be honest,
>your watching you're favorite film
would you rather have
>a tiny White Chocolate bar that wont even satisfy you
>a nice big and filling Dark Chocolate bar?
Be honest
Other urls found in this thread:
I would rather have a regular sized milk chocolate bar.
She only gets the latter if I get to watch her eating it.
dark chocolate sucks ass. milk chocolate master race.
this guy gets it
I prefer whoppers, those malt balls. Yummy balls.
I think this might be a euphemism...
you should've put quotes around bar like
>a tiny white chocolate "bar"
and leave the capital letters for the big black one
White """chocolate""" isn't even real chocolate. What a stupid question.
Where do you get bars this size?
That pic is fake, it's camera angle tricks and using a girl with tiny hands to make it look bigger. They also took the wrapper off to make it look bigger. No Snickers are this big, I'm glad I don't have one that size it would be terrible, no one could finish it.
Snickers size queens are all gluttonous pigs and I don't care if my Snickers is "average sized", I don't feel bad about it whatsoever.
Fuck this pic and that dumb whore in it.
at the gettin' place
post the one of her deep throating that Snickers bar, I saved it but cant find it.
Neither, I'd rather have a small pineapple lifesaver.
>not sour patch kids
snickers is not dark chocolate
honestly the chocolate on a snickers is low tier
>leopard pattern shirt
yeah, that says it all really
18+ website
Do chocolate honeys really like the BWC?
only in murica
Ah was just about to post this, kek
>itt bluepills
Who cares what she thinks, she isn't even white.
Its over black boys. We're taking over.
Vanilla PowerBar
Looks really small. How could that be filling?
>implying fuzzy peach slices arent the patrician candy
>t. Insecure small dick white boi
lmao alright.
Post OPs image in /ck/ and see what happens :^)
neither, chocolate makes me sick
Who is that fine white boi?
t. Insecure small dick white boi
Fiber my niggah
>eating while watching kino
All filler no killer. Wish I could say this was the first time a white rod disappointed me.
What are you talking about? This is a thread about candy you lecherous pervert.
actually dude white chocolate has zero real coco content. You should be able to eat it if it's just chocolate you're allergic to
t. Insecure small dick white boi
Same with the last dog I had :(
This, satan and this guy are right.
>white chocolate isn't real chocolate
>white men aren't real men
I'd rather just have crab legs like I normally do.
This thread is about candy, not white people. Why do you have such a victim complex? Is it because of the low testosterone?
>I hate this thread
>Better bump it to show my disdain for it
Kind of makes you think.
Favorite cine snacks are chocolate bars, cookies, peanut butter cake and natural juice. Also some crabs. I always bring in the entire picnic set into the theater.
Why are you so dirty minded?
Is it just me or does that look like BBC?
Kinda want a snickers bar now
thanks a lot jews
>Why are you so dirty minded?
Sup Forumscucks think about cuckoldry 24/7. It's their greatest fear, but the humiliation titillates them. Otherwise they wouldn't imagine these scenarios in such great detail and bring them up apropos of nothing.
>mods shitposting with old ass troll image
fucking kill yourselves worthless faggot cuck mods
But I don't eat candy or sweets...
Nope. He was just another projecting cuck like you.
That's a big snickers.
Go to /qa/ and join the cause to get him fired for leaving up ||HARDCORE CHILD PORN|| while deleting other threads and then only deleting it after it was pointed out on /qa/ and the Sup Forums irc
t. I suck bigger dicks and am as worthless as these so called moderators
and people wonder why this board is shitposted into oblivion
Thing is not even black men want black girls. It's a war whiteys can only loose.
Why are you false flagging?You know people can also see this on the archive.
Because he's a triggered fag who thinks about black dicks all day and blames it on an anime image board.
>le I'm speshul but cause I talk to the mods on irc
supreme meme
you understand that the overwhelming majority of all human beings date within their own race right.
White and dark chocolate are disgusting. Milk chocolate is the only chocolate that's good.
How is what I'm saying false flagging if the proof is on /qa/ and confirmed by multiple people?
White "chocolate" is fucking delicious and I would let it melt in my hot, moist mouth, then slowly swallow as the creamy, thick cocoa butter drips down my throat.
>I'm a degenerate pervert who got caught lying and now I'm lashing out waaah
Hope you turn your life around someday you dickless wonder.
White chocolate doesn't have any actual cocoa in it. It's pretty much not chocolate.
I'd rather not be eating anything while enjoying the magnificence that is Lawrence of Arabia.
You fat fuck.
Some Turkish delight would be pretty kino with black coffee of course.
Granted, this was before they tried to interfere with our election and start killing Ukrainians
lol I'm not the mod shitposting or the autistic retard shouting REEEE EVERY SHITPOSTER IS THE SAME PERSON
kys my man
Sorry you can't make the proof go away. Better luck next time loser lmao
>got an erection watching this
its too late for me
>got an erection watching this
its too late for me
>sorry you can't make the proof go away
>thread is literally filled with mod shitposting using old af memes
>hurt its not the mods its you and you can't delete posts like they can to prove their point
kys autistic mod-dick sucking retard
How can we even compete?