Where does time go? I feel like I wasted my youth

Where does time go? I feel like I wasted my youth

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Haha! You did. You did!

people don't have the money to enjoy their youth

Its a middleclass/upper concept

I had to start working at 16 while rich kids went on eurotrips and got a house in mid 20s

you did you're going to waste the rest of your life if you don't change and the older you get the faster time goes by

Superbad came out 10 years ago.

>Your life will never be a bittersweet coming-of-age drama. ;_;

>swear to myself that tomorrow will be the day that I change and start having a life actually worth living
>tomorrow comes and I just spend the whole day on Sup Forums like usual
>rinse and repeat

You wouldn't be here if you didn't user!

After Trump takes office, losers like you will be rounded up and euthanized. So you have that to look forward to, at least.

Name one fuckingmovie where this happens.

B-But I voted for him!

>I had to start working at 16
bourgeois scum

wtf I'm going to kill myself now

So everyone on Sup Forums

What would Shia say, user?

Because deep down you know you're a failure at life, and should be removed from the genepool posthaste.

I wasted mine. It's gone. I hate my life. I hate myself. I'm going to kill myself.

I wasted all this time going after women yet not even one wanted to fuck me not to mention love me, suddenly after I decided to switch to men I became attractive, desireable.

Stick with men, infinitely better in every way.

are you a twink?

>it's a Sup Forums posters feel sorry for themselves episode
how many times can they rerun the same episode?

I know that now. I can freely be the pathetic piece of shit loser I am and still have tons of fun and satisfaction getting fucked.

>it's the same bitter faggot shits on everyone because he's a loveless waste of cum episode

chaaaaange the channel

It will all work out in the end.


I bet a bunch of you at least had gfs.

I definitely waste mine on video games and the internet. I didn't start having sex until I was 25. Can you imagine that, being a 25 year old virgin?

>tfw peaked at 5th grade
>tfw back then I had girls interested in me, cute girls
>tfw tons of friends in 5th grade
>tfw sold out a friend to get out of detention
>tfw he said "you won't survive high school"
>tfw barely made it though high school
>tfw life went downhill after 5th grade

Good lad.

If I could go back in time I'd have read more and watched less shows. Also not spend as much time on video games.

I left school at 16. Did 4 years of study. Tried to do something meaningful with my life. Faild hard. got a 60k student loan. a few useless diplomas. Turning 24 this year still living at home. At this point im just waiting till my mum dies before I kill myself. Im a waste of space living off the goverment.

But Sup Forums hates NEETs and calls them degenerate.

Because most of them are. They blame everyone else for their failures.

go to gym

I had a gf who I dated for like a month in HS without sex before she cucked me with my best friend.

Eh just be grateful you're not born in war torn country

>At this point im just waiting till my mum dies before I kill myself

I do, I love it. I still want to die.

until 25 you think about your pleasures ahead

at 25, you wonder whether hedonism or suicide is all there is to life, but you fail to find an escape, especially to find a solution on your own. So why not do what everybody else does, after it cannot be so bad if so many people do it?
But of course, you know that you are too scared to pull off suicide and even worse, you hear that ''suicide is for pussies'', plus you tell yourself that it would make your mom cry. So you stick to hedonism and try to make your life full of ''good moments''

you clearly despise to be alone
(this applies to men only, since women cannot be alone naturally)

at 30 you still have not seen anything outside hedonism, so you stick to it and strive for it.
You know that junk food and beer take their toll and you hit the gym but you notice that 25 yo men have been already the gym for a few years already while claiming that ''they do not do it for girls, they swear''

at 35 you fully know that trying to keep being a normie is draining and requires means that you do not have, even worse, means that other people have, more or less for free or without much effort, but not you [typically for housing, where the babyboomers have the power on the estate market and girls]

at 40 you begin to think that being a normie is worth it, especially if you think that 30-yo gf is not cucking you or bear ''your'' child

y-yeah who would could possible be a virgin past 19?

