Which version is better?

Which version is better?

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the one without billis

the one with Pain Star on it

I fucking love this song way too much and Will seems to completely ignore that he ever realeased this album


you post this every single fuckin thread, really not his fault, most fans acted like uptight douchebags and complained about the record being too dense and overlong, I'm sure he knows just how great it is, and given how personal the subject matters are and just how creepy and immature some fans are turning out to be I think he just wants to remain silent about it now

stop shilling your garbage album Will. fuck off

its not garbage lol

in all seriousness, the new one

t. Will

The new version of Famous Prophets is probably one of the best rock songs of this decade desu

i unironically agree with you

New one

Old one

Old one

coming to the conclusion that one can't exist without the other and be a whole work

there's a certain shitty obsessiveness in the first one that settles scores talks about transgressions tumblr style. in the new one that gets leveled out with a bygone-be-bygone end and that touched me in way it couldnt have if I didnt listen to the first one a lot first.

Anyone have a mega/zippy link for the new version? It's not in the archive

spotify you nig

>paying for streaming

there is a free version mate

Why would you always want to stream things instead of having them downloaded? You disgust me.

STFU user

They both suck, but then again I don't like indie.


I don't get the appeal for lo-fi. It's better because it sounds worse?

Not big on lo-fi but I speculate that people like it for the aesthetic and it's connotations. The unpolished production makes it seem authentic and sincere, with humanity and relatability because despite being a shitty, poorly produced piece, someone still made something likeable.

the old one sounds more emotional to me at least, even if he production sucks small details like the way he sings bodys makes me feel things the one does not.
i still think the new one is better tho