Did she fuck all the guys on the boat? How did they all die so fast?
Was Paul a cuck?
Do the guys have to nut in her for it to count?
Was Jay a slut?
Did she fuck all the guys on the boat? How did they all die so fast?
Was Paul a cuck?
Do the guys have to nut in her for it to count?
Was Jay a slut?
>Did she fuck all the guys on the boat?
Damn straight she did
>How did they all die so fast?
She didnt tell them about 'it' like the guy did for her
>Do the guys have to nut in her for it to count?
I was wondering that myself when i watched it, also does it count if condom?
>Was Jay a slut?
She got railed by three dudes on a speed boat, depends on your definition of the word
what was the pont of fucking the three guys if she didn't tell them? they'd just be immediately killed and hardly buy her any time
buy her a little time, to be fair, you'd hardly be thinking to clearly in that situation,
If it was me id be banging prostitutes daily and not telling them shit, just moving on
Well, those guys would be very angry about it, cause it's worse than intentionally spreading aids.
But i wonder, how did guy, who fucked MC at the begining, know the rules. Girl, who fucked hin in bar, didn't tell her anything as well.
Be honest who would have fucked her knowing they'd get the thing? I spent the whole movie thinking about how much I wanted to fuck her.
let's be real, it would totally be worth it
He doesn't really know the rules, he is wrong about a lot. I'm curious as to how he survived initially though
what is he wrong about? Nothing, what he tells her is true.
Just bang one nigger slut and you'll make the world a better place.
nah, Yara was best girl, and 'it' free
they would die to fast to spread it.
>it follows you
>go to space
>fuck a fleshlight
>shoot it into space
>problem solved
shit movie 2/10
>Did she fuck all the guys on the boat?
>Damn straight she did
This is one of the those movies where you have to have some suspension of disbelief
If you start to think about it logically, you can take comfort in that "Well, just fly to the other side of the world, I can control this situation, it's not that scary, he can't probably even get through the oceans anyways"
But then he appears close to you at illogical times when he's still suppose to be hundreds of miles away
Well she would only be able to pass it to one of the guys on the boat. But she definitely fucked one of them.
I would guess that it follows standard STD rules.
director said it can walk onto a plane in the ama
>just fly to the other side of the world
That's a dumb thing to say. You can't just leave everything and go into another country, if you don't have money, like characters in the movie.
There is lot not dumb things, one can do to deal with monster, like this.
damn right son.
Do you see her fucking other guys? Because I want to watch this film but I can't handle seeing other people fuck because it triggers major jealousy in me.
what if she fucks a girl>?
That's the biggest problem with this movie to me. That solution came to me immediately after the rules were explained.
>he wastes his energy pondering the plot holes of a shit flick
she didnt fuck them thickfucks
she thought about it, showing us how insane shes becoming
The It is obviously sandbagging. If the humans try harder it will step up its efforts and win anyway.
Why would she fuck all of them?
I swear every "feminist" show or movie is just the lead fucking everyone she meets. It's starting to get boring.
>lead It into like 8 ft deep hole
>fill hole with cement
>live life normally
Yeah it would only work on the 1st guy she fucked anyways...Unless there was some weird shit going on in that boat.
I would quite like a sequel which starts with a wealthy business man / gang lord getting it from some crazy prostitute and seeing him fuck off to some island by plane and then having it walking through the bottom of the sea to get to him a year later.
Nah she did, next scene shows her soaking wet (she swam to them), then she says she bought some time and then you don't see it for a while and she sits at home fine
The film clearly says it won't be tricked and it's smart. The finale is then trying to do pretty much the same thing except in a pool of water and it doesn't fall for it
Was "it" a metaphor for STDs?
Although it might be less of a her fucking them and more of a them fucking her situation.
It was a metaphor for slut-shaming.
This solution raises many questions.
Such as:
Where does a coolege student just dig a 8 ft deep hole without getting arrested for... defacing the park for example?
How do you get out of the hole yourself after the monster thing followed you inside?
Where do you get all that cement from filling a 8 ft deep hole from as a poor college student?
From whom do you borrow the cement pouring tools that you undoubtedly would need for that much cement?
What would prevent the supernatural murder creature from slowly digging itself out from under the cement through the non cement materaial that is still around and under the cement?
And most importantly: Did you even think this one through at all?
the movie is so ambiguous and unclear about it's own intentions you can hang whatever meaning you want on it
The girl at the beginning was his girlfriend. He passed it to her and it came back to him. From that he could deduce most of the rules.
No it wasn't a metaphor for anything, it was never explained where it came from or why it follows.
The director simply wanted to associate the intimacy of sex with it to create a closeness with the characters
Then it would never reach her because all girls are whores
this is and remains the best bait one can post in these threads
the best thing are the people who believe this to be a legit interpretation
Mostly it catches out all the people with stds
>dump paint on it
>make it follow you through NYC traffic
>national guard gets called in
>entire world vs one thing
why didn't they just do this
>poor college student
>have to pay to get from fucking detroit to nyc
Well they live in detroit and are pretty poor so there's that.
Also the film covers itself by saying it is smart and not stupid, so you could argue it would simply wash itself or avoid such a situation.
Plus it is shown to be extremely strong and perhaps even invincible as it is ambigious whether it actually dies at the end despite being shot in the neck in an earlier scene and twice in the head in the final scene.
Can I just say, aside from all the memery and nitpicking and jokes, this was a fucking gorgeous movie and thoroughly captivated me from beginning to end, and it's fun to think about what would happen if you and your mates had to deal with this.
You could have. But you ruined your post with the word "mates" and outed yourself as a dirty foreigner shitting up this board.
The only way to defeat it would be to temporarily immobilize it and fuck it
It would then kill itself and boom you win
It's not dead. The very last shot of them walking down the street shows it walking up behind while they are unaware. Rewatch the movie.
Yes I am aware of the last shot... It is ambigious whether that is it or if it's just a random person.
Here's what I wonder:
Would it actually kill someone in broad daylight in front of hundreds if not thousands of witnesses? Say you go to a busy city intersection.
How smart is this thing?
Obviously the pool trick wasn't gonna work, but can it actually sense danger or something? Because what if you managed to lead it into a rock quarry or something? Make it look like you were panicking but was actually leading it to a trap where you could knock it into a deep pit.
it looks like creepy naked person for most of times.
It can't be that smart.
Well, in theater scene, Hugh was saying it's just standing there. So, i assume it won't kill you in crowd.
fuck all y'all
your bullshit is getting desperate.
I thought it was a metaphor for loss of innocence and becoming an adult. Losing your virginity is a big step in becoming an adult, and being an adult is scary.