ITT: your honest opinion on this movie?

ITT: your honest opinion on this movie?

Literally me.

definitely a movie

>tfw driveless

Style over substance, but it actually works.

better then neon demon. refn makes his movies intentionally slow. he's trying to draw on the cinematography but it just ends up being mindless space, like daydreaming

Really forgettable. I don't understand the obsession.

Soundtrack was good though.

Only Refn movie with a functional plot. Not very great, not memorable.

>he hasn't seen any pre-Drive Refn movies.

I think that there's a good amount of substance. The relationships between Driver, Standard+family, Hal and the gangsters had a fair amount of depth to them.

Neon Demon had such a dumb script. It was like a child wrote it. Every line of dialogue was a variation upon "this modelling world will eat you up".

I thought it was being condescending until I realized that they were just too dumb to communicate things without outright saying it 80 times.

a more modern version of taxi driver

Perfect music.

I brought my girlfriend the jacket and the gloves, Tonight we went on a big drive and listened to the soundtrack
was pretty gud senpai

yeah funny that they ACTUALLY ate her

I really liked it, one of my fav movies.
The photography and colors are great, match perfectly with the cold characters/atmosphere.
Soudtrack is also nice.
Good rythm.
I also really enjoyed the way NWR made a movie where there's just a few lines, and the rest is all in the images he created.
Also the violence, only a few scene, but always powerfull.
And there's Ron Perlman, Bryan Cranston and Oscar Isaac, which is nice


>Drive came out six years ago

where has my life gone

The photography(colors/light) is gorgeous, every shot is incredibly well composed.

The soundtrack is really good and immersive.

The story is really simple but is elevated by the talented cast of actors.

Overall it's one of these movies I could watch again and again.

You seem difficult to work with.

this is depressing af

its aight
very stylized, obviously and the color palette doesn't always work with me, but it's fun
same with semen demon

more like drivel

Chris Stuckmann's favourite film.

are you fucking kidding me...

>I don't know what I'm talking about

Watch Pusher


Complete fucking garbage that Sup Forums thinks is some sort of masterpiece.
>dull story
>cringeworthy acting
>lame cast
>alright music
It's like a boring Transporter 1 with an autismo as the main character.

I love drive and his sweet jacket. I bought one myself so I too can look like a total badass!

Do you mean you have no car, no motivation, or no copy of the movie?

Greatest film of the 21st century.

Pretty good for a meme flick

Gosling spends the movie with a fucking toothpick in his mouth. The worst thing is there's a few fedora tippers who really think he's a badass character.