Why are retarded America critics incapable of writing anything about this show without mentioning Trump?
Why are retarded America critics incapable of writing anything about this show without mentioning Trump?
Because they are either Jews, or are controlled by Jews.
Because of mentally ill liberals dealing with mass hysteria. Also:
>dishonest film reviews
Because it's honestly impossible to watch this show without noticing the parallels. This show is all about the current global pendulum-swing from left to right, and Trump is the most recognizable face of that movement in America.
Because they're pissed the show doesn't cater to their antichristian beliefs.
Liberal tears cause cancer
>This show is all about the current global pendulum-swing from left to right,
How does it feel to be too retarded to understand kino
>The US is the centre of the universe
It was written a long time before the election
they also have to mention all of the hilarious memes the internet is making about the show
Journalism is dead
Fucking retards, eugenics when
Live thread for Americans who havent seen it?
I like how you had to repost this.
They are?
Fucking hell criticism is dead.
Is this guy actually the devil?
Yes. Vanity Fair literally crying about not being able to watch it because it scares them about Trump's presidency
They are ass blasted, and their job involves sitting down to watch shows, and then sitting down to write about them, turning their ass into a massive fistula
Because every review for everything has to mention Trump.
No. He's how the church is meant to be.
Back to basics.
>This show is all about the current global pendulum-swing from left to right,
Watch the show first.
Reminder that Vatican II destroyed the Catholic church.
I want something else, to get me through this
Semi-charmed papal life, baby, baby
I want something else, I'm not listening when you say good-bye
If catholocism was anything like this, if the pope were anything like this I might actually fucking go back. This show is great.
Fuck yes. The only strong Christian culture today is American Evangelicalism, and it's fucking intellectually laughable. A strong, dominant Rome would make me a Christian again.
is this fedora-tier or edgy or anything? it looks interesting
I'm on episode 8, I still don't know what's going on
He's the pope.
It's good. It portrays Catholicism in a largely positive light, despite the political machinations and shortcomings of many members of the clergy. The show also hints at the existence of God (Pius XIII seemingly performs several miracles throughout the first season).
it's almost the opposite of fedora
I mean I don't get where the show is going, is it pro-catholic, anti-catholic, neutral
I don't get what the show is going for
Oh no, it's like you have to use your brain or something
pleb bait shit
Fucking how? I watched it without subtitles and I still had a clear understanding of everything
Jews destroyed the Catholic church after they realized their creation to control white civilization had grown out of their control.
Nice blog faggot
It's edgy as fuck, but not in an irreligious way. It portrays an ultratraditionalist American pope and the inner politics of the Vatican surrounding his papacy. You can decide for yourself whether he's the guardian of the faith or an angry dinosaur that could potentially lead to the death of the church.
They've been raised on hamfisted messages and easy to understand black and white morality. A show that requires them to draw their own conclusions is scawwy
I wouldn't say it really portrays it in any kind of "largely" light. It depicts catholicism, and the catholic church specifically, as something with both virtues and flaws. Lenny isn't supposed to be the hero or the ideal pope, nor is he a villain. As for the existence of God; I'm not sure what to make of it. Absurd things happen in conjuction with Lenny's actions in relation to God (ie his praying), but the idea isn't pushed that hard at all.
But eh, I'm a non-believer and live in one of the LEAST religious and especially catholic countries in the world (30 years war-tier) and I feel zero (0) preachy vibes from this show. Shit, it's making me like catholic and catholicism more than any blatantly pro-catholic film could ever do. It's fucking solid no matter what you believe is what I'm saying.
I love Paolo Sorrentino, he's definitely the write choice to tell this nuanced tale
The Catholic Church would've died out worldwide without the reforms of Vatican II. The world is becoming increasingly less accommodating for religion in general, at least in the civilized regions.
This sounds pretty good actually, thanks
Wtf is Spencer's problem?
I don't mean that it was preachy or propaganda. I got the sense that the show was showing Catholicism being at its core largely a force for good despite the shortcomings of its followers. And by extension, I think it has an optimistic view on humanity, that humans are ultimately good (again, despite the existence of people doing bad things).
I think that is why this show appeals to so many people, there are so many people secretly offended by how soft the current Pope is, The Young Pope is a fantasy show for people hungry for righteousness and piety within their Pope and clergy.
Critics also see some of that within Republican takeover of government and it scares them but they use Trump as a boogeyman figurehead or perhaps are stupid and think he is a king.
Yeah I felt that vibe watching this. I have recently dropped my protestant faith for atheism but after seeing this and Hacksaw Ridge I really think I just want to be Conservative Catholic.
When Pius was prayed about Sister Antonia and she dies, did anybody else think of the Simpsons line "You can't ask God to kill someone." "Yeah, you do your own dirty work"
no? ice your autism for once.
The Catholic Church needs to chill the fuck out about contraception etc but must remind people that Rome is the centre of the faith.
It's the only way to fight Islam in the coming war.
Yeah, I think I get you. You can say what you want about the catholic church as an organisation and all its shortcomings, but ultimately it's run by people who tend to want to do what they think is right for all of us, whether it's progressive or conservative. I don't think there's a single unlikable character in the show, no matter their views or how much they clash with my own.
>I really think I just want to be Conservative Catholic.
Honestly I'd become a priest just to wear some of those swanky robes.
He was supposed to be pope!
>The Catholic Church needs to chill the fuck out about contraception etc
No it doesn't. Eschewing the physical and all of the temptation it brings in favor of elevating the parts of humanity that separate us from the animals is sort of the point of Christianity
The catholic church's insistency to oppose contraceptive measures, condoms specifically, is contributing to humanitarian disasters. If the issue was unwanted teen pregnancies or people's right to bang whenever without having it result in kids then I think less people would give a shit.
