Twin Peaks General
Twin Peaks General
here's a bump
>70% of the cast is dead
>season 2 was shit
>firewalk with me was shit
>david lynch hasn't put out a good movie in decades
it's probably not going to remind me today of a small mexican chiwowow
how is it compared to xfiles?
this desu, I loved the show, but have low expectations
Is xfiles soap opera?
season 1 is 100/10 pure comfy, pure perfect
season two starts and ends ok, but the middle is garbage
everyone who watches the entire run winds up sticking it out for all of season 2, because the pay off is worth it,
but while you're making your way towards the end you'll question whether it really is worth the slog
also, you can watch it for free on net flix and xfinity on demand
>paying for things
>Season 2 was shit
About 6 episodes in season 2 are shit.
>FWWM was shit
Fuck no. It's actually one of my favorite Lynch films.
>david lynch hasn't put out a good movie in decades
>Fuck no. It's actually one of my favorite Lynch films.
>[screams at you for minutes at a time but you can't hear me over a revving engine and club music]
gobble gobble
>70% of the cast is dead
This isn't true at all.
>season 2 was shit
The first half and the last couple episodes were amazing.
>firewalk with me was shit
It's one of his best movies, IMO.
>david lynch hasn't put out a good movie in decades
Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire are all great.
Anyone have a link to the Q2 version of FWWM? I can't find it outside of thepiratebay and my ISP throttles the fuck out of me when I use that website.
Has the population of Twin Peaks changed?
>tfw tried to rewatch Twin Peaks but every scene that involves teenage love depresses me too much for me to continue to watch it
I love the look and atmosphere of FWWM and most of the scenes that got cut are on par with the movie. Sure it's a bit flawed but most of the people who got disappointed expected it to be exactly like the show which was obviously not Lynch's intention.
Also I'm really sad that Bowie won't be in the new season.
those teenagers were all in their thirties during the taping process
I don't know if it'll be good or bad but I'm sure that either way I won't understand it
Those people are going to be in for a rude awakening in S3. I bet it's very similar in tone to FWWM because it will be on showtime.
Not quite.
>Audrey, you're a high school girl [of 18 years old]...I'm an agent of the FBI
I don't understand: what exactly was Cooper's dilemma here?
She was involved in the case
he was dating laura flynn boyle and she threatened to dump him if he ever kissed audrey on the show
she also got him to threaten to leave the show if she wasn't given more scenes in season 2
She was also 25 in real life.
How many cups of coffee in episode 1? Place your bets.
i hate this fucker so much
[muffled whore sounds]
Cooper's a man of morals, a true boyscout, so it's clearly wrong for him to bed and romance a barely-legal teen that's almost half his age, especially considering she's involved in the investigation.
But at the same time they do feel something genuine and pure for each other, and it makes him want to betray his methods for her. It's a nice conflict of character that really fleshes out Coop from just a quirky weird detective into an actual character.
It all goes to shit in S2 when Donna's actress was getting so bitchy about that romance that she pretty much made Kyle cancel it, and then the characters forget they even felt something for each other.
Seriously fuck Laura Flynn Boyle
>and then the characters forget they even felt something for each other.
>audrey fucks brendan fraizer's older brother in the back of a plane while the guy from eraser head watches
god I was going to rewatch before the Showtime run starts but thinking about stuff like this makes me not even want to bother with s2 again
Same with me. Finishing off S1 now, and that's it.
I hate this meme. Season 1 has eight episodes, season 2 doesn't go downhill till after its eighth and picks up again in the last few. It has more solid episodes that the first series but somehow the good and bad is always lumped in together.
Audrey and Cooper were a thing in S1. Then, thanks to it's terminated and her character steps onto Chad-from-Titanic's personal airplane to lose her cherry (explicitly implied).
Then there's James's arc, which is annoying buy laughable tolerable. Then there's Nadine's entire character and plotline, which nearly outright ruins each episode her major narrative takes place. And not to forget Leo's pathetic character. Then finally, Cooper's half-assed backstory, included his overdone ex partner and it all somehow tying in to the narrative. What's there to like?
>what she needs right now isn't a lover, but a good friend
>proceeds to completely ignore her existence
>*rides off into the distance, wailing as tears stream down his eyes*
Aside from some minor Nadine stuff none of that starts till after ninth episodes in. Season 2 has Leland's growing madness, the giant, Tojamura, Harold, Gordon Cole and Maddy's death also the entire last episode.
ShowTime just did a marathon of only the first season lol
Chug-a-lug, Donna!
Season 2 marathon is in February
Considering all the metaphysical revelations Cooper has had, and now it's 20 years later, he should be a much different person. I am curious if they can write such a complicated character or if they'll be lazy and he'll be the same old agent with more wrinkles.
I want them to bring back Moira Kelly Donna.