Hurr durr if you learn a special language you can time travel in your head

>hurr durr if you learn a special language you can time travel in your head

Is this seriously what passes for "cerebral" science fiction these days? What the fuck?

Also, the incessant voice-over makes me scared as hell for Bladerunner.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry that monolingual plebs don't know the power of learning other languages.

>learn chinese
>I know martial arts now

This. Learning other languages has tangible benefits that eclipse almost any other "brain training" you can do barring dual n-back practice. It's not a ridiculous stretch that in a universe where time travel and all that other fuckery exists that learning a language of time travelers would give you such powers.

They were flash forwards the whole time!!!!

Go watch capeshit.

OP, you are:
>between the ages of 20 and 25
>you liked Man of Steel
>you think the new Star Trek film is the best one, even though you haven't seen any non-JJ Abrams ones

Don't bother denying it, I know it's true.

>What are incantations, charms and sorceries?
>What is magic if not technology beyond comprehension?

I wouldn't call it 2deep4u though, but who is and why are you listening to them


>hurr durr I don't find this part of the narrative realistic or plausible so the movie is shit

Is this seriously what passes as an argument of a visual medium? What the fuck?

Also, arguing about literal plot points thinking that you are "discussing" a film makes me scared for the future of Sup Forums


I just watched this the other day. I thought the twist was interesting at first but the way it was used felt retarded. Movie was pretty dull otherwise and her acting wasn't so hot.

>knows her child is going to die
>gives birth anyway

Hello tumblerina how are you and your feelings today?

You're going to die too, but your mom still shat you out didn't she?

Seriously, fuck is up with that?

Even worse, she doesn't tell Ian until AFTER they have the kid!

>a tragic life isn't worth living

She had developed a relationship with the child in her flashes. Not having her would have been paramount to abortion. Not everyone is down with that.


you don't fit in

>She had developed a relationship with the child in her flashes

This is the most selfish thing I've read in my life.

I sincerely hope you all saw it in a cinema and not that atrocious screener, because if you did actually watch it the first time with the screener then your opinion on the movie is objectively invalid.

Oh yeah that bland fucking cinematography, how could one miss that

wait, so what role does the child play in the order of things, remind me.

Well no one said she's a perfect human being with supreme morals.

Why do you expect for a character in the movie to only make perfect life choices?

I did and it's a mediocre movie.

Stop being stupid thats like saying because i learned mandarin i now know kung fu

Cause luke Skywalker should make the right call and that's my favorite movie.

If my mum knew i was going to die as as a child and not experience a full life then she probably wouldn't have had me

Ted Chiang wrote some really cool stories, but they have to adapt the shittiest one

Spotted a first class plebeian.

So you only judge a file quality by the picture?
You don't mind the disgusting downgraded 92kbps audio with every sound louder then someone talking is completely digitally distorted?

You listened to better quality audio when you ripped dodgy bootleg songs from Limewire 8 years ago for fucks sake.

Even if you watched it on your fucking phone you would notice the atrocious quality.

Define a full life.

You're already not having one. You waste your days on a tiawanese image board. Tell ur mom to get a late term abortion.

I could watch 2001: Space Odyssey or Lawrence of Arabia in camrip quality and enjoy it.
Shit doesn't magically turn into candy in high-def

I dont like the movie and i dont fit at all in there bruh, just admit it, you guys found your new Nolan and now y'all happy with commercial "smart" movies

>hurr durr a black box made monkeys kill one another and made us travel through space

You can make any movie sound dumb. And The Arrival was 10x better than Interstellar.

the "love transcends time" nonsense makes 100x more sense than arrival

So tell me please why do you think the framing and composition in Arrival is shit?

Is it not serving the narrative? You didn't like the shallow depth of field to make the viewer have the same point of view like Amy Adams? Are you implying that Bradford Young made actual technical mistakes? Is that practical set piece in the interior of the ship looking "not real" to you?

