This thing is coming out this year and we don't know SHIT.
This thing is coming out this year and we don't know SHIT.
Other urls found in this thread:
>11 months until it comes out
>still no screener
yo wtf guys.
We saw some awful set pictures already.
Don't expect it before there's like 6 months before release
work on your personality instead and stop using starwars as a social crutch
starwars fans are just as bad a bronys
Wrong. Some movies are teased a year before release. Most Nolan flicks and DC ones are.
I'd bet money on a Superbowl teaser.
Basing expectation on probability doesn't make right or wrong
fucking aspies nowadays
Possible. If not a Superbowl tease then we'll probably just have to wait until April.
>then we'll probably just have to wait until April.
Are you actually looking forward to it user? Kind of sad desu
Either that or on Star Wars day, then another full trailer at the Star Wars Celebration.
What about the name?They could say at least the name before.
Both name and first teaser for TFA came a year before. Things are weird.
Did Rian fuck up?
Yeah, maybe they're trying to keep a mystery. Or maybe this. Maybe they're trying to fix it.
>This thing is coming out this year and we don't know SHIT.
Just watch Empire Strikes Back, have shittier orchestral music drowning out the original score and squint so that Lando's face looks mushed up and ugly.
Bam. Exact same movie.
>we don't know SHIT.
Wasn't there supposed to be a trailer released Sunday? Where the fuck is it disney?
except that VIII wont be dark. The director said it already.
Trailer/Teaser in Mars probably
Episode VIII shot in space confirmed
Well, that's far. Matt damon, that lucky bastard probably already watched it
The first trailer for Rogue One came out in April so expect it around that time.
Remember when Wolverine leaked before it finished post-production? And you had scenes with green screens and explosion place holders.
I can't tell you much now, but expect the same for SW EpVIII.
First teaser will be at Star Wars celebration in April
TFA's first teaser released like, two weeks after principal photography wrapped because they needed to get the word out that Star Wars was back. That was a special case.
starwars manchildren pls go
but they released pics before right? The one with the main characters.
oh yeah, sure mister lucasfilm.
TFA needed to remind people that SW exists and distance itself from the prequel disappointments and generate hype.
All of that shit is built in now so there's no need to put out teasers far in advance. It's the same with how the Hobbit movies had about a tenth of the marketing as LotR but made just as much.
I hope we don't get a single trailer. Or just a very short 30 second teaser. I wish all big movies would do that. I want to be surprised.
The first TFA teaser was great. It was pretty cryptic in terms of the plot, it just showed the new characters and a few visuals, half of which didn't even make it into the movie.
Give us something like that and only that.
>implying Lucasfilm is producing Star Wars
Have you been under a rock? It's produced by Disney now, a much larger company, with many more employees.
The director will say a lot of bullshit before release.
They will keep iconic moments, including betrayal, a dark revelation, a main character getting captured and a hand getting cut off. They need to, to please the execs and because they are hacks. They won't have anything as powerful as Mark Hamill's performance but it will be 'dark', if only by association.
Will Rey get bullied again?
Even more sjw propaganda
Didn't you see all those fucking terrible set pictures that looks like a shitty Dr. Who episode?
>t. Aspie
I doubt that after the biggest criticism of The Force Awakens was that it was too much like A New Hope.
They'll fix it in post.
When have set photos ever been indicative of a movies quality.
lmao'ing @ ur life
daily reminder that this exact thread is posted everyday by disney shills
>This thing is coming out this year and we don't know SHIT.
Good, less shitposting about it.
Anyway we do know that it is "commercial" film from disney, so it will probably be unoriginal and just plainly bad.
Daily reminder that if you post on Sup Forums for free you're a moron.
Get fucked, trumptard
also true.
They shot both movies back to back, they didn't have time to respond to criticism outside reshoots, which never seem to work out.
The critical response to TFA was almost entirely positive and it made bank. They won't risk many new ideas.
get off Sup Forums faggot
walk out of your house
do you think it's unethical to pray on children
(and manchildren) weak minds by building up "hype" like that? their parents are the ones who end up paying.
But it's cold outside.
Hey, Sup Forumsmblr.
Ethics? Pfffttthahahaha!
I don't shred a single emotion about you sheeps!
but that's my point. their parents are probably working their asses off and have to deal with autism on daily basis, I couldn't care less about the "fans" either.
Kill yourself, kiddo. Go back to your safe space.
Kill yourself
user no. Disney owns lucasfilm. Lucasfilm ltd produces the movie. Walt Disney Studios
Motion Pictures distribute it.
Do you remember Empire Strikes Back? This is a remake of it like TFA was to the first Star Wars movie.
That's why there is no trailer yet. Anything from the trailer will confirm the ESB ripoff status of it.
>Everyone expecting an ESB remake
>RJ repeatedly saying he won't shy away from the prequels
>yfw the trailer comes out and it shows Poe and Finn podracing
Make Jar Jar great again.
Old, wise, less goofy.
>doing anything that would make the braindead fanboys and millenials nerds cringe
Pick one.
>asking this when they haven't finished milking rogue one yet
They'll fire up the hype train around April. At least that's what they did with rogue one, first teaser came out april 7.
How embarrassing.....
>while defending star wars
What did he mean by this?
>reddit newfags come to Sup Forums during the force awakens leaks
>almost two years later, they are still here waiting for some secret info to repost on reddit
>don't forget you're here forever
>R1 must have underperformed (not made greater than TFA money) because we over-marketed!
>lets not release trailers/teasers and then market by making a huge deal about it!
They're making yet another Star Wars?
Why? Seems really unnecessary.
it's only just the beginning
>t. Aspie
earliest will be april/may
I'm glad. This way we don't have to suffer through another "OOGA BOOGA" Sup Forums aspie episode.
Disney said that they postponed a teaser trailer because they want everyone focused on Rogue One. Once the dust settles there will be one Q1 this year.
Trust me, Im from the interwebz