Is this movie a litmus test?
Is this movie a litmus test?
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It's a pretty hamfisted movie about the way things are vs. the way things should be in the eyes of a certain sect of conservatives. I honestly liked the movie, but it was entirely non-subtle. So much so that any political commentary it was trying to make was sort of muted by the absurdity of the situations he found himself in.
It was shit.
the point in he is making it worse for him self and everyone else by throwing a fuckin temper tantrum. it made that clear in the McDonald scene and or store. he goes out of his way to kill the far right nazi. it is not an anti conservative film.
Schumacher is the antithesis of subtlety.
>it is not an anti conservative film
I know, it's a pro conservative film. That's what I wrote.
Yes. People who think that Michael Douglas's character was doing the right thing are edgy morons.
i would not say that either because he is not a good guy. it is a story about a man destroying his life by over reacting to everything, not politics.
It's a shittier Taxi Driver for Reaganites.
Yeah you're right, gangs and false accusers are the way of the future.
and shooting up a Mcdonalds for fallowing policy
or wrecking a store because you dont like the price are things that we should truly inspire to do.
that's what makes it good you retard, it isn't black and white
even the parts where he does things to bad people Gangs/Nazi he goes way fucking overboard and makes things worse for him self.
it is a great movie but saying it has a firm leaning for a political ideal is silly.
>is this guy an everyman who was pushed over the edge, forced to exact his own kind of justice where he sees fit?
>no, he's just a mental case
Piece of shit movie. It could have been really good.
You faggots are why this movie could never be made today. Enjoy your sanitized garbage.
It's about following the rules, doing what your told, and realizing nobody cares about how obedient you've been. Even worse, you're punished for it.
>he wasn't a perfect protagonist
damn you niggers are dumb, It's like you need Disney to tell you how to feel
It's GTA: The Movie.
Yeah, but it's fucked now because the current political climate
What's that?
These are the people you argue with
i said it was a good movie and one of my favorites. D fens is not a good guy. the only way to think he is a good person is to be just as delusional as him.
naw it is faggots like you who are triggered over every little thing. just like D Fens him self.
The society we were raised in was not the one we inherited. The message will always be relevant in a post-industrial, globalized world. We've sold out souls to the government and our job and what do we get in return? Dissatisfaction. I guarantee you a majority of white men have fantasized about going out, guns blazing in an attempt to lash out at society for having no more room for greatness
Dude mellow out
>I guarantee you a majority of white men have fantasized about going out, guns blazing
most people just want to live.
Pretty much this. It's pretty obvious that Douglas isn't supposed to be in the right. He apparently wasn't a good worker, obvously wasn't a good husband/father, and everything he constantly makes everything worse for himself throughout the movie. The movie goes out of its way to show that he's a violent crybaby who blames everyone else for his own problems.
He's a character who thought he would win at life by being complacent and "following the rules." Then he thought he was lied to because he got nothing out of not trying in life. He's not a victim, just a person who never tried but still expected everything to be handed to him.
whoa bro like just chill out relax dont ever analyze anything like, haha surfs up dude!
I think your off base here, yeah d-fens is fucked up but so is his wife.
>I guarantee you a majority of white men have fantasized about going out, guns blazing
And this is why singles policies exist.
nu/tv/ is cancer, friendo
It's a good post overall, Is he a victim though? They fell short on why.
what makes you say that? What does she do to make her "fucked up"?
No, they made it clear he was not a victim. well maybe a victim of his own impulses.
there's no evidence he ever did anything to her. I think it's why the movie still has people talking about it.
>there's no evidence he ever did anything to her.
She was able to get a restraining order against him. That usually requires some pretty solid proof, and she says he was angry and somewhat violent to her and his daughter. The movie never says exactly what he was like, but its obvious he wasn't supposed to be a good husband or parent.
I think people try to read to much into d-fens. He hated modern society and he snapped.
think about that for a moment.
look at his actions though out the movie. does he seem like a stable person to be around? does he seem like someone who would be good to raise a kid around?
Even the cops were doubting her
It really made me think. 4 fedora tips out of 5.
I don't mean to be defending d-fens, but god damn it made a good movie. It's a shame that people won't allow this any more.
