Is Alan Resnick a genius or overrated hack?
Is Alan Resnick a genius or overrated hack?
Watching some of his stuff for the first time.
It's not very good.
Why do you think he's a genius?
I believe he creates shorts that are somewhat unique, but granted the Live As You Are Now shtick has been done before, as well as videos similar to Alantutorial
Objectively brilliant
What the fuck is that?
[as] needs to edit alantutorial for TV and air it in its entirety. Either turn it into a series or air the entire thing as a film.
Personification of Lynks Disease
deepest lore
Literally. All his videos form a much larger narrative, however unrelated they seem.
Is it cinema?
Think he wrote that commercial while he was tripping on benadryl?
what's this? is it spooky?
he is possibly an actual genius.
>searching google images for any disease
>while eating
The fuck is wrong with me?
Bump while I watch this.
I've watched a ton of Alantutorial vids and they're all freaky as fuck. I wasn't always sure they were acting.
I just watched This House Has People In It and this explanation seems to be revealing a treasure trove of hidden weirdness.
it's called "This House Has People In It" and yes, in my opinion it's spooky.
Not jumpscary or anything, but it triggers this uncomfortable reaction in me that says "this is fundamentally wrong".
Not many things do that, there's a twilight zone episode that does and Sock 5: Three Skins Without Men.
Did anyone else find the Mirror kind of pointless?
>deepest lore
What did you mean by this? Care to spoonfeed?
If you have a couple of hours, watch the vid here:, and the vids it directs you to when they come up. I'm 25 mins in and enjoying a pretty wild ride.
There was an arg surrounding that 10 minute short "This house has people in it" that fleshed out the lore heavily. There was like 1.5 hours of additional footage, including a full episode of the tv show the grandmother was watching. Another hour or so of audio clips, several websites and a videogame.
It was a huge rabbit hole and it was extremely fun to figure things out and speculate about at the time.
How do you guys have time for all this? I'll watch Alantutorial: Explained because it sounds interesting, but do I have to spend 100 hours to get everything?
It's a few people contributing here and there but it adds up, I mostly just think args are fun. Then someone like Night Mind comes along and makes a two hour video about it summarizing everything.
Since everything has pretty much been discovered, you don't really have to spend much time. You can just watch the shorts and then watch an explanation video it to get a good idea of the supplementary content.
these explanation videos are real stretches, trying to explain the madness of resnick. not good. resnick is a hack.
Yeah it's a bit sad really. Seems like the sort of shit kids these days eat up though, things with a veneer of intelligence and depth, and someone else "solving" all the mysteries so they can feel smarter without actually doing anything.
>tfw when my peers eat this shit up
>try and tell them its shit and explain that nothing is actually being said for 2 hours
>"wtf dude just let people enjoy shit"
im so tired of being me
>tfw when my peers
>tfw when
>tfw when
>my peers
Jesus Christ this board is a joke, literal fucking kids
your peers are tired of you being you too
>tfw when its 8 in the morning and havent slept
>been awake since 6 the previous day
>been high since 8pm
>brain slip ups happen
but you are right, this board is a joke. idk why you ever thought differently
Forgot you weren't on Reddit fag?
>A fucking hour and 40 minutes of set up, videos, articles on clay eating, fake disease explanation later
I'm listening to the explanation of This House Has People In It right now.
It's a bunch of weird autistic nonsense, but it's fun.
aww what's wrong? did I insult your 2deep faggot director?
>don't explain anything
>let fans make up a backstory
>lap up kudos as a "genius"
> What is David Lynch?
These videos are just some autist finding some "incredible" backstory that isn't there.
His stuff isnt supposed scary, but for me even thinking about it scares the shit outta me.
It's like the #PIZZAGATE stuff.
>i found something that may or may not be connected to the conclusion we're trying to reach
>let's assume it is connected while we connect some other shit
>add it to the pile of connections we already have
Throw enough random ideas and details together and tie it together with a couple of vague themes and /x/-philes will lose their shit every time.
Haha, fuck you.
its the journey that matters friendo
the journey of wasting my FUCKING TIME?
All of the speculation in that video is kind of irrelevant. The dude doesn't make very good guesses. He's just thorough in his research.
It's like any movie, either you enjoy it or you don't.
That's actually a pretty good way to sum up Resnick, he's Lynch for the internet age kids
What is going on here?
I'm okay with that because they both occasionally creep me out, which most directors fail at.
yeah but there are reasons for not liking it and saying "welp youll like it or you wont" is fucking stupid. that's the most vapid, obvious thing. "welp if you consume the media, youll make a judgement on that media" well no fucking shit. when you put together a some sort of documentary style video (i want to say pseudo-doc because it says so fucking little) in the way that nightmind is attempting, try and make a point, or something, some revelation at the end that's meaningful, but he shoehorns in an explanation at the end that is as hollow as your fuckin statement about watching something and liking or disliking it. It's the artists' fault to have a failure to communicate their message, and a muddled message may read as "this is a message about bad perception" (doesn't even talk about this message in any relevant context) but it's actually just a failure to communicate.
The Alantutorial Explained vid is quite impressive imo.
>play a bit of the actual video
>stop and literally just say what just happened
wow great analysis bud
People who say 'bud' are known to lack intelligence and reasoning skills.
If you don't want to seem like an uneducated fool, you probably should stop saying that word. Or just stop posting altogether.
don't ever reply to me again, all right pal?
You should know that everyone will look at that post and think you're a fucking idiot.
Have a nice day.
Don't speak for "everyone" on here you self-important ass. I think you came off as much more idiotic than the other user in that exchange, and I doubt I'm the only one.
"Don't reply to me again" is a common riposte on Sup Forums, due to the very concept flying in the face of the anonymous nature of this site. Not knowing this is evidence that you should lurk moar before posting again.
well, whats important is you found a way to look stupider than both "other" parties
>"Don't reply to me again" is a common riposte on Sup Forums, due to the very concept flying in the face of the anonymous nature of this site. Not knowing this is evidence that you should lurk moar before posting again.
I really shouldn't have to point this out, but in the interest of you learning something I'll say it was in reference to Though I am amazed that you came to the defense of such an buffoon.
Maybe I am stupider than both parties, but at least I'm not speaking on behalf of all of Sup Forums like some kind of pompous twat. And I don't think that IS what's important. Your appalling grammar made you look stupider than me, and I think that is at least as important as how stupid I look.
>it was in reference to
You didn't make that clear at all, and either way, claiming "everyone will agree with me" was still wrong and asinine.
And I wasn't defending anyone, I was venting at someone speaking on my behalf on an anonymous imageboard. It's about the most obnoxious thing you can do on Sup Forums, and that's really saying something.