I have a similar story but she dated my best friend to get back at me after I broke up with her after a month

at 45, you wonder, jsut like your gf approaching 40 (but you do not know it), whether breaking up is not an option and you want to ''offer the best to your kids'', you go fantasizing about being a libertarian, as in dreaming about taxing 100% of the inheritance to have more equal society, mostly out of bitterness from the older generation (who "has it all"), but clearly, and you are even pride of this, you stick to playing by the rules of the game of the baby boomers so that perhaps, one day, you would have all their riches. (because if you would stop this game right now, you imagine easily being swindled wrt to the people who play the game, LIke the misanthrope who like the idea of the humanity dying, but ofc only if he is the last man to die.)

at 50, you just want to retire and see your daughter avoid marrying (whatever you put behind) ''the pleb'' but you are happy that some guy chooses to provide for her (just like you did at his age) or rather you build a sweet certitude that your daughter will do well without too much work on your side, nor on her side... You want your children to find a job instead of costing you money, especially the boy since boys end up too many times back to their room (for a few years) since girls find a way to shack up with whatever man is ready to pay the rent.

at 65, After some of your acquaintances have died or been ill, You fear cancer more and more and you think that, all those years, your wife was right to be a ball breaker about pesticides on apples and salads and that she better sticks to organic products.

you tell your children that it is worth it to be a normie and hope to die in your sleep with someone on your side.

nigger, there's a reason for your regret. It's because you did jack shit. got off the computer and do something you faggot

Look at this nigger. Nigger with a long tongue.

Read my post out loud

Sounds like your story is not similar at all then.


I just wanted to tell someone


>this much power & cunning in the 5th grade

Do you seriously take the words of a fucking 5th grader to heart even at this age? That retard probably had shit in his pants when he told you that

OP here i'm 24


Youth? I feel like I'm wasting my adulthood.

Why is it so hard to actually commit suicide? I tried hanging myself and fucked that up, I can barely get a knife in my throat, I don't have the balls to leap off something high. Fucking hell.

How would you have spent your youth differently?

Getting laid? How original...

thats a good trick

Being a failure runs deep


Look into Schopenhauer.

Pessimists have it right. It's the delusional optimists that keep this whole farce of birth and death going.

American Beauty?

The people who found it extremely easy to commit suicide left the gene pool thousands of years ago


If you want love, get a dog.

But yeah, it's weird how women's standards (and self evaluations) have gotten so out of whack that they'll accept no less than Bill Gates money with Chris Evans looks.

Lucky bastards. If I had a gun I'd have done it a thousand times already too.

I would have abandoned all friends in high school and just studied and graduate early and get a fucking STEM degree in chemistry or something.

>all of these idiots thinking the are "wasting" their nothing lives

I get so sick of this sentiment. 99.9% of ALL of you faggots will be worthless in 5-10 years.
That skill you spent your whole life perfecting? Not only will a machine be able to do it better and faster, but find a way to do it more efficiently than your shitty pants ape brain could ever figure out.
All of you deserve to fucking die.

don't do it fag

*does it*

>all this projecting

i joined the military at 18, dont know what the fuck you did, im set for life, i dont need to work. i rejected society when i was still in grade school and refused to attend the entire 7th year of gradeschool and still passed

ive always been antisocial and a misanthrope
so your little "Baw no gf, baw lonely, baw normalfag" shit doesnt even fucking apply to me

and when you ultimately boil down your projection of insecurities to just the lack of direction in your miserable life, because you lack desire.

thats you, not me.

now go fuck off and pretend everyone is in the same situation as you, they aren't. a lot of people do what they want in life, you're just some stupid little faggot hung up on what society told you to be.

pretty accurate

glad i stopped drinking


Blame internet betas and shit skins who inflate any woman's ego despite being an ugly fatling just because she doesn't have a mustache and unibrow.

Look up Exit Bags (it can be as simple as a giant plastic turkey bag, some tubing). And you'll need some inert gas (people used to use helium, but there were reports of seizures, so use nitrogen instead).

You fall asleep and die.

But think of the suffering you might inflict on those around you.

Plus, if you were ever at the point of actually committing suicide, why not take another kind of risk? If your life and reputation no longer matter to you, why not go after things you want? Why not risk failing? Why not risk being told no?

Everybody dies.

And it's not crazy to think you're wasting your limited time on Earth.

And if you make yourself useless, then you can't be used by other people.

And really, robots should be used to give food and shelter and water to people. If you have that, you don't even need a "job" to raise kids.

>i joined the military at 18

Oh so you're a moron. Thanks for contributing.

Hope you get blown up by a durka durka after invading their country.

i wasted my 20s on my computer. I stayed on my computer 24/7 all throughout my 20s. i am still a virgin. i am a 30 year old friendless virgin

knowing what annoying cunts white girls are, i am kind of glad. i only want to fuck cute kpop girls like pic-related

A-are you m-me?

I refuse to blame men for women's bad behavior. Women's bad behavior is on them.

All this "it's men's fault for not controlling women" is just retarded.

me too, but I do not even want to fuck jap

>Sup Forums - Television & Film

There's no point anymore is there

Mods are actively trying to destroy this shithole anyway

Enjoy your 30's sitting on your computer doing nothing.