Tell me any reasonable argument why do you think it's "shit"

the universe wasn't built on making sense bruh

lmao whole thread rekt by this post

Arrival was definitely better than Interstellar, Interstellar is shit, Arrival is okay, its just not GOAT,

>learn Russian
>acquire vodka tolerance
>learn Swedish
>become a cuck
>learn Japanese
>lose a dimension
>learn Afrikaans
>become illiterate

people invelved with this steaming pile of hot garbage are involved with Bladerunner?

Arrival 2016 DVDScr XVID AC3 HQ Hive-CM8

better than the one that leaked yesterday

>Is it not serving the narrative? You didn't like the shallow depth of field to make the viewer have the same point of view like Amy Adams?
Fucking kek, stop getting your opinions from RLM




It's an extreme position within linguistics. One that makes for great entertainment.

Not an argument.

dubs confirms it. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

its sci-fi. its exploring a linguistic theory that says learning a language changes the way you think.
Of course every uneducated 17 year old on this site hates it, because youre a moron. I bet you think this movie has time travel too.
>t-theres no way that would work!!!
>i believe aliens would land on earth though

You're still spamming your pathetic little video after getting buttblasted in so many threads by all sides?

How pathetic can one be?

>I don't know the plot of the movie
turned it off right there. nice review dummy

>lol language determines intelligence and it's not just another reflection of your intelligence

It was a great movie

you're dumb. sapir whorf has nothing to do with intelligence. why dont you graduate high school before posting

Mind-based time travel is an extreme position within linguistics, huh?

You have the cart before the horse no matter what technicality you want to argue.

how about you google it and educated yourself before replying to me

you're the one clearly buttblasted. Sheeple who like objectively bad movies mean nothing to me, whether they are DCcucks who like BvS and SS or the run of the mill pseudo-film buffs like you.

>using objectively wrong
>pseudo film buffs
just so you know im not the guy you replied to
you are cancer
are you over 18? honestly asking

>torrent gets released
>threads overrun by plebs

Every fucking time.

It's similar to the movie contact. They get a signal that contains instructions on how to build a time machine and she does and meets her dead father in the astral plane but to the onlookers it appeared that nothing happened and she just fell through to the bottom.

Except in Arrival there's no machine needed. They just learn the lingo and then can access memories from past and future and also transport themselves to different times mentally sort of like Butterfly effect.

Linguistics student here. Arrival hinges on a controversial linguistic theory called the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, which basically says that language determines the way you think and perceive reality. What this means in the film is that the Heptapods have a language which allows them to perceive time in its true form, and therefore can interact with it directly. Human languages on the other hand do not have this concept and therefore our minds can't process this idea.
I fucking loved the film, and so did a lot of other students - the prof actually recommended it to the class.

i took one linguistics class and knew this

the guy I responded to was the first to say buttblasted, and explain how people who like this movie aren't sheeple. you can't

>time travel in your head
WOW that sounds just like my animes

>dude if you like anything in popular culture youre a sheeple
you've outed yourself as a 16 year old by the way

I watched the movie and know this


What was the point of this?

99% of the movie the Heptapods are shown the way they're described in the short story (basically radially symmetric barrels with seven limbs) and then at the end they go "lol nope they're just big squids"

Sicario, Incendies, and Prisoners are all 8-9 out of 10 for me. you're just butthurt your poor man's interstellar which is a poor man's space odyssey was hot garbage.
nice outing yourself as denis villeneuve, try not to fuck up blade runner thanks

its a well done film. the youtube video you linked (is that you?) literally said "i dont get the plot", you must be incredibly stupid to not understand the plot.

>brainlet musings: the post

I wonder what you'll say when you learn time doesn't actually exist.

what about this:
if I was 7 and I knew I was going to die at 8, I would wish my mom never had me
this is both so that I wouldn't die young, and so that she wouldn't be carrying that around for the rest of her life

>time is nonlinear
>perception is linear
>language is linear which in turn limits the perception
>learn nonlinear language
>you begin to think in a nonlinear fashion
>perception evolves from linear into nonlinear

It makes sense. The language just helped her brain work in a nonlinear fashion, which ultimately allowed her to transcend the limited human view of time, because the only thing limiting her was her own perception.