>guy who pulls an uzi out on a Mcdonalds worker over fucking breakfast
>trashes a man's business because soda was too expensive
Oh yeah user, I'm sure he was great with his family and never acted out on them in anger.
you might not be defending him but you saying his wife was just as fucked up when we only have proof to show he is not a good person to be around.
cops are like that alot of the times. but look how he acts in the movie. do you think they doubted her after?
>cause he snapped means he was always a piece of shit
glad i never got to see you at your worst
At my worst I'll be fucking rude and maybe accept a fight sent to me.
If my worst is going on a shooting spree then I have a problem.
>he was always a piece of shit
He was, though. That's the point of the scene where the cops talk to his wife. She says that he was always angry, violent, and unpleasant to be around. He was so bad that she had to (and was able to) get a restraining order against him.
He's not supposed to be a good person. Or a normal person having a bad day. He's a crazy, violent person who can't take responsibility for his own fuckups, snaps, and decides to take out his frustrations on other people.
He had to be a crazy asshole before he "snapped" to go way over board like he did. like someone else said before she was already getting a restraining order on him. back in the early 90s you had to have solid proof for it that he is dangerous to you and/or your kid. so with what proof we have we can assume he was not a good guy.
Congrats on your self service, Hollywood will never make you think again.
The movie is a commentary on the state of degeneracy in modern america.
The country is full of gangbangers, spics, asians who don't speak english, cheap stores run by immigrants, traffic everywhere, faggots pushing their faggotry on everything, purple haired freaks, and you go out to get a burger but everyone working at the burger shop is a fucking retard so the quality is shit, and every store is like this. Employers treat their employees like human trash, outsource them as soon as they can, fuck them and their families, it's all about profits. The entire ethos of the Falling Down man is that he is rebelling against human trash, of stupid, low quality, criminal, uncaring people that make the world shit. The depressing point of the movie is that it has all gone too far, the shit people outnumber the good people, and our civilization is doomed. He was one of the last sane men.
And keep in mind, this movie was made like 25 years ago, and things have only gotten worse in the mean time. Everything depicted then is the same, only worse now. California is a third world country, ranked 50th in school test scores, most people on welfare in the country, bankrupt, full of crime and disease, no water, shit infrastructure not built for 30 million mexican trash to parasitize off actual americans like falling down man.
The only political axe to grind this movie has is one against the philosophy of bending over and letting stupidity and human failure fuck you in the ass- aka modern politicians who are corrupt and could give a fuck about real america or real americans. Why do you think trump was elected? No republican or democrat wanted him...they were just happy to keep fucking us. Trump is the candidate of Falling Down man- who says "fuck em all" because we need to burn this motherfucker down and start over and drain the fucking swamp of all these pieces of shit. A real rain is coming.
riiight right.
>what they show you is wrong!
>he was a good boy who din do nuffin just one bad day
Women never lie. We know this because?
>The country is full of gangbangers, spics, asians who don't speak english, cheap stores run by immigrants, traffic everywhere, faggots pushing their faggotry on everything, purple haired freaks, and you go out to get a burger but everyone working at the burger shop is a fucking retard so the quality is shit, and every store is like this.
This is what you call The American Dream. You brought this on yourselves with your piggish capitalism.
This movie never made anyone think to begin with, so it's a return to normalcy.
yeah, that's why people are still talking about it.
Assuming she's lying based on nothing, despite plenty of evidence that D-fens is fucking crazy, is pretty damn foolish user.
We're still talking about the star wars prequels too. Guess that shit is Shakespeare now.
And guess what just like "falling down man" you faggots in the end still get fucked in the ass by society.
Trump will do whatever the swamp tells him because they're his cabinet. Worse is he's a puppet that Putin actively helped get into office, either through a direct alliance or because he knows Trump can be manipulated better than Hilary could be.
reading tihs thread made me happy i never got into a serious discussion with anyone on this board. fuck all of you tap water drinking mouth breathers
I don't talk about it. Why are you posting if you're relating this to fucking capeshit?
>b-but he was a bad guy!
Fuck you. Fuck every single one of you.
