How did a show with only 3 guys + 1 girl outperform a show with 3 guys + 3 girls?

How did a show with only 3 guys + 1 girl outperform a show with 3 guys + 3 girls?

Because Friends is a rip-off from Seinfeld and Seinfeld was funnier. Simple.

It didnt.

Friends came first, buddy

girls aren't funny

>friends came first
Don't know if bait or ignorance but I will take the bait

>Run from 1989 to 1998

>Run from 1994 to 2004

Depends, what even is the show on the right?

they're both equally shit

try again sucker

>1 white man
>1 black man

Best combo

If it's a gender equality-based show, it's not going to be funny, because that is a show for girls.

this. seinfeld had none of the "will they won't they?" or "every character has sex with each other" bullshit because it was mostly dudes. it helped that larry charles, larry david and seinfeld wrote and directed most of the series.

Go back to Eastern Europe, Al Jolson. Nobody wants you or your jazz music here.

Can you imagine Kramer/George sex? o god


>LOL jerry is jerry
>LOL costanza is bald
>LOL kramer is wacky

seinfled was shit

Friends is a show for women

The question answers itself.

getup in dat pussy Larry

buttblasted friendspleb spotted.

Because the success of a TV show is not determined by the number of people in that show, you fucking moron

Larry David.


Nice try Shlomo

You're right, Leon is a Jew.

Friends was a play in Broadway first, it started in 1985

Seinfeld was jokes, Friends was relationship drama.

you gotta recharge the mitzvah

girls: relationships with men are not possible

it's akin to herding cats

give up

Generally high-functioning people navigating a world made for high-functioning people, often with success (given a few comedic hiccups along the way)

Complete weirdos and outcasts navigating a world made for high-functioning people, often without success