>sounds like he has a stick up his ass
White people

Don't worry life is terrible at any age

Just remember you die in your 70s/80s, so you still have kind of a long time and there's no time to start preparing like now.

>dude videogames lmao
Haha what a loser, at least I wasted my.life on a hobby that is actually good

It'll be alright anons, everyone does things at their own pace. Some people do everything before they're 30 and find they having nothing left to do. Others peak later. It'll happen though. I promise.

Why the fuck do women do this holy shit

I'd like to think you got very unlucky and that she was a dumbass sociopath, but from I can see ALL women are essentially sociopaths anyway.

Here's the thing. Men view women as sex objects, men value women for their youth and beauty. Women view men as success objects, women value men for their success, power, wealth.

At 30, a man can start being successful. He can do it at 40. At 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. It may take some luck, but think of it like the lottery. Men can hit the success lottery as they get older.

But women cannot hit the youth/beauty lottery as they get older. Their window is extremely limited. Imagine your window for achieving success was only between 13-45. Some would argue those are still the best childbearing years.

But being 30 does not mean you will never have success in life. It may take work, it may take ingenuity, it may take luck, but you have a better change of hitting success than a woman your age has of hitting youth.

yes because talking about specific camera angles only Jodorowski employs is such enriching discussion and not masturbation between a handful of fucking nerds.

There are lots of movies about wasted youth.

Would you like to talk about your favorite ones or just keep bitching?

>explain how he can efficiently kill himself
>"but think of the others!"


"They tell us that Suicide is the greatest piece of Cowardice... That Suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in this world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person." -Arthur Schopenhauer

Although it's been said that suicide always happens too late, after suffering has already been needlessly experienced.

Yep and that's why so many of them are hell bent on ruining this world.
Because they know most of them outlive their usefulness pass 25.

Name some?

aSuppose you're a woman. Suppose you feel the weight of 4 billion years of evolution behind you. Suppose you want the best chance for your children in the future, their survival, their success in life.

Do you want to mate with the weakest man you can find or the strongest man you can find? It sounds bad to say it, but do you want your kids to be beat up in the schoolyard, or do you want your kids to do the beating?

This is what women do. They survey a group of men, determine who is the most dominant: the strongest, or the wealthiest, or the most powerful, or the most popular, the one with the highest status, and they want his genes. Not the genes of the weak guy. The strong guy.

It's certainly cold-blooded, but this is about life and death. And the life and death of their grandchildren for generations.

So yeah, all women are remorseless sociopaths and golddiggers who want to always upgrade to a better mate.

Why don't we have schoolyards full of chads then?

>muh appeal to nature

I'm so sick of reading this shit.

Women just can't take ANY responsibility for the way they act, can they

>. Men view women as sex objects, men value women for their youth and beauty.
this is what betas believe.
Men crave being rated positively by women, and men but with men it turns to shit quickly, and the rating is glued to sex because men think rightly that giving orgasms to women is the only way to have a positive review from women.

men do not care much for beauty and youth, women care about beauty and physicality, stamina and endurance for a good sex life form their lovers.

Oslo, 31. august.

menopausal women are indeed a new species.
even before the menopause, women know that their downfall is coming, but it hits them harder than what they think.
It is the equivalent, in men, of being twenty and understanding that your life will be shit, that you will never achieve anything besides getting a few fading pleasures and pleasing a few women who notice you after you spend time and money to be noticed by women.

menopausal women clearly see a lack of clear interest, in them, from men. Of course it hurts them, since their whole life from their puberty has been about being provided for, especially through sex, by multiple men striving to be noticed by them (betas take pride in serving women in bed).

There are two kinds of menopausal women:
-the 40 yo woman, recently divorced or clinging to some life, outside her boring marriage, thorugh some affair, who cling to her golden age of any desire fed by multiple men.
This woman goes on tinder and all and chooses to spread her legs like in her twenties in a last attempt to feel alive, while still craving that some long-term providers will pop-up and give her money, travels, foods, and emotional support, day after day.
This woman finds 25--35 yo betas on tinder to fuck her properly and she enjoys every inch of their cocks, so different from the one of her former hubby...
Eventually, she will get in a new relationship and destroy her ex-husband in the divorce.
If the beta ex husband has the legal means to win, she will whine to her new lovers that her life is tough and she wants love through sex. The twats found on tinder agrees (once more, men live to be proud to serve women through fucking).

>It sounds bad to say it, but do you want your kids to be beat up in the schoolyard, or do you want your kids to do the beating?
it's funny how they have this in mind when they're being pump and dumped, but then when they have the kid, they raise him to be the biggest pussy faggot imaginable and can't figure out why he's such a little impudent shit

notice how we have many traits to work with