I'm sorry George
I'm sorry George
For what?
What are those
I'm sorry George I'd take your efforts over disney wars everytime.
This PS2 game intro is really cool. It looks almost as real as Final Fantasy X.
I don't see what your point is? it was 2002
you know
those starships that we have never seen before and never seen since
is this from the cartoon show
looks dope
Man, I don't remember the original Xbox having graphics this good
Holy shit that cg is embarrassing.
Did you even watch the movies?
>aayla secura just casually walking into onslaught
Cmon goi, this was for the 360
The amount of effort that went into this and the AMOUNT of CGI that goes into this is rivaled only with LOTR for the time these movies came out. The prequels showed off where the technology was headed. Full CGI movies were soon to be common thing. Remember that Pixar came out of Lucasfilm. The impact that George's company had on the industry is next to none.
Then going back to OT when he is still heavily praised through his practical special effects.
They say the smallest change can affect everything. Is it possible that if George didn't sell to Disney, Carrie Fisher would be alive today, making Debbie Reynolds alive too?
I can film my asshole for 120 minutes to show where the food is headed, that doesn't make it good.
She was so fucking based.
Is this from Battlefront 2?
Casually walking IN PLACE
Reminder that the prequels weren't bad, most people just weren't smart enough to understand them. Case and point
Its just like Donnie Darko
What happened to JarJar being the key to all of it?
He was, most people just don't get it. Read the Jar Jar is Snoke theory :)
You just might learn something
>The horrible CG is okay now because it also appeared somewhere else
>the great cg is terrible now because its 20+ years old
>mfw the 40 year old practical effects look better than CGI from 15 years ago
Gladiator, The Matrix Sequels, etc...
There were plenty of better looking movies. The reason that Episode I looks better today than Episode II isn't because of CGI, it's because of very bad compositing and some really lazy choices being made. There is no reason at all that there couldn't have been a single clone trooper that was a dude in a suit to break up the effects and give you something tangible in some scenes to work off of. They are all CGI, every single one of them, and because you don't have the Jurassic Park thing going on where it's constantly flipping from practical to CGI and back your eye isn't getting tricked. You're just looking at a bunch of CGI for minutes on end and the illusion falls apart. In Episode I you'd be hard pressed to identify where miniature space ships end and CGI space ships start, etc...
You need to layer your shots with different elements and not just full CGI sequences, you also need to mix up your effects or else your audience will start to pick it apart pretty quick.
>Case and point
>most people just weren't smart enough to understand them.
If your story and your characters are so great that their greatness goes right over the head of 90% of your audience and it takes 20 years and tons of analysis and lots of supplementary materials to finally uncover how brilliant it all it is, it just isn't very good after all.
Practical effects have fewer tricks to pull on the audience to get a buy-in. It's a real thing, your eye knows it's looking at something that is tangible, you just need to convince the audience that a 20cm stationary spaceship is actually a 20m spaceship in motion. With CGI you have to convince the audience first that they're looking at a real thing, and then convince them of the rest at the same time.
>Comparing the Prequel trilogy to LOTR
my sides
What are you sorry for? That fat faggot made Red Tails, he deserves to fail
Fucking destroyed
There was never a point when that CG was not bad.
Faggots freaked out and George didn't have the balls to go through with his original plan or revealing Jar-Jar as a different apprentice of Palpatine or possibly as Palpatine's master.
Anakin vs Jar Jar for rights to be Palpatine's apprentice would've been based as fuck.
What pisses me off more than anything is that Yoda is a fucking wartime general
Why is attack of the clones so bad?
Episode III and even I to an extent are at least watchable. But II is an absolutely miserable experience.
Why she have to bite it so fast after Order 66?
Reminder: That's a model with a CGI background.
Had to do a major study on Donnie Darko in high school. Watched it maybe 6 times. You can analyse almost any scene and there is meaning to it. It's one of those films the more you look into it, the more you see how everything wonderfully connects.
>It's like poetry, it rhymes
wow i thought that was all cgi i take it back
So how much unused ideas were going to be in the prequels?
