What food does Sup Forums like to take to the movie theater?
I personally like burritos
>easy to carry
>a complete meal in your hand
Tell me what you like to sneak inside your kinoplex!
What food does Sup Forums like to take to the movie theater?
I personally like burritos
>easy to carry
>a complete meal in your hand
Tell me what you like to sneak inside your kinoplex!
Crab legs
be serious, user
>work at a theater.
>had to clean up a 24 pack of beer.
I wasn't even mad. I was impressed. Even the manager was like "Damn, props to them for getting that through."
also need help, any tips sneaking this in?
rodrigo? is that you?
with mayo
I bring the George Foreman and grill hamburgers for anyone who wants one in the theater.
You need to go to nonshit theaters that serve pizza and beer with lazyboy recliners.
Fresh or frozen?
Why spend thirty bucks on that combo when I can bring in a handle of cheap vodka and a few burritos
I don't like sneaking hot food in. I like to eat when the movie's already started, and I'm not likely to get a decent seat if I don't go in at least 20 minutes early.
My mum used to make us stuff to take to the drive-in because we were too poor to go to the concession stand. Mainly delicious sandwiches with tomato in, home-made popcorn and chips. My favourite was sausage that she used to grill and then cut down the middle and add ketchup and mustard. Then while you were watching the film, she used to construct goat-tier buttered rolls with grilled onion and the sausages.
Best memories of being a kid. Friday night at the drive-in and my mum making us things. She always used to say we had to go home after the show but she always used to smile when we protested and then go "ok, we'll stay for the late one". And she always brought extra cakes and sweets for that as well.
Is that a potato with chicken and pesto?
Booze mostly but I did get Chinese food delivered to the fire exit once.
My favourite thing to sneak into the theatre is booze. I usually eat shawarma or something afterwards.
Can you nignogs really not eat food or drink alcohol for two hours?
>tfw you go to kinema and make a disgusting mess
wagies better get to work
This isn't a well designed map.
Yeah wtf why would my hawk need that much space
>tfw I was backup shooter when I went to Singin' In The Rain today and somebody let a tard out of the play pen and he spent half the movie rocking in his chair and humming
God fucking dammit I wanted to watch the movie and not be on edge. I spent too much time on the walkie talkie with the designated shooter with him trying to talk me down.
i take crab guts. crab guts on brown rice.
do you grill before or after using the theater showers
i'd imagine showering after, to clean off the smoke smell... but you may miss the end credits
You don't eat actual food at the theatre.
My standard is a medium soda (either regular Coke, or Zero, depending on if I feel healthy or not), and a bag of non-sticky candy.
>Sneaking food into your cinema
Do Americans really do this?
I just take whatever the hell we want to into my cinema because we don't live in a fucking totalitarian society
Land of the Free my ass
I wonder if muslims can get a truck inside the cinema
>implying you wouldn't kill for a childhood that good
How do you handle the mandatory commercial breaks?
I can't go three hours without a full meal, are you fat or something? Literally who can go that long with just snacks
Are you a starving Jew? Popcorn fills you up. Most movies are only an hour and a half to two hours.
A wrapped up fast food hamburger will fit nicely in your coat pocket and you can slip a can of soda into the other. I learned this from a friend of my brother's who would wear a big coat in the summer so he could sneak stuff into the moves.
>Most movies are only an hour and a half to two hours.
When you factor in the commercials they're at least 3 hours.
Going out,
Anyone want anything?
>europoor this buttmad
trying too hard
That's what i do except instead of the soda it's a sleeve of cheap bourbon.
I usually have my hawkino fly in a few buckets of pop corn but it never fills me
I'm trying to lose weight. Instead of eating while watching a movie I knit. One time I made the guy next to me a jack-o'-lantern scarf. Sometimes I get called a fag etc.
yea thanks bro get me 2 3x3 no cheese no onions, and 2 animal style fries, I'm on a bulking diet bro
I hate theaters. I go to drive-ins nearly exclusively. So beer, and then I like to do Subway, which I don't actually like all that much, but it's right next to the drive-in, and same as a burrito, compact, no utensil needed, etc.
Kidneysteak with tato and bongsauce
>Soda/Pop/Coke/Your favorite Bev
>Actually buying movie popcorn
These are the only three answers. If you have to sneak in a meal and can't wait until after the movie you are a fat fuck who needs to lose weight
>drive in movie theaters make a lot of sense logistically and are a low cost investment
>they are extinct
Fucking why?
By hinding it in the ass, of course.
