Peter Jackson announces he's shooting a series of movies based on stories contained within the Silmarilion

Peter Jackson announces he's shooting a series of movies based on stories contained within the Silmarilion.

What would be your reaction if this happened?

Who gives a fuck



Nothing, he was handed a half finished Del Toro disaster and people act like it's his fault he couldn't recreate in 10 months what he had 36 months to do with LotR

I would expect the worst (cause of The Hobbit), but hold onto hope for the best (because of Lord of the Rings). Nothing else I could really do.

exactly its already been said 300 times now there will be no Silmarilion movies for at least 90 fucking years . the hobbit was the straw that broke the camels back

Travel to New Zealand and assassinate him

Id rather wait 10 years and get a fresh adaptation of LotR and take all the risks that go with that over more shit from Hackson.

>36 months

Lord of the Rings was a lot more than 36 months.

99.99% people would say "huh? whats that"

I was talking pre-production time. Jackson says it himself in the Hobbit bluray commentary. For Lord of the Rings he had exactly 3 years of pre-production time, he had under one year after Del Toro dropped out and he was given the project.

you retards are delusional there will be no new movies

This desu.

If he was given a chance to plan and shoot the films on his own time with few restrictions we'd probably end up with a really solid few films.

I just wish this fat bastard try to make another movie similar to bad taste or braindead instead.

Never gonna happen, Jackson needs to apply his powers elsewhere.
He's doing Mortal Engines now. Post-apocalypse cities that roam around consuming other cities, and his pet projects Dambusters which sounds interesting.

>What would be your reaction if this happened?

make a LOTR remake with a black cast called 'lord of the chicken wings'

Wayans pls

This. I'll even take a Frighteners-tier movie.

Hobbit 1 was pretty good, and 2 was at least watchable. If 3 didn't turn to complete dogshit once the fighting started, It'd be a good trilogy overall. they should've just had bilbo get knocked out and wake up after the fight is done, and I'dve been happy honestly.


So 10/10?

im so confused. Is he actually a shit tier director or good? I see people blaming the hobbit on other shit but if he was so good why not just tell the studio to fuck off and let him work in peace?

Yes, exactly.

Complete disinterest.