>concentrate all your firepower on the nearest starship
For what purpose? The starships are in full retreat and don't even seem to have any weapons. Meanwhile clones and Jedi are dying on all sides. Why not shoot the lasers at the battle droids. Plus the ship kicks up a yuge dust cloud. Afaik Jedi can't see through dust and droids probably have thermal vision or some shit. Further evidence that Yoda is a meme Jedi and doesn't make one good decision throughout the entire saga
Because those are the command ships or some shit, I think it was explained in those cutout books
>objects cast only one shadow
The CGI in The Phantom Menace (and to a lesser extent AotC and RotS) is widely considered to be groundbreaking. It hasn't aged well because it was the first time a lot of the technology had been used. It was incredible at the time though
It's over James, I have your email
>Shot digitally at 1080
You will never see a 4K master.
Meanwhile the OT can scan to 8K easily.
Threadly reminder that only reddit dislikes PT.
user plz
I'm sorry George the mouse is so much worse. At least you had passion
Threadly reminder that only reddit likes the PT.
>Move all quadrants to sector 515
How does that possibly translate to Yoda's order?
>can't even respond to someone
Newfags leave now.
OT negatives are long gone, you can't scan shit.
Those balls have an army inside of them, and can invade a system alone.
How many legs does the artillery vehicle have?? Damn that design is stupid as fuck
>The starships are in full retreat and don't even seem to have any weapons
They contain battle droids. Republic Commando also shows this.
>Afaik Jedi can't see through dust
They can sense objects through the force. Luke lifts 3-CPO's chair in ROTJ with his eyes closed.
Did he steal that ship design from 2001?
It's a homage
>Republic Commando
>that stage where you and your bros must hack shit to disable the ship
Fuck that stage gave me the fear of super battle droids.
The ship in 2001 didn't look like that. Unless I', forgetting something.
Not the main ship but one of the transport ones.
I am a grown man whose tastes haven't evolved since grade school
i pity you
That's why Phantom Menace holds up better than the other two.
Whatever you say, George.
>OT negatives are long gone
Game being from 2002, complaining about how it looks. You are a fucking idiot, hang yourself.
desu I think it looks alright for a tv show. They usually don't have great cgi
Oh shit
There was literally a shot of them redocking with their rings in Episode 2, and Obiwan names them as trade federation ships.
I never thought this was something that wasn;t completely obvious
Phantom menace holds up better than Episode 2, but Episode 3 probably holds up better still. By the time it came out CGI had progressed enough to not look like absolute dog shit.
Being this new
>Pixar came out of Lucasfilm
No, it didn't.
Star Wars' 40th is this year.
If Disney doesn't release the original films on blu-ray to coincide with VIII then you can pretty much guarantee George destroyed them after the special editions were made.
He's right though. You manchildren need gassing.
if you notice closely, aylaa secura is running in place
Looks more like she's power walking.
wait pause...
you see that?
It was alright for the era. And Geonosis was the best battle scene from Star Wars, with the possible exception of the battle over Coruscant
redditredditredditredditreddit FUCK OFF
Jesus Christ get your autism under control you fucking sperg.
deepest lore
that fine stormtrooper booty?
I didn't realise as a kid how shitty CG troopers look
Yes, George Lucas does the ships design himself. And Peter Jackson forged the swords and the Ring used in LOTR moves in his garage.
>There was literally a shot of them redocking with their rings in Episode 2
Shit, I didn't remember that at all. I guess my sight was focused on Dooku's ship.
Episode 1 was groundbreaking(mainly Jar-Jar, who actually does hold up pretty well visually to this day). Episode 2 was not. Not even remotely. No one thought it was visually impressive even when it came out, it was compared to video game graphics even then.
dat firefly camera move
AOTC was the most groundbreaking film because it was filmed digitally. It was an incredibly bold move by Lucas to abandon film at the time. Something that's standard practice now.
That ship was one of the only good things about the prequel.
Fuck retro-futurist designs are hype.