Do you think anyone is still talking about it besides frustrated autists on peruvian knitting forums? I guarantee if you asked the average person about Falling Down they would have no idea what you were talking about. It's a moderately successful movie that's 25 years old. No one cares about it anymore besides people like you who think it's some kind of political statement, despite the actual content of the movie suggesting otherwise.
>Trump is the candidate of Falling Down man- who says "fuck em all" because we need to burn this motherfucker down and start over and drain the fucking swamp of all these pieces of shit. A real rain is coming.
>this is what retarded americucks actually believe
Your God-King is exactly the kind of man who lead your country to this state, you dumb fuck.
Obviously, they are you fucking retard. This thread is shitting on d-fens.
Is everyone forgetting that the movie has two POV characters?
Is everyone forgetting that the movie provides a contrast to D-FENS (Douglas) in the form of Prendergast (Duvall)?
Which is what allows tyranny to exist. As long as you maintain a certain level of comfort and the marginal hope of moving out of your circumstances the masses will allow you to take advantage.
I always thought it was just about societal pressures and repetitions and how it can affect the average person. It was just a movie about a guy that became unhinged by it all and started just breaking all the chains that society had put on him and that made him into a monster in the end but the thing is that monster is human. We'll all just being held in check by society and we're potentially a hair width's away from just regressing back into what we once were. I guess it could be seen as a commentary on how humans weren't meant to live these white collar kind of lives and how it's unnatural and confining in a way. That's just how I saw it though.
>peruvian knitting forums
the worst meme that could be. you have to go back to rediit
>peruvian knitting forums
We still doing this meme, huh?
that was before he became A FUCKING WHITE MALE
Beth is a pile of shit living in a home provided by d-fens
you would have a point. if it was not shown he is unstable and her gettin a restraining order needs evidence. but the movie did.
that was only her point of view, that even the police believed was bullshit.
Beth was a fucking free loader. She has no point of reference
than he acted out in a big way proving her point about him being unstable.
because she was a paranoid cunt.
or he acted out towards her or the kid. with how he acted he would have had issues before the events of the movie.
>no more room for greatness
There's plenty of room for greatness, you're just not great.
>one day from retirement
>has to solve the biggest case of his career
Thats fine. Why don't they make movies worth discussing anymore?
It's because you gaylords have shut them down.
Now you argue about cgi n sheeit
i think not, no.
the reason hollywood makes so many movies that are low brow humor and explodey is chinks. the China market is HUGE. it is easier to import movies over there with little dialog and non complex stories. it is not like it is a big secret.
It's just a movie.
>He apparently wasn't a good worker, obvously wasn't a good husband/father
Yeah, being fired because you're a white male, and getting your kid stolen by an insane bitch and the feminazi court system totally means you're le evil patriarch.
>daughter stolen by an insane bitch
So you're going to completely ignore the home videos of them where he was an absolute control freak and screamed at his own kid
His character was fucking tragic man. The way he just accepts his wife's crippling neurosis...great film.
hey hey no bringing up facts here. just projection and truthiness here.
What a surprise he makes the white guy looked crazed and set him up as confused about the loss of his civilization
Standard jewish antiwhite subversion
>Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)02:20:07 No.78451830▶
> (OP)
>What a surprise he makes the white guy looked crazed and set him up as confused about the loss of his civilization
>Standard jewish antiwhite subversion
Here it is
Why do people make posts like these? It's passive-aggressive as fuck.
Kill yourself, faggot. That aggressive enough for you, shitstain?
Sorry, what? Did he rape the kid? Did he beat up the wife? Did he do anything at all that's more than "I don't like this guy, but when my mom did it to me I sucked her clitty XD" duplicitous SJW bullshit? Did you miss all the psychological torment the crazy whore inflicted upon him?
hey hey no bringing up facts here. just projection and truthiness here.
>disagreeing with a random retard's interpretation of a movie means he's somehow banning that type of movie
Why do you make shit up in your head so you can feel like a victim? Christ, what an absolute fucking faggot.
It's surreal that they have so much faith in a rich degenerate from (((New York City))) because he said some things they wanted to hear.
because you get treated how you deserve. we are making fun of you for being delusional.