How do you feel about this wall?
How do you feel about this wall?
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I'm not sure what all of these have in common.
The Inuyasha one made me jizz.
Where's world peace?
the anime ones are cool
the rest are shit
Harvey Birdman looks good, rest are shit
>Inuyasha aka Dragonball for girls
>the source material was literally published on a magazine for 8 year olds
>airs on """Adult""" Swim
Why does Murrica do this?
>Big O
I'm ok with this, but Inuyasha was gay as fuck
Yea, but all the stuff they show is random. They hardly made anything and didn't make any of the shows shown. I don't think anyone relates to adult swim itself so this collection makes no sense.
Man with a vagina is his hand
Homosexual looking characters
Borderline Zoophilia/Furry
their populace is immature and unintelligent compared to the rest of the world and revels in such
the guy who did them liked the shows.
The only wall that matters
Little girl magazines in Japan have nudity and blood?
I believe it.
>it's an adult swim marketing stunt turns into a bomb scare by easily triggered jew yorkers episode
It was Boston
Because in america blood = adult content.
It was actually Boston, a city filled with 6th generation fetal alcohol syndrome sufferers.
[as]'s primary audience when it started was like 11-17 year olds.
are these all good shows that were cancelled early by networks because of low ratings?
Futurama was initially and that blue hair guy show was but idk bout the rest .
>say banksy did it
>wall becomes heritage listed
>protected sight
>thousands of tourists
>armed security needed to preserve cultural integrity
>"b..b..but this is my property"
>arrested for trying to destroy public monument and aggrevated plebness
>artistic vision kept intact
>I don't think anyone relates to adult swim itself
you'd be surprised. gen y is pure retard
>are these all good shows that were cancelled early by networks because of low ratings?
>blue hair guy show
>not knowing Mission Hill
Nigga fuck outta here
I miss this
>the wall just got ten feet higher
You are a fucking retard man,
1. Adult Swim super boosted the popularity of anime in the US
2. They took a chance on comedy shows no other network would touch.
try harder to pay attention.
So many good shows. Like tears in the rain...
a time of greatness
it bothers me that Bender has yellow eyes
>adult swim
You mean Toonami right? Since it was Toonami's success that gave way to late night anime on adult swim.
it is my personal opinion that home movies sucks ass and was never good in any way shape or form.
It was both, because Toonami never played adult shows like Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Shamploo.
I feel like you should stop spamming the fucking catalog with your shitty thread.
Adult swim doesnt mean shows for adults retardo
>implying you were born before 1982.
For 2003 that's a pretty sharp design
>program block with "adult" in its name
>doesn't mean it's for adults
Really made me think.
Big O wasn't canceled it just had a shit ending that Adult Swim forced in order for season 2 to be funded.
they're all made for manchildren
Inuyasha could've been ok if it were 100 episodes shorter.
Inuyasha is great for the first few episