The only thing that stuck out was the forced Iraq invasion allegory.
As an example, in the theatrical cut, Balian arrives in Jerusalem and is suddenly in charge of shit. In the directors cut there is a lot more political maneuvering added so that it all makes more sense.
Shame they cast Orlando Bloom as well, not in any way a convincing man of action in the battle at the end.
Yes, it's probably the best historical epic of this century, and my second favorite medieval movie, after Braveheart.
It's not as great as Ben-Hur or Lawrence of Arabia hence it's impossible, but it's probably Scott's best film since Blade Runner.
why did they have to cast Orlando Bloom, WHY?! I expected more of Ridley Scott than to just cast the flavor of the month meme actor
This movie makes Muslims look bad. But at least I get to see come christcucks get BTFOed
This very thread every fucking day. Why don't people just watch instead of making the very same thread? I know it's long. Really long. But it is better having your own opinion than asking Sup Forums every day.
Muslims think it makes Muslims look good and Christians bad.
Christians think it makes Christians look good and Muslims bad
Yeah, Orlando Bloom was a huge miscast. I dont know what they were thinking since everyone else was casted so well.
Paul Bettany came close to getting the role... but Fox wanted Bloom since he was riding high off Lord of the Rings, Pirates, and he'd just started making another epic, Troy.
I want to see that version so badly. However, Bloom was alright in the movie. Outclassed by Irons, Gleeson, Neeson, Csokas, Sheen, Massoud, etc, but still alright.
Its the only cut worth watching.
>Muslims think it makes Muslims look good and Christians bad.
>Christians think it makes Christians look good and Muslims bad
really makes me think
Really? I think it portrays Muslims in a pretty positive light. Maybe it's just cause of the focus on Saladin who was pretty based for a sandnigger.
Who's the best Scott, the sci fi one or the historical epics one?
Historical epic:
Kingdom of Heaven
Black Hawk Down
Robin Hood
1492: Conquest of Paradise
The Martian
Blade Runner
The Legend
what christians think it makes christians look good?
the warmongering christian character is almost a pastiche...
3 movies on each list are irredeemable trash, so that leaves historical at an advantage.
Assuming that 1492 and Exodus are the historical epic trashes, which one is the other? Robin Hood?
Agreed, but they made Saladin way more magnanimous than he was in real life.
>But it is better having your own opinion than asking Sup Forums every day.
There would probably be a lot less threads to shitpost on Sup Forums if most people here just did that,
>4 disks
>The Martian
its so you can marathon exactly 1 quarter of the film
This 'marathon' forced meme really needs to die.
you need to die
The knightly code and the king were both two examples of benevolent christians. The villains can be written off as "not all christians". Not to mention that the Muslims ultimately bar others from Jerusalem while the christians let in everyone.
Yes. Yes it is.