>is sort of the point of Christianity
Not really, the point is collective worship of a deity.
reeeeeeeeeeeeee trump
>millions of people dying from AIDS is the point of Christianity
Also, Islam spread throughout Africa because missionaries told people that their unbaptised babies would go to purgatory. Babies die a lot there, so it was counterproductive.
Purgatory has since been cancelled in an effort to gain back ground from Islam.
>supporting Papal debauchery and pretentiousness
Reddit! Nice to see you visiting us again!
Agreed. Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.
Now there's a gay threesome I can get into.
>if Christians gave up on a certain central tenets they'd attract more people
If the last hundred has taught us anything when it comes to religion it's that diluting Christianity to fit modern social beliefs is a good way to kill it off entirely. Again, physical self-denial in order to bring about spiritual and intellectual enlightenment is a very central component of the faith.
Millions of people dying of AIDS is the result of people choosing to have promiscuous sex outside of the confines of a marriage. So the people who didn't follow Christian dogma when it comes to fornication are suddenly going to follow it when it comes to contraception? No. Africans don't wear condoms because sex isn't as pleasurable when they're used. The Catholic stance of condom use is a distraction.
Where the fuck is the American /TYP/ general?
catholic whores xD :^)
Where can I watch more eps than the one that just aired?
We all watched it months ago.
Yeah let's see the catholic church solve the AIDS epidemic by preaching and moralising. It's not about attracting new followers, it's about preventing a major disaster from getting worse.
Religion's been on a major decline because of the economical elevation of the common man; it was already dead as the moral pillar of society to the intelligentsia of the 18th - 19th century. There's a reason Nietzsche went "Gott ist tott" long before the average citizen stopped going to mass.
>So the people who didn't follow Christian dogma when it comes to fornication are suddenly going to follow it when it comes to contraception?
It might help if spiritual leaders didn't literally tell them not to use contraception
Show some Catholic self discipline and wait a week to watch it properly. The picture was so beautiful on my TV tonight there's no way im gonna sacrifice that to watch the rest of the season in a week
This. Also the fact that the current Bishop of Rome was put into power via coup by the lavender mafia isn't helping anything either.
Fuck that I want it now
Why would you need to sacrifice that at all? Oh wait
The idea is not to relent and say "eeeeh yeah go ahead and sin but please use this workaround" it's just "yeah don't sin k fags".
Because the picture won't look as good if I stream it illegally. Why wouldn't you understand that? Oh wait.
Probably didn't have their Cherry Coke Zero.
They're not saying don't sin, they're saying using condoms is a sin
Nah that's Mormonism. Fuck 'em.
The AIDS epidemic is a direct result of not following Christian dogma. If people genuinely followed the church's stance on fornication and adultery, the rate of spread when it comes to AIDS would be completely manageable. Christianity doesn't exacerbate the problem, it's among the solutions to the problem.
>Religion's been on a major decline because of the economical elevation of the common man
All religions are methods of managing suffering. Everyone knows this. The problem is that while material progress might limit suffering, it doesn't eliminate it entirely.
Picture still won't come out as good if it's torrented
Way to not know shit about dicks. Without the reform from Vatican II the church would have fallen into irrelevancy. Source: I went to a catholic college and a major portion of our classes were focused on western civilization and the Fathers went out of their way to talk about Vatican II being a boost to the churches relevancy
This show is so good, made me practice Catholicism again
>share a razor
>gets aids
damn, what's the catholic church's stance on shaving?
the thumbnail looks like a 6th gen video game render
You're an idiot
>the Fathers went out of their way to talk about Vatican II being a boost to the churches relevancy
in other words, a forced meme
It doesn't. Look at the religious movements that are dying in the West: Anglicans, Unitarians, Lutherans. What do they all have in common? A level of "tolerance" that borders on suicide and atheism (just look at the Lutheran leader in Sweden demanding that crosses be taken down, Anglican priests in America flying the rainbow flag, Unitarians straight up saying 'believing in god doesn't matter in our religion').
Now look at the movements that are growing rapidly. Evangelical Protestantism, Mormonism, Islam. What do they have in common? A refusal to give an inch and honest belief in the central tenets of their religion.
I'm not saying that the Church needs to start stoning gay people like the Muslims do, but the notion that it can somehow abandon its position on things like contraception but somehow continue to thrive is a mistaken one imo.
>share razor
>get AIDS
>not let me have promiscuous sex and spread this disease I have
Again, following the church's stance is a method of confining the problem until a cure is found.
Accepting condom use is tantamount to accepting fornication itself, and once you accept the concept of fornication you make it easier to spread the disease.
>marry someone with aids
>can't have sex without a condom or I get aids
>use a condom and go to hell
AIDS or hell? tough choice, thanks catholic church
aids dies when it's exposed to air, you're probably thinking of hepatitis.
In that case you're not using it for contraception though, are you? You're using it to save your life. Also, let's not pretend that this is how AIDS is spreading. If it was, then if wouldn't have started with gay people.
>This show is all about the current global pendulum-swing from left to right
American """"""""""""""""""""""""""""intellectualism""""""""""""""""""""" everyone
>>marry someone with aids
that was your first mistake
*then it wouldn't have started with
>In that case you're not using it for contraception though, are you?
What does that matter?
I miss when Yuropoors on Sup Forums were snarky athetists. That was a lot less cringeworthy that you faggots roleplaying as Crusaders.
In this extreme circumstance, I don't think God or the Church would mind. The problem is that accepting condom use on a wide scale will likely lead to more fornication, which is the source of the problem in the first place.
>what is HIV prep
it's not the 90s anymore user
>I don't think God or the Church would mind.
Are you a priest? Because my local priest says using condoms in any case is a sin.
Did you ask your local priest about this particular scenario?