>audience sharts their pants from laughing
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Fallon was s art enough to not burn the bridge during the election.
of course that quirky fat faggot is drinking from a juice box
Does Sup Forums not realize that they're literally a fucking joke? Me and all the rest of the white upper-middle class New England liberals are constantly laughing at retardicans.
How much did they have to pay Conan to take a pick with those guys?
>"more like Drumpf"
aren't most rich people republicans
Reddit pls go
Not in the civilized parts of the country.
we're the court jester
why do asshole comedians think they deserve to wear suits
Why does mouth breathing inbred trailer trash always wear camo?
They should be happy. They got 8 more years of material. If Shillary had won what would they write about?
>say GWB looks like a monkey for years
>not allowed to say Obama looks like a monkey
explain this libtards
it's because it's true
Jon Stewart actually joked that they'd have to retire the monkey jokes.
She looks like a mummy.
Oh they'd just make jokes about Fox "News" and it's viewers sperging out.
>this coming from the r/the_donald immigrant
because being a cucksumer is for fags who dont care about utility
It's so funny LOL
Exactly. It's gonna be just like the Bush years, which most people consider the pinnacle of these liberal talk shows. Just like it was with Bush, all the host has to do is mention Trump's name and idiots will laugh.
to be fair during the Bush years The Daily Show had a pretty GOAT supporting cast
Leftist faggots fuck off
I don't understand why that fat faggot even has a career.
These three aren't so bad
Fallon did that good interview with Trump
Maher calls out liberals on their fucking hypocrisy over Islam
And Kimmel is pretty apolitical from what I've seen (but I haven't watched much so I might be wrong)
The rest should burn in hell
Maher is SMUG but he's generally one of the smarter liberals
include conan
>support a big government
I will never understand this
Didn't Roger Ebert die a few years ago?
Exactly. Compared to the rest he's actually somewhat intelligent and he calls them out on their hypocrisy which is very good.
Sure he's insufferable at other times but I'm glad one of their own is calling them out for their lack of logic.
I guess he's okay, bit of a nob in my opinion but not too bad, especially since he's not a preachy liberal like the rest
i think he's sober
>All but one of them is a white cis male.
It's weird isn't it, I'm a Brit and we would never call left-wingers "liberals", we'd call them "lefties" most likely. Or "luvvies". Or "left-wing loonies".
But I guess in America the term "liberal" has somehow been appropriate by the Democrats, despite the fact that they're not fucking liberal.
Replace that fucktard Fallon with Conan and you're spot on.
i always forget james corden slithered over to america
his spirit jump from body to body, JUSTing the owner, see
is he a fag or what
We do call them loonies still, not as much as we used to though.
hes a bong
>Fallon not drinking
Kek nice realism.
Um 'cause it works? The private sector and free market are good for lots of things but not everything. I'm not going to try explaining why to you but if you want proof just look at how much better New England is than whatever shit-hole you live in.
I guess that's why Sup Forums predicted the election and """"""experts"""""" didn't.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
New England is better because it's always been wealthier than the rest of the country since before the USA declared independence
I don't care what do you think about the best form of government, but if it's big, it's not liberal
he already finished his
showing that he's not one of the big boys
Fallon is okay and is pretty apolitical usually, and the fact that he gave Trump a fair interview, which enraged liberals, boosts his standing in my estimation.
Also he used to be friends with blink-182. That's pretty cool.
Fair. I mean we don't really have a very common term like you lot use "liberals". I guess we'd say "Labour voters", but "lefties" is probably the most common singular term, although it's not as common as "liberals" is in the US.
But "luvvies" is a very popular term especially among the working classes, directed at middle-class vegan/hippie/liberal/champagne socialist types.
>Me and all the rest of the white upper-middle class New England liberals are constantly laughing at retardicans
>some guy with a juicebox
>fallon with no drink
>maher's glass more full than everyone else's
>colbert holding a bottle
what did they mean by this?
>trumpfags start cumming all over themselves and licking each others cum
>"random criticism of trump"
>trumpfags start cumming blood and start shitposting on all the boards
every fucking time
his smugness (and that of his audience) triggers me but he does talk shit about Islam which I can respect as Islam is shit and people get killed for pointing that out
Conan is by far the smartest guy in that picture
I got news for you champ, American English is more dominant than British English.
who is he?
what the fuck was this photoshoot for? the biggest cucks in television?
They are. Upper-middle people are the 5'8 king of the manlets of socio-economics. No ones impressed by your Acura
Kek. Redpanels is really good.
Dropped. Shame, it's a good drink.
didnt he burn it at the golden globes though?
Notice how they don't have Fallon holding a drink at all due to the fake rumor about him being an alcoholic.
>Larry Wilmore
Too soon.
You mean Mr. Meme?
Conan is the c.uckiest c.uck that ever c.ucked, you low info dolts.
"Conan responds to the tragedy in Orlando by calling for an end to semi-automatic rifle sales."
conan: "Ban guns!"
audience: Whoop woo yeeaahhh!"
I'm not even american, it's the concept you stupid fuck
>liberalfags start frothing at the mouth and shitting their pants and pissing themselves and whinging and crying all over the internet
>liberalfags literally call into suicide hotlines (i'm not even joking, i read a story saying calls to an lgbt suicide hotline have gone up since trump won, hahahahahahahahahaha)
>I'm not even american,
I know, that's why I said it.
socialists/social-democrats in the U.S. call themselves liberal because of the cold war
>what would they write about?
Literally just non-stop fox news, Republicans and white people gags
i'd hate to believe this but my best friends crazy wife actually ended up in the ER the weekend after the election because she was so upset Trump won she was going to kill herself and she ended up spending a week in the psych ward
James Cordon
>wrote one of the best british sitcoms in history on a tiny budget when he was in his early 20s
>now is a talk show host and drives around in a car singing
what has happened, he's not even a gemf
>upper middle class New Englanders are out of touch with huge swathes of the American lower class and are elitist about it
Holy shit dude I hope this was meant to be satire.
Every time Sup Forums is right this tired old meme comes up, Sup Forums is right fairly often.
Whats Kimmel even doing here? He's not a fake news commentator
It's probably b8 2bh m8
Picture related
Oh yeah? Name one other time.
satanic cults
>Fallon is the only one without a drink
Kimmel cried because some guy killed a lion in Africa
They're genociding themselves
It doesn't work at all.
It failed in healthcare and education.
Pic related.
Does Fallon have size 12 feet? Look at how long his shoes look.
Trump won.
Kimmel cried over a lion he never met.
Maher is an ass, but he's a respectable ass.
Fallon acts like an idiot, but he's probably a decent guy.
Colbert is a wannabe host who can't compete with the big boys.
Conan is too smart for his own good.
Noah seems like a good dude, but just isn't that funny.
Corden is a goof who's just happy to be where he is.
Oliver is a smug cuck.
Wilmore is relies on race as a crutch because he's a no-talent assclown.
Meyers is just awful all around.
>denying reality
The arguments made in the image are flawless.
Do you even understand why healthcare was really cheap in the 50s and 60s. The government and corporations that got special privileges from the government to monopolize the industry are to blame.
Hell Nixon decided to destroy hospitals to raise prices.
We need to go back to free market healthcare.
So many fucking white males
When will late night finally become diverse?
>The arguments made in the image are flawless
>"medical licenses were made as a conspiracy against the free market and not a means to crack down on medical quackery and protect the public"
Medical care was cheaper in the past largely because medicine was way fucking less advanced and useful. You may as well be saying the price of cars is a globalist conspiracy because we used to just walk around for free.
If you end up in a psych ward because Trump won, then you deserve to stay there