Tfw we'll never get a great mystery kino like Lost ever again

>Tfw we'll never get a great mystery kino like Lost ever again

Nope, no series will ever compare to that level of hype in America.

The show would have been better if they explained some mysteries at the end of the season, then introduced a new one they could expand on in the beginning of the next season and then reveal those later.

What they did was compound questions, mysteries and unknowns till the end of the show so no matter what the explanation (it was shit btw) it would have been unsatisfying for the audience. And it was: They're all dead and meet in a church, really?

Not sure if bait.

The epilogue answered whatever questions were left. A lot of stuff didn't satisfy fans, and I wish the story went a different way in the last season, but it was still fine.

remember all dem gets?


Gravity falls was fun while it lasted.

I guess I can consider this to be a Lost thread.

I was wondering, what did you all think of Ben?

It's the exact problem Westworld has now

The Leftovers is better than lost though imo.

Every episode isn't based on the main characters making one retarded decision after the next.

Every tv series that came out after LOST tries to be LOST. Fuck, it's still happening right now. LOST was a mistake.

>terrible writing is now officially K I N O
Is LOSER kino? Worst campaign ever, it has to be kino. Kinollary Kinoton

He was the hero the Island deserved. I'm so glad that the actor was one of the few who had a career after the show, he was excellent as Ben and then still brilliant as Harold in Person Of Interest

Amazing character arc. Best in the entire show

>there will never be something as mesmerizing and addicting as L O S T

just kill me now senpaitachi

Michael Emerson is on the top 100 of the best actors that have ever lived, live, or will live. I think that the other only actors alive that are on that top are Daniel Day Lewis and Anthony Hopkins

>tfw Michael Emerson will be cast in Westworld to destroy the Hosts
>tfw Michael Emeson is himself a host planted by Ford
>tfw he will lead Host rebellion
>tfw regular humana were created by Mark Pellegrino

this nigga saved season 2 but this

The hype itself is the only thing memorable about this shit, the show itself is a string of mysteries that go nowhere satisfactory. There are definitely better mystery shows out there.

>we'll never get a great mystery kino like Lost ever again
hope we won't.

way to ruin any chances for good serialized TV for years to come.

now, everytime anyone is going to start a show with multi-season arc, everyone will just assume it's LOST-tier and not give it a chance.

and probably be right, as the writers seem to love this kind of writing now

>There are definitely better mystery shows out there.
could you please name some? especially with satisfying endings.

great in season 2
shit gimmick character from then on

Only the first 3 seasons were alright.

I think Westworld is actually doing what that poster proposed.

I still believe it will turn to complete shit, but so far they are handling it better.

twin pea hmmm

the golden age of Sup Forums was during the L O S T era.

Those days will never be repeated again



It started with Sopranos, it will end with Better Call Saul.

But yeah, TV during the late 2000s was great (Lost, Madmen, final seasons of Sopranos and the Wire, beginning of Breaking Bad)

>generic drama with angry people yelling and lying to each other
>but there is Grand Mystery and some way out there setpieces
>10/10 classic nothing will ever compare

you are being unfair user.

mini (episode-wide) mysteries were handled with grace, and contributed to character development

big picture was complete shit, but everybody knows that

I just didn't like how they very obviously just made shit up as they went along.

All those verticals
The constant oc being made
Now it's just people spamming the same couple of quotes

that wasn't the worst part.

worst part was listening to their podcast when they kept lying about it.
>all according to keikaku, just wait till season finale

Rejoice for lost has come back
Stronger and better


OCs left and right
theories and discussions on every thread
people were anticipating the next episode to be proven right or wrong
even the haters had to watch it since they'll be left out of the discussion
truly the golden age of Sup Forums

and its all gone


wrong pic. ftfy my friend

no need to thank me

>characters aren't omniscient
>this is bad writing

Rewatching it for 4th time.

It isnt THAT great relax

Once I'm in my 50s, I will be watching it, for sure, by the fourth time

One of my favorite threads was the "Draw your favorite scene in paint".

Anthony Cooper was unironically the most hateful character that has ever been created

>inb4 Joffrey Baratheon
Joffrey actually loved his father. It is hinted that he was a cunt to get Robert's attention

Cooper stole his son's kidney and threw him off a building. With no remorse

Kate Austin.

Kate had qualities, Anthony was pure evil. Even worse than MIB

i still liked the bane generals. that sheer amount of dedication put into every thread plus everyone hated baneposting.
>baneposting outside the bane general will result in a ban
>baneposting outside Sup Forums sometimes resulted in a ban

Bump for Jacob

>It's a Kate episode

>Sayid cast on Sense8
>gf dies on first scene


Lost was for women, stop liking dumb things.