Who made the best 90s cyberpunk masterpiece, Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
Who made the best 90s cyberpunk masterpiece, Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
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Never seen centre
Matrix is probably superior to weebshit tho
And DX is a fucking vidya
I love all three, and Deus Ex is objectively the best in relation to its medium, being a total gamechanger, but The Matrix is a literally perfect film that still holds up today.
Deus Ex came out in the 00s, I think you meant System Shock 2.
This is a stealth Sup Forumsedditor thread trying to normalize crossposting.
Sup Forums desu
Matrix is more of the perfect action film with perfect aesthetics. Cyberpunk there is just decorations that explain jumps.
Lain > Dx > Matrix
Matrix is trash.
>but anime is for children
Matrix is wannabe anime.
Far more cerebral game than Bioshock
I disagree, I watched the matrix recently and it holds up terribly.
DX all the way for me.
Can I just blow your mind here, 2000 is the last year of the 90s.
This is the best cyberpunk sequence.
>Matrix is probably superior to weebshit tho
literally based on some weebshit comic books
>Matrix is wannabe anime.
this desu
Serial Experiments: Lain is interesting. It was a landmark in the history of Anime and Otaku culture, but that doesn't mean it was transformative in any way. It is a convenient reference point that captures but does not catalyze anything significant for it's medium.
The Matrix is a great movie, but it's influence was that of radical trans-medial narrative. Although it stands on its own, it was but one of many entry points into the world of the matrix as a whole (books, comics, video games, anime, movies, etc...). That is it's biggest contribution.
Deus Ex is the pinnacle of Vidya. Period. Focused narrative, immersive world building, and proper, deliberate design of obstacles (zones in this case), and meaningful, story defining choices captured precisely what Vidya as a medium of interactive storytelling excels at. However, it had quite literally ZERO influence on the medium. None of the things that made Deus Ex great are found in Vidya anymore. Video Game Worlds, Visuals, and Soundtracks are streamlined rather than immersive, think Michael Bay over Jackson (Pre-Hackson). Level design is replaced by Mario-tier platforming puzzles (Nintoddler, Dark Souls, Larian Studios) or open-world non-design (Bethesda, CDPR, Bioware).
Because both Serial Experiments: Lain and Deus Ex captured the best of their respective media but failed to change them, I vote the Matrix. Then again, the Matrix didn't influence film so much as trans-medial narrative i.e. the shit you saw in the movie theater didn't change, it's all the accompanying content that changed.
Still, Matrix it is because Keanu and Fishburne + Trinity Latex ASS (though Nevarra's ass was hot too, all 2 and half pixels of it).
kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
Considering all of those were inspired by Blade Runner I would say Sup Forums
Also your pic should be Blade Runner, the fuck is wrong with you?
The Matrix is not as good as you remember, desu.
I love Deus Ex as much as you do, but once you started dissing other games by name you come off as a total elitist and its hard to take that seriously
Sup Forums
>blade runner
oh im sorry. Im drunk.
People will hate on anime but half of the movies they love were all inspired by anime.
Sup Forums
He's only critising games with uninspired design though
You may have bad taste and are a little butthurt baby about it
Its really not worth arguing over, as soon as I name something I specifically take issue with it will only be used against me. In general, if you're trying to have a discussion or be persuasive that is not the way to go about it.
I don't watch children's movies.
Thanks for deciding my opinion for me
That makes no sense
>me on the left
>Dark Souls
>Platforming puzzles
What did he mean by this.
Deus Ex with mods>Lain>The Matrix>Deus Ex
If you're a sperg I can see how emotional complexities like an opinion wouldn't compute.
But 70% of Sup Forums is cyberpunk.
He's one of the people who won't get over Bed of Chaos
You're appointment with FEMA should be finalized within a week
kek epic nerd reference bro
Thread King coming through. Kneel before your master.
