~16 days until the second installation of the greatest Sci-Fi show in recent history. Who's excited?
~16 days until the second installation of the greatest Sci-Fi show in recent history. Who's excited?
Never heard of it
/mars/ reporting in. Death to the poor bealters. Death to the inferior earthlings with their currywomen leaders. /mars/ is stronk. /mars/ is the true leaders of humanity.
Do you like any other faction? You are wrong /mars/ is everything. Earth ships get BTFO by the glorious Martian navy. 1/10th the standing army 100x the fear.
Looking forward to it, very much an underrated show
so fucking hyped
Give it a try! Premiering its second season only on SyFy. Tune in at 10 PM on Febuary 1st for a double episode showcase!
I'm excited.
Bogdonavist for life.
did the new Call of Duty plagiarize this militarist Mars idea?
Greatest in history? I dunno, a bit early to tell. The Battlestar Galactica remake set a high bar if you ignore the last season (which I do).
I forgot this was gonna be on again. First season was alright. The worldbuilding and ships designs are top notch. It's too bad we have to follow characters that I hate and the plot is standard sci-fi dribble about alien viruses.
>if you ignore the last season (which I do)
Well I don't, and that disqualifies it.
lets not get carried away,
sure it was better than every scify attempt to recreate bsg in the past 10 years
but it still has a lot to prove
I pretty much agree with everything you said. Almost all of the characters are unlikeable, it makes it really hard to care for them. I really enjoy everything else though. Are the characters unlikeable in the books too?
It was better than most of BSG IMHO.
You mean ignore the last 2 seasons right? 3 was a shit show.
How much of this is SPACE and how much of it is characters in hallways talking?
Also did they actually take the time to make futuristic looking weapon props
I haven't read the books and probably won't bother unless season 2 is incredible which I kinda doubt. I have heard that the material from the book the next seasons covers is more focused on Mars so we'll be getting a new set of characters who may or may not be as unlikable and shallow.
4 made 3 look good by comparison, thats how bad 4 is, but yes, 3 is also bad.
is season 2 going to have a much bigger budget now that Netflix is making it?
it's okay i guess
all the actors stunk though
Will she have a sex scene? My dick can't handle her scenes.
I want to see her sucking cock.
It has a fair bit of space and there's no artificial gravity so you see occasional weightlessness on the ships when they aren't accelerating.
The guns are all "whatever the armorer had plus some plastic bits" creations you see in TV sci-fi. They did cut down the Starship Troopersesque Martian power armor from the books to just a regular looking spacesuit which is kinda disappointing.
There's a fair bit of actual space stuff, but that's constrained by budgetary reality. The Ship designs are really good though.
her voice gives me dick tingles
Is slavery legal again? How far do they make it in the Solar System?
>tfw no belter gf
how are belters different?
gangly shits
dont b rude
?ots of zero-g boobs? With less or practically no gravity, breasts should be everywhere.
We should give Belters autonomy, they deserve it.
Mars the best
Do people seriously think this? I like the Expanse, but it's really a pretty mediocre show overall. The characters are boring, the setting / lore is pretty cool, but the execution of the story is all over the place. For example, the entire plot on Earth just feels like needless filler with characters who I don't care about and can't even remember their names.
That said, I'll definitely be watching season 2, but I'm not even hyped for it or anything. At least it's another sci-fi show set in the future with spaceships and whatnot, instead of another boring "sci-fi" show with androids or some other bullshit.
The half of season 1 was great. The other half was just ok.
Hoping for the best with s2.
Watched the first episode and thought it was kinda dumb and the acting was awful. Whoever said this was better than BSG is a liar.
>not rooting for the home team
Fuck the alien bastards.
You're a retard if you think Amos and the Iranian MILF are bad characters.
Slavery? No, but they do have the belters in a nice vice grip. They're basically stuck living in places that have less gravity than Earth because their bodies can't take Earth's gravity anymore. But they get paid for their work, so it's no more slavery than anything you see in our world today.
with you 100% mate
>Are you into older women, user?
Im rooting for belters, mars is cool and natsoc and all, but tey actually have a sovereign planet
yes, do you want head over to your place and fuck
I like Amos, he's actually one of the only characters who I like at all in the show. Holden is pretty boring / mediocre. Also, Miller is alright too. In fact I'd say the stuff on Ceres was some of the best stuff in the show. The UN Indian lady was alright as well, probably the only good character on Earth, but her plotline was pretty boring and hard to follow. Has a cool voice though, very distinctive.
