The only well-written character in GoT.
The only well-written character in GoT
>does extremely retarded dangerous shit
>no consequences
Tommen was a consequence
>no consequences
>was publicly humiliated in front of the whole city
>has the whole realm against now that she's queen
>no consequences
>has the whole realm against now that she's queen
guessing you haven't seen the s7 leaks
D&D have worked their magic once again
lannisters sack highgarden, tarlys side with them
sandsneks and that greyjoy lesbo all get captured and paraded around KL
and apparently no one cares that she basically blew up the vatican
Best character is my boy Aurane Waters, the bastard of Driftmark and Pirate King of the Stepstones
Well all her kids are dead
kek wonder how much of this is based off of GRRMs ideas.
>*looks smug*
>thinks about donuts
Holy shit that's retarded if true.
I guess they're kind of pretty..
>what is jamie
yeah lmao she got off scott free! No hardships for her!
There isn't a single well written character in the show at this point.
>lannisters sack highgarden
what the fuck, the lannisters are busy keeping order, as much as they have, in the north and need the tyrells to keep peace in KL because they didnt have the men. Now they have enough to sack highgarden? Fucking retarded if true. Fuck D&D and fuck GRRM is its based on his ideas.
>greyjoy lesbo
Isn't she off sailing with dany?
don't question it
>need the tyrells
*needed the tyrell's men
People who think anything in the show has been based on GRRMs ideas for years are legitimately retarded.
Did they write the early season such as 1 and 2 which were actually good or did they just copy the books so much they couldn't go wrong
GRRM has gone off the deep end as well, he doesn't write ASOIAF anymore just blogs butthurt posts about politics and football and award shows being hijacked by conservatives, another celebrity who seems broke by Trump it seems
they stayed closer to the books early on then started adding retarded shit like talisa in s2 as they started to become more confident which led the show slowly but surely downhill
basically yes but S2 still shows signs of their shitty writing and decisions
this isn't totally D&D's fault though, they reached a roadblock because GRRM hasn't fucking written anything and basically had to come up with an ending on their own
>or did they just copy the books so much they couldn't go wrong
Yes. Season 2 Dany is their only original storyline from that time and it's accidentally the shittiest one.
Oh wait Arya and Tywin hanging out together was in season 2 too? Yeah that was also shit.
Cersei's entire story is basically just other characters (Tyrion, Tywin, Kevan) cleaning up after her retarded mistakes that would've gotten anyone else killed.
even Eddard Stark would have beaten her if it wasn't for Littlefinger
The perfect 'good' troll character is kill.
High Sparrow was easily the most complex character.
Bravo Martin
>muh shoes
>they reached a roadblock because GRRM hasn't fucking written anything and basically had to come up with an ending on their own
It's weird, they made 2 seasons out of ASOS but then barely even got a single season out of the 2 books that came after it.
I guess AFFC has a lot of boring shit and D&D cut out stuff like LSH and Aegon to simplify the story but still.
>those smirks when he knew that Cersi hated him, but she had to jump through the hoops(so to speak).
>preaches absinance from pleasure & pain
>secretly gets pleasure from others torment
is he the new JUST? letting these hacks finish his epic saga because he is too fat and lazy
After the Red Wedding they stopped caring, so S5+ is all just for money making, there is no passion in it so they took all the easy decisions (such as killing off every character like Barristan, Stannis, Roose to reduce actor salaries)
>GRRM thought D&D would make AT LEAST two (2) seasons out of AFFC and ADWD
Well they should have because they can't write and what they made was utter shit.
They didn't want to kill viewership
it's honestly strange man he shows a deft understanding of politics in A Song of Ice and Fire but then you read his blog posts and he sounds like a mouthbreathing imbecile. He honestly believes Russia rigged the US elections.
he's still making millions from GoT, that's the opposite of JUST
he's just been tumblrised
well, desu asoiaf is just War of The Roses: The Wikipedia Now With More Dragons And Tittyfucking Also Zombies
>bad things happen to her
>"So well written!"
Nanny McPhee?
Remember when Tywin was scared as shit of the Iron Bank of Braavos? And now that the Tyrells are no longer paying for the Lannisters?
I know this plotline's gonna fucking disappear because D&D are dumb (what exactly did the Iron Bank gain after funding a fucked and dead Stannis), but come on.
>petulant, unlikable woman-child
>basically postergirl for borderline personality disorder
>no redeeming qualities that actually matter
>consistently does annoying and irrational shit, digging herself deeper into a hole
>pretty much mad king with tits at this point
At least her show version manages to be somewhat more tolerable than her book one. The Cersei chapters in AFFC were painful as shit.
>dude the capital needs Highgarden because [insert X tonnage of produce]
>Oh wait nevermind