Deus Ex is a shopping list of conspiracy theories with shitty headache inducing William Gibson nonsense all over it. Lain is a genuinely excellent piece of Japanese cyberpunk while The Matrix is a couple of Mamoru Oshii and John Woo's weaker efforts blended together for easy consumption by plebs. Rainu wins. Easily best atmosphere in a tv anime outside of Dezaki's stuff.
Thief and System Shock are better. DX just combined them and did a worse job at both.
Take your medication.
Jesus, people call me a tryhard.
Blade Runner is probably the most overrated mainstream movie to come out of Hollywood. Everything it does is done better by its contemporaries. The Hard Goodbye and Klute are better neo-noir, Black Rain was a better cop story and just off the top of my head THX1138 is all over better science-fiction drama despite being older.
Not even Oshii's best.
stupid nigger i would kill you in person i would rape you you would be my bitch you dumb nigger monkey
Fuck you pleb I bet you liked Fury Road but think that Mad Max is slow.
>tfw 2 dumb to make a thoughtful post like this
That's /m/ actually.
Lain isn't very good though.
fury road was nigger movie for niggers like you, baboon the first mad max was excellent
Forced memes, Chinese cartoons and mentioning other boards... three things I hate. Good job faggot ass OP.
Please only post on websites which are based on your first language.
Ghost in the Shell is a better anime, and Blade Runner is a better movie.
>a anime
Kys pleb
Oh so I should have said an better anime? Fuck off retard.
Explain Lain to me
Oh, no, you're just a pleb for saying bringing up gits. That's all.
what now? I thought it was based on the idea the wachowskis ripped off from that old lady
What's to explain? It was all very self-explanatory.
The only thing it had going for it was the initial mystery, and the visuals. The story, once it unfolded, was boneheaded.
Sup Forums - Ghost in the Shell
>doesn't have 90 in it
99 is the last year. how stupid is it. i can't believe i actually have to tell someone on the internet when the last year in a decade is. jesus
you cant really compare weeb garbage to Filme.
Theyre great but ware both influenced by Blade Runner.
Since The Matrix is so popular Sup Forums will tend to underrated it
shit's fucking great, there are a lot of intense moments, the chase in the office, the interrogation, cypher killing the pilot, and so on, really wish I could watch it for the first time again.
Sup Forums has gits
Sup Forums has system shock and blade runner
Sup Forums doesn't have anything comparable in the 90's
>None of the things that made Deus Ex great are found in Vidya anymore.
A statement on part with the comments, literal children leave on YouTube videos , whining about the "state of modern music" despite only listening to mainstream radio.
Sup Forums has
>964 Pinocchio
>Stray Dog: Kerberos Panzer Cops
>Rubber's Lover
>Tetsuo 2
>Hardware (If we count 1990)
Just because you're stupid that doesn't mean these things don't exist.
Modern music and video games are in pretty dire straits at the moment. Thinking this doesn't make you an edgy 12 year old who dislikes all of Justin Bieber's video clips on youtube. Popular music has become too production and star focused leading to a decline in musicianship while video games have all got retardedly bloated budgets which cause the producers to take absolutely 0 risks in order to make their money back meaning that all AAA games are interchangeable and boring as shit.
And what do you think The Matrix was influenced by?
I think he was implying that you have too look past the mainstream to find the good stuff
I'd agree with this. Everyone else saying the Matrix doesn't hold up is right in a sense, as the plot and acting are really run of the mill pulp for the most part, despite how conceptually fantastic everything is. It's a great film, but I never saw it as a total masterpiece and the Animatrix is better anyway.
>Mario-tier platforming puzzles
>Nintoddler, Dark Souls
What the fuck are you smoking? You almost offered a decent analysis of the game, but I have no idea what point you're trying to make here.
Zelda has at least three games (each of which it could be said that "none of the things that made [them] great are found in vidya anymore") that are more immersive than Deus Ex and Dark Souls is about exploration and discovery.
Sauce pleasu
Sup Forums by miles