The Christmas Invasion edition
What does /who/ think of the first episode starring ten ants?
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The Christmas Invasion edition
What does /who/ think of the first episode starring ten ants?
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>I found the serial boring as hell.
It's an action heavy serial, of course the pictures and quick descriptions were boring.
Although it would be very nice to finally have Marco Polo.
I adore the poses he does, I really do.
>It's an action heavy serial
I guess you could call it that, but I didn't find the last episode much better.
>Moving images. Maybe this story will come alive now that we can actually see it. Maybe it really is a lost classic. And maybe Donald Trump will be president some day.
Celestial Toymaker confirmed for GOAT.
>tfw no doctor who episode about a sadistic saw-style dungeon puzzle game
It was the one good part of the sherlock finale and it was borderline kino
>people are literally talking about that episode in this very thread
I never got Robomen as a good concept. It feels like the Nazis using Jews as soldiers instead of slave labor. If they wanted more agile and mobile backup, make faster Daleks with camouflage tech.
Sometimes I wish that Moftiss would canonise Miles Richardson as Braxiatel, I mean he plays such a great Mycroft to the Doctor's Sherlock.
Too bad the third episode of Sherlock fell to such shit. ;_;
bruh, you realize this concept dates to a 1964 serial? How would they have done 'faster Daleks with camouflage tech.'?
Lot's of reasons actually
Daleks can't mass produce themselves on a global scale, they take time to breed and grow in a hatchery
Another point is, the most basic Dalek is simply put, a walking tank maximizing both offense and defense with superior firepower and armor that can withstand a tank blast. The scout Dalek is their counterpart for more "Agil" The downside, however, is pretty clear. In every episode, these Daleks have appeared in they got shot down by simple rifle fire.
Dalek humanoids are much better suited for this task for lots of reasons, one highly expendable with cheap but still very effective dalek blasters
Worst arc
>they did all this shit when all they had to do was set up a sniper at a fixed point in time
Absolutely retarded
If this is true, and if Capaldi is leaving, a new Doctor has already been cast.
S11 films before the 2017 Christmas special.
Cast months ago. It's Eddie Marsan!
I've got an impression that fixed points are relative (Especially considering how often total extinction of humanity was at stake, even from time-aware species, you think Earth being destroyed in 1668 would interfere with a fixed point in Earth's history in 2001) so it would make sense to tangle timelines as much as possible to force everyone to play along. But Moffat was definitely overly in love with his cleverness.
GOAT episode incoming!
(It's Harness' far future Trump episode)
I just don't think it works on an ideological standpoint for the Daleks. The thought of winning a battle through non-Dalek means should infuriate them to no end.
I don't doubt Harness is doing a WITTY TRUMP SATIRE LOL, but...
>far future
>contemporary 20th century houses
>tfw 'memory police' are Doctor Who's take on the 'thought police' meme and this ep is gonna center around 'fake news'
Gareth is going to be fuming.
Maybe it's not far.
More grimdark bullshit ahead.
Like it doesn't even have to be a fixed point? Like if they hate him this much they evidently come across him a lot, just shoot him for fucks sake
And then some time-travelling schmuck will walk in front of the bullet or something and undo all the work.
In time travel, your enemies can never be dead enough.
Zygon was pretty comfy despite being grimdark
It's tremendously stupid though, due to compulsory ties to modern Earth.
What did he mean by this
There is nothing comfy about it.
Since it's set on contemporary Earth, people can't be allowed to find out about Zygons. They must be hidden. This is an obligatory plot point that pops out in most fantastic works set in "real world", like Stargate or Harry Potter where writers are obligated to set up a cover so the world would be just like ours, expect there's a secret underneath. This decision is fully external and does not stem from any logic in the universe, and has to preserved despite it not making sense. Zygons challenged this concept, and the concept was both undefeatable (Because you can't have next year contemporary episode be set on Zygon-infested Earth) and indefensible (Because in-universe it's not feasible to live in hiding forever), making the story very contrived and resolution confused.
Have you seen the red soldiers on the left?
