How old are you?
Sam Raimi was 21 when he made Evil Dead.
How old are you?
Sam Raimi was 21 when he made Evil Dead.
So you're saying me I have six more years to make a bad movie with my highschool friends and my brother.Ok, I'll take it.
I'm 21, and I post on Sup Forums
It shows since the movie is absolute shit.
Ang Lee was like 40 when he made his first feature though so it's fine
I'm 21 and got my first study published last year
Sam Raimi is a fag and I'm the one winning the time race
I'm 21 and I haven't even kissed a girl yet. How am I supposed to make a movie?
Orson Welles was 24 when he made Citizen Kane.
this is about par for the course for Sup Forums posting.
I want millennials to leave.
Me too, we could meet irl and we could take turns kissing each other
>its another age thread
Kissless virgins incoming
The thing about life people always forget is a lot of shit is determined by the circumstances and timing of life more so than a decision to do one particular thing. That's why you should go outside more.
30. I'll never amount to shit and I'm getting more comfortable with that fact.
In my head he was like 26...
Ah well, I've written a film that is totally way better than Citizen Kane so it's fine
I'm taking my time and giving my contemporaries a chance...
I'm 24, still live with my mom, don't even have a driver's license or a job, and I have autism, OCD, ADD, social anxiety, and severe depression. Unfortunately I'm not even man enough to kill myself.
> I've got two years to make my Evil Dead
25, but I made a short film at 23 and Im making a feature this year, hopefully.
hope he comes back and makes more
Feeling sorry on Sup Forums will fix everything
>this gif of christian bale nodding his head as kermit the frog nods back sums up my 2017
>Im making a feature this year
It's not a fair comparison, people started working at 13 back then
Yes. Filmmmaking takes time, and money.
Mads Mikkelsen was over 30 when he appeared for the first time on screen. Dennis Farina was 40 and an ex cop. I don't know about Steven Seagal but that guy was apparently 20 years in force too. Lots of old folk out there.
Mike Myers was 12 when he voiced Shrek.
i turned 20 today, my biggest achievement is not killing myself yet
>Evil Dead
>Absolute shit
Hahahahahahahahahahahah good joke.
Evil dead is kino, and arguably even better than the second one which is also pretty good. Millenials like you faggots don't understand.
I am 27 and I have never worked a day in my life and have I no special education
at least i've fucked 10 differnet women
>there are people on Sup Forums right now born after 9/11
Nothing will fix me.
For real though; I just want a rich producer to fund a couple of million into letting me make a film. It'd be so good and make money and everyone would be happy
based Raimi
That's not fair, people started to work at a much younger age back then. It was a different time.
I haven't fucked any women tho. :)
you have 6 years to make a movie that will launch multiple careers and be recognized by name by people that haven't even seen it and can still make money 30+ years after it was made, you underage idiot
20 year old user here, why can't I find any motivation?
I just turned 27.
I'm a dishwasher, on the other side of the country from LA. I write screenplays, but I have no money to move to LA since I keep buying fart fetish porn and video games and can't save a dime. Somebody... put me out of my god damn misery.
>judging one persons success to everyones else's
yeh, nah.
we all have different circumstances and fortunes.
It shows.
i've already resigned myself to an uneventful and meaningless experience
>I have no money to move to LA since I keep buying fart fetish porn
If someone asks me to describe this place I'll show them this
Thread's basically dead so I'm sure this will get buried. But, La La Land's left me feeling so empty.
Film's about people fulfilling their dreams at the expense of their relationship
Chazelle's barely 30 and he's made 3 feature films; all critically acclaimed
I can't get city of stars out of my head. I'm in my final semester of uni.
I'm feeling borderline