>what is determinism

The fact that she knew her daughter would be born meant that she couldn't choose any other option.


thats right though

Yeah I agree I thought (You)s were good

>people looking at the ending from a "plot" point of view

The whole story is about parents and children and how for some the pain of loss doesn't override the joy of experiencing life.

She knew her daughter was going to die, but she felt that the 18 years of joy she would get from her daughter was worth the heartbreak of losing her. It's selfish, but as it turns out parents can be pretty selfish when it comes to their kids.

I never said I don't get the plot, nor do I fail to understand what happened in the dumb movie.
she learns the language, abbot dies from alex jones subscribers, time isn't linear to the squids, and once she learns it they evaporate and say "see you in 3000 years" even though they aren't supposed to understand time linearly and everything was always gonna happen anyway since it's a loop so no tension. straight garbage just like your taste in film

But she told Hawkeye to jack off before they fucked a different sperm would have impregnated her aged uterus.

But if she'd done that then her memories of her daughter dying of cancer would be invalid, so that can't happen.

Yeah because this plot is stupid. It's just a "muh vagina" excuse. Why where the aliens even here? So that one could get killed?

How do you know she didn't do exactly that and that's what caused the cancer-daughter to be born in the first place? Self-fulfilling prophecy.

They understand how linear time works. Its like a human looking at a 2d screen.

(you) implies someone said something dumb just to get replies
lurk more

>Why where the aliens even here? So that one could get killed?

No, they were there to teach the humans their language and begin a domino effect that will ultimately lead humans to the ability to help the heptapods with something in 3000 years. This is literally stated in the film by Costello.

0/10 trying too hard

you got it

Then why didn't we get a vision of what they help us with? Why is the language a "weapon". Why were there so many ships? What made the old read hed special? MUH VAGINA! This movie was garbage when you really think about it. The use of determinism is a pathetic plot device for a sci-fi movie like this.

movies arent for everybody, try Sup Forums

Literally dumber than love transcends time and space, user.

>he think the movie is about determinism

are you perhaps single digit in age?

>time is non linear
Thats where there is a problem because it is

>insults someone
>didn't comprehend the cellphone scene

You are a retard. I bet you didn't even read the source material.

there are two possibilities here

1. you believe what you are saying which means you are so stupid that jesus himself cannot help you

2. you are acting like a retard in which case carrying on being yourself a retard that is

Our perception of time is different of time itself

>torrent comes out
>suddenly a thousand plebs post threads about their retarded complaints

Like clockwerk.

now if only denis villeneuve tried at all

>Then why didn't we get a vision of what they help us with?
Because the movie is told from Louise's perspective and she won't be alive in 3000 years. We only see flash forwards from Louise's life. The aliens probably know it because their entire race perceives time nonlinearly and could theoretically pass stories and oral traditions backward through their generations.

>Why is the language a "weapon".
Imperfect translation. "Weapon" was the closest word we had to represent that symbol. Language is used to convey concepts, but your perception of the language and especially the translation thereof also gets filtered through layers of culture and preconceptions. Again, this is literally stated in the movie and explained without any ambiguity.

>Why were there so many ships?
They knew they needed the humans' help, they may not have known exactly how to go about it. We see how Louise kind of jumps around in her head and has to try to remember things from different points in her life. She doesn't know every detail at all times. They were probably just trying their best with incomplete information.

>What made the old read hed special?
Nothing, she just immersed herself in the language more than anyone else and was a smart, language-oriented person. The movie implies that any human could be like her and she is, in fact, not special; she was just the first to achieve the full effect.

Were you even paying attention to the movie? Try watching it again, all your issues are addressed.


Thats true but that doesn't mean time is non linear

Try this instead, it's more your speed