Memory monsters are upon us?
oh, I see, makes sense, even tho I didn't found the episode overly contrived or confusing
my only hope was that at least we had some Zygon popping up in an otherwise non-related episode, it would be cool for worldbuilding
New Doctor announcement soon then. I'm betting March/April time.
Also there's a premiere for Series 10. They are doing a competition for it on Radio 1. Cinema screening.
>there's a premiere for Series 10
wow no way
For what it's worth a lot of people predicted the Web/Enemy finds and went on to say lots of nonsense about the Omnirumour.
So they're making money off of the cinema screenings then? They're never anywhere near me, so it's kind of hard to gauge.
I still think Ian Levine has a dead man's switch that will release missing episodes immediately after he croaks, tricking everyone into thinking he's a hero who's been discovering lost stories up until his last breath.
>implying Ian Levine will ever die
He'll just unzip from his skinsuit
What's the omnirumour?
The rumor that the BBC and some Doctor Who fans found a huge cache of missing episodes in Nigeria, and that the BBC is withholding this news so they can slowly release these story by story to stoke up DVD sales.
What do you think the chances are that 13 will be another wacky gimmicky romantic tumblr Doctor?
A) 100%
B) 99%
C) 90%
They should cast someone really unconventional. The Doctor shouldn't be a sweetheart. If they want to go young again, which I think they will, they should make him like Smith (romantically awkward, but fun) but tone down the wackiness.
Perhaps the next Doctor will be slightly meek.
The next Doctor will be played by Gallifrey_Immigrant. The companion will be Cloister and there will be no female companion because Cloi would treat them like a piece of furniture.
Uh, Heaven Sent?
>eddie mcguigan
he literally makes stuff up constantly
capaldi may leave, but that guy has no idea if hes staying or not
No chance.
If Ian found any missing eps he would use it for maximum publicity right away. He would rather people saw the eps and thanked him for the recovery than keeping them to himself.
Age: Older? Younger? Or Similar Age?
>I think younger but older than Tenant. Mid thirties or early forties.
Look: What do you think his attire will primarily consist of?
>I think he's going back to shirt, tie, and jacket combo rather than velvet coat. Think he'll keep the boots though.
Personality: How do you think he will act?
>I think he's going to be more open than 12 while still being slighlty reserved. This would be his first attempt with a new regenration cycle to be social and I think it will show for it. I see him as closer to 8 and 5 incarnations, although I would prefer some old school manipualtion like 7th because it wouldn't be expected from a younger doctor. HOpefully less hand gestures.
Tardis: What do you want the interior to look like?
>I'm hoping for a fireplace and formal banisters rather than sleek and shiny time machine. 12 adding bookshelves is a nice touch but the tardis still feels very sterile. The tardis interior in the 1999 would be a good starting point but not make it as massive.
Honestly I wish we had access to a young David Morrissey. I think he'd fit a lot of the criteria.
He's talking a lot of shit.
IF he means that a Christmas Special is being filmed then, then he's right about that because it would have to be filmed then to make it ready for Xmas this year.
So, he has the option of saying the Special is part of s11. He's a sneaky cunt.
>Moffat's face when he realises his time as Doctor Who showrunner is almost over and Sherlock most assuredly is definitely over
He'll have nothing
They're making a new Tintin movie.
Dunno if he'll be writing that though.
He'll do that Press Gang revival he talked about all the way back in 2010.
He may also be saying this as the knows there is no possibility of s11 being in Spring 2018 unless it start filming Summer 2017.
But Chib is still working on Broadchurch and there is no sign of a handover in the near future.
>Sherlock most assuredly is definitely over
It isn't.
It does seem like he is going to whip that rotting corpse for a little longer, sadly.
Doctor Who is doing so terribly that's it's at its end here, in 2017. The BBC have informed the public that series 10 will be the show's last.
What does Moffat do for the last ever episode of Doctor Who?
He would probably try and make it impossible for anyone to carry it on, just for his own amusement.
The Doctor retires to become the Curator, of course.
