Stop thinking black lives don't matter you racist cracka
Stop thinking black lives don't matter you racist cracka
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White women just cant help themselves I guess
>nigger banged a 3
every time
why Sup Forums
why do you chose this board to flood with cuck porn?
can't you just fuck off and hang yourself or something?
trap lives matter more
anyone know the source?
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with black dicks, why do they like spreading their cuck fantasies and mindset to other boards
Why don't you just fuck off back to Sup Forums?
Really? memes aside she looks like a 6
This isn't from Sup Forums though
Its from a brazilian from Sup Forums that use to spam it on Sup Forums then Sup Forums then both Sup Forums and Sup Forums
They're cuckoo for cocoa cocks!
That looks like a good time. Remind me to fuck a girl in the mouth while smoking a blunt in the near future.
That's someones daughter
Name and links to this sexy lady?
>He actually believes this
Dumb cumskin ape poster
neko trap
Because he can spam child porn later on as there are no mods here
Ok, here's a few.
Only 1.8% of any Americans owned any slaves. The RICH 1.8%. And this was when slavery was at its peak.
3000 free RICH black men owned black slaves in 1860
>3000 black slave owners in 1860
The FIRST owner of a black slave in the colonies was a black man who brought his slave with him. The slave thought he'd be free on American soil but his owner challenged it in court. And won, setting legal precedent.
>First owner of a black slave in America, was black
Slavery was how many African nations got wealthy. But they got greedy and started kidnapping and enslaving white Europeans. Several million white Europeans were enslaved in North Africa between 1300-1850. So Europe made slavery illegal so that they could force Africa to stop enslaving white people. Africa told them to fuck off. So Europe went to war with them, and to free the white slaves (First Barbary war). Africa was soon at it again, so boom, the 2nd Barbary war had to happen, only this time, Europe stayed put in Africa to keep slavery from happening again. France took control of the Algerian coast (start of French Foreign Legion) and this started colonialism.
Jews and Dutch traded the slave trade triangle>slaves>sugar>rum. Jews owned the ships. Africans captured other Africans, then sold them to the traders who showed up in the Gulf of Benin. This is how so many rich African kings and princes got so rich.
Pt. 2
It's all explained in this video. Must watch!
well consider that the dude himself looks to be about a 2 I'd say he punched up pretty good.
Get better taste
She is no better than a 3
The reality lol
Basically they are more chinks fuckin white blondes
good sissy white bois. be good mentally unstable degenerates while my black cock fucks your women your smally sissy clits cant handle
First time I've felt sorry for a black man.
>trap has a bigger dick than me
Jesus dude go talk to a woman.
Lena Dunham is like a 5.
>Trap with a huge, fat cock
My favourite. Submissive whore who'd rather get fucked than spread 'his' seed.
What rank are you on Overwatch?
Elsa Jean
I would too. But I'm not beautiful enough to act feminine.
>Jesus dude go talk to a woman.
>Lena Dunham is like a 5.
Ok, let's not say things we really don't mean.
It's so embarrassing when porn stars act like they're real people.
You realize "white" skin isn't actually white, right? If you said pigskin you'd be onto something, but as it stands you just sound like a dumb nigger.
Bump kiddo or else things will get much worse for you.
Reminder that BBC = Tiny Black Brain
Looks like she's spending frivolously. Not smart, considering the career of an average porn actress is only a couple of years.
I take it back, Black men have suffered for too long!
Beautiful, 10/10
Haggard old witch 3/10
What the fuck happened? Is it the lighting and easier makeup in the blacked picture?
They dont
>on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Pls go back to newfriend
This meme never ceases to be entertaining.
>ywn save Elsa before she took her first BBC
>ywn be Elsa's first BBC
She was never a 10/10. She's not ugly, but she's a 7 max. She's naturally gonna look better with proper camera angels, make-up, and lighting.
One more chance and then thats it.
Is this dumb cumskin ape still responding? Holy shit. You want some cum, ape? Here, I'll give you some.
Calling you a pig would be offensive to actual pigs.