I really like the world / setting of the expanse though. I feel like not enough sci-fi takes advantage of a human society that has colonized our solar system, but still is limited by lack of FTL travel. The whole mining water from Saturn and asteroids and whatnot is really cool.
I hope season 2 is better than the first. I want to see more of Mars and maybe Earth's fleet. Also, Fred Johnson. This show has a lot of good pieces in place, the story just needs to be written better.
Useless as fuck character in s1. Her scenes drag and slow dowb the series.
Heres hoping the build up for her is worth something.
It's a shame she's not as much of a hardass as in the books, she's actually entertaining in those.
Well he is sort of redpilled character but also why is he into the nigress
It would explain alot if she was someobe important but we dont know that
is it better than colony? that show is bretty gud
I agree, in the books she is a ruthless bitch. I am still exited to see the next season. if they follow the storyline it gets pretty interesting.
I don't know, aren't I too old for you?
apparently she doesn't show up until the second book, so her scenes in S1 were basically filler
Started watching these but stopped because the site where I watched crashed. Now it's on Netflix and I'm too lazy to start again. Do they ever explain why they made Thomas Jane wear a fedora?
That's pretty good criticism user. Earths politics has been the best part of the show so far, and it will probably get better.
"So long as I play a familiar role, the stubborn old woman, eyes locked on yesterday's game, too blind to see the world has passed her by."
Portent of good things to come.
W-will we have kino thread generals again?
Is she important? She would have to future president or something to give her this much screentime
Maybe I just need to re-watch the show and follow it better, because I thought the Earth scenes were all pretty forgettable, I honestly can't remember the plot there aside from the Indian lady working against the government or something, I can't remember at all desu.
Expanse or Dark Matter?
Watched both, Dark Matter first, and they're pretty similar in tone (human vs human conflicts, modest budgets, gloomy gray and blue feel to everything), except that Dark Matter was a lot more action oriented.
Both have a mysterious alien element, although Dark Matter's was never really touched on after the episode in which it was unveiled (iirc they just ejected it into space)
Never seen Dark Matter, even though I downloaded all the episodes I've never gotten around to watching it. How does it compare to the expanse?
Iranian MILF has a lot of good scenes. She tells her kid about the value of talking to one another to prevent violence, then the next scene shows her torturing a belter for information. Solid imo.
Why not both?
To keep the rain off his head, and it was his old friends hat.
Dark Matter's allure for me was largely the "guess you didn't expect THIS twist" that they setup nearly every episode, and the fact that it had a character you could identify with, without diversity pandering.
The only character to not actually receive a romantic setup is the black guy on the ship, though the show is comfortable in itself to use stereotypes (Asian guy uses Katana, black guy is seen shirtless/wearing wifebeaters and lifting weights, etc)
It's a decent quality show, but The Expanse has the narrative edge as far as cohesiveness and maturity goes. I would recommend watching the other if you've dedicated yourself to one.
>muh tweest
Is the cancer killing tv
yes. There's nothing original on any CoShit games..
Belters dont actually seem too uncomfy, they have all the trappings of civilisation.
They just dont have representation
Reminder that the best character on this show was a Martian and they killed him off mid-season.
>plagiarize militarist mars
Literally the oldest trope in scifi
Dark Matter is representative of tv and shows of objective quality don't feature episodic twist setups so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Maybe watch more shows based in realistic fiction and not scifi
>realistic fiction not scifi
>in a scifi tv show thread
I'm really hyped for it, but I'm also super fucking worried they're going to turn it into a SJW shitfest. They released a think where the cast talks about the show and the 2nd season, and they had a bigass segment devoted to "muh diversity." I understand they pretty much have to mention that in the current climate in TC/movies, and while the 1st season definitely was "diverse," but I'm worried they're going to really go overboard and ham-handedly force it in our faces. I've such high hopes, but we've all seen it before.
more like most boring sci fi show in history. Plays like a shitty fan made video game module in star trek or something.
>the cancer killing tv
scifi fiction as a genre is not "tv" as a whole, and Dark Matter certainly is not something that will down in the history of television as noteworthy, so his statement is nonsensical. He should've said, "the cancer killing low budget scifi shows"
Anyone share this fear? Anyone have a reason or two to help assuage it? I mean, I know I'll just have to wait but..