I have sneaked in that method :
-A bottle of whiskey
-Several forties
-A fucking joint
And this was in a huge family friendly place
I worked at a Cinemark over the summer. I cleaned a theater that had all the trash of a Crave Case from White Castle on the floor. Like 30 little slider boxes.
back to work, wagie
I like to go to the dine-in theater with the reclining leather couches and sneak in three beers.
Because no one bought from the lobby which funded the fucking places, they got shittier cuts than corporations from ticket sales because Hollywood (((lawyers)))
So that faggots' childhood memoir was the reason the industry went extinct
>You don't eat actual food at the theatre.
The only theater I go to is a full service restaurant.
>He goes to poorfag theaters without assigned seating or table service
>7 bucks an hour
One good thing about living in Seattle is the 15 dollar an hour minimum wage.
Maybe next summer. Selling tickets in the Box Office was pretty enjoyable.
>Working for minimum wage
I made $10/hour in Columbus
I get paid 15 an hour to slack off. It easily pays the bills while I go to school.
>to slack off
sure wagecuck
Do NEETS really think every job requires cleaning up explosive diarrhea?
>tfw Starbucks now outsources bathroom cleaning
I get paid $11 an hour plus tips to smile and watch a machine make lattes for me.
You're not smart.
I buy 2 of these. All soft tacos of course so there's no noise. I go to a black theater so it's critical that I show them good faith. I find an empty seat then as I'm squeezing through my row I hand out a soft taco to each person. They love me for it.
>low res image
You gotta break in every night before and deposit your food in a toilet tank in the bathroom. Thats how I get my lasagnas in. If you're good with marine biology you could try raising seafood in there. I hear cinema shrimp is to die for.
what if there was 6-12 of them? Not very impressive.
>my hawkino
lol i don't know why this is making me laugh so much
I love to masticate in back of the cinema.
Wait until your actually in the cinema before you decide to shit it out of your anus.
>then as I'm squeezing through my row I hand out a soft taco to each person. They love me for it.
lol lost it here
Saw the Simpsons movie with a foot long hogie and and two beers tucked into my short.
Stunk the whole theater up like onions,
I can't believe how much it costs to go to the kinopalace nowadays
>Have to buy subscription
>Have to buy ticket
>Have to buy seat
>Have to buy rental hawk
>Have to buy the 3 minimum tubs of popcorn
>Have to buy state regulated kino insurance
>Have to tip the director after kino
>Have to tip the designated and backup shooters
Seriously that's only like half the shit you have to pay for and I'm practically broke after all that
That's cute
>rental hawk
>sneak bucket of chicken into movie
>leave bones under seat
Fucking americans don't even have hawks at their kinopalace
Hearty lol
How about;
>Not being an impatient fatass and waiting 2 hours before going to get dinner after the film
You are all children.
>Be 16
>Sneak drinks into cinema
>Bring can of soda
>Everyone hears can snap open
>No one cares
>Friend brings glass7 Snapple bottle
>Takes a swig
>Puts it by his feet
>Kicks it over
>It falls and starts rolling across concrete floor
>Loud glass rolling on concrete sound
>It falls to lower level of seats
>Loud glass on concrete bang
>Still rolling
>Gaining speed
>Getting louder
>Falls several more levels and slams on concrete floor each time
>Roll. roll, roll, bang, roll, roll, roll, bang
>Everyone is looking around now
>It hits the metal frame of someone's seat
>Shatters loudly
>Liquid spilling everywhere
>Guy stands up
>"What the fuck?!"
>Someone leaves and calls the usher
>Impotent teen usher staring down the audience looking for the guilty
This is why I only bring plastic two liters to the theater now.
I have never experienced anyone taking any hot meal into a cinema. What third-world countries do you people live in?
You must be from Africa. In American cinemas you can get hot steak dinner, hotdogs, hot nachos, wine, beer etc. You can even eat a full table and have a waiter during the movie.
No, I'm from Norway, and I've never seen anyone try to consume a hot meal. Much less accomplish it.
Isn't the concept of eating a dinner and having waiters buzz around you an insanely disturbing element to everyone else's experience?
>going to the kinema to watch movies
thats what the internets for dumbass
You're not getting the point user. You can eat WHILE you watch a movie. It's like a restaurant AND entertainment all in one.
The waiter just comes at the beginning to give you your meal then a couple of times to refill drinks.
I still don't get it. Why not just cook up a dinner or order something and watch the movie at home then?
Hey Mr. Scott, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? Make our dreams come true!
you third worlders need to get educated on fine living