>no news about Chibnall since he was announced
>no interviews
Has he been fired and replaced with a better writer like Jamie Mathieson orPeter Harness?Please?
>maybe there is no s11 for two years or more
There'd be nothing wrong with giving the show a little closure. I'm sure Cartmel would have done the same if they had more warning about the cancellation.
Your sudden defensiveness is highly familiar.
The Day of River Song
>In 1897, the Paternoster Gang is receiving strange death threats from an unknown agency. In 2017, Kate Stewart and Osgood are facing a global Auton invasion. In -2,000,000,000 Clara and Ashildr are lost, having been sent in the past by a Weeping Angel. And in the 51st century, Nardole has discovered a secret about the Doctor that can change everything, but he goes missing. Around the universe, evil forces are winning and The Doctor and Bill soon get a call from the Library, asking for an urgent meeting. But the person they find there is surprisingly not River Song but Missy, with a message from the Eleventh Doctor and River Song has one final secret...
>Showrunner keeps quiet
>New season starts
>10 episodes of pure kino
I wish
>Paternoster Gang is receiving strange death threats from an unknown agency
>it turns out to be real Dr Who fans
With how he pulled off the last Sherlock episode, I trust him with blind eyes. His final episode will be GOAT.
But this sounds solid
>yfw Moffat is doing Series 11
But I tried to make it as "shit" as I could without being too memey. Thought you guys hated Journey's End-type episodes.
>The Doctor and Bill soon get a call from the Library, asking for an urgent meeting. But the person they find there is surprisingly not River Song but Missy
Fuck I would love that twist.
If all his Series 10 episodes are like his Sherlock Series 4 episodes then this will be the GOATest series ever.
I do but I'm actually kind of a fan of Moffat's brand of hilarious fan-wanky clusterfuck timey-wimey ridiculously convoluted "epic" finale plots. They become "so bad it's good" for me and I usually enjoy the ride, RTD's fan-wanky finale messes usually just make me angry unfortunately
"an annoying self-parody"
it's literally what they've done to Dr Who
>Memory Police
That sounds fun, we need more memory-manipulation episodes.
But it was good.
>The Doctor in his own personal torture chamber, following clues until he reaches 'the final square on the board'.
True, Heaven Sent was pretty much a Doctor Who episode about a sadistic saw-style dungeon puzzle game.
Maybe user hasn't seen Heaven Sent yet?
I want Moffat to end it like that, semi-ended like it really is the end of an era but it continues offscreen until Chibnall's series arrives
Jeepers that's some severe contrarianism ya got there, user. Are ya ok?
>Stuart Heritage
It's written by a man who sleeps with his own son.
>it's okay when Moffat does it but not when RTD does the same thing
Moffags, everyone.
oy vey! You must be really butthurt if you are this desperate to put down the reviews.
Stay calm, user. Moffat will never be your actual friend no matter how hard you try.
Imagine being such a pleb you ignore critics opinions. The only Moff series that didn't recieve critical acclaim was Series 7. Keep crying into Rusty's pubes while he runs a greasy hand through your hair and tells you to use your teeth less.
>le moffat is good meme
getting a bit stale lads
Like that but less hamfistedly executed.
>Hi it's me again, now it's time to give a monologue with no other purpose than summing up the series for the viewers
>Even Moff haters still include many of his written episodes in their nuWho top 10s.
H-he w-will still wr-write the ocassional Who episode? R-right?
If they let him include the Bandrils.
That's bretty good but Mary just feels forced. Plus her actress is more wooden than Samderson.
The same critics who loved Kill the Moon?
I just found out what a fez was!
Yes. I also have a positive opinion of Kill The Moon
>he thinks everyone outside of this miserable echo-chamber of a website hates things as much as he does
Everything LumiereInfinie ever said came from either doctorwho, Timeboy, gabundy, or trackboy, or all four at the same time. He was a hack, and a fake, and yet idiots still gobbed up his "spoilers" after he was exposed during Christmas.
fuck offerino. Anyway, I'm sure there's something you disagree with most critics on.
what do you think about this
Much salt, smallfat? Liked my fake spoilers? :^)