>be me
>watch the passion of the Christ
>look it up on wikipedia after finished watching
>its based off a true story and real events
>Jesus Christ actually died for our sins
Be me
uhh... where to start...
*adjusts fedora*
Je*** Ch*** never existed, it's fiction made by lunatic self-proclaimed priests during the ancient times to control peasants into thinking they should be moral.
fedora tipping redditors BTFO
>be Jesus
>be the savior of the jews
>die for their sins
>some greek cunt usurps your teachings
>whites are now saved too
Fucking white people
wtf I hate jews now
your a dorable
open a book
Wow OP! That's really interesting, thanks for sharing buddy :)
Are you retarded?
>watch Blair Witch Project
>check its imdb after im done marthoning it
>its actually not real
how could he die for sins that hadn't been invented yet? like software piracy?
>mfw i thought i could put all my illegal downloading on my Jesus tab but that probably isn't the case and now i'm going to hell
oh well i'm a massive faggot, I was going down anyway
Really cooking my noodle
Jesus pirated fish and bread. So I guess it isn't a sin.
guys, i think op is just avin a giggle
>rome actually existed
i seriously didn't learn until college that Rome was real. I thought they were just from an old story.
No wonder the Jews are so antipiracy.
>watch amadeus
>mfw ancient germany actually existed
>"Based on a true story, but actually the jews didn't do nothing, they loved jesus and the evil white roman men killed the Christ, not the good jewish people." - wikipedia
>watch harry potter
>kings cross actually exists
>watching harry potter
>humans actually exist
wow Rowling, what a truly fresh and unique world you've created
The burning of women for being evil in Salem was real tho
>watching Schindler's List
>find out the Holocaust didn't exist
>watching the lord of the rings
>orcs actually exist
Not you too, Tolkien
>Watching Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
>Rats actually exist
It's kinda hard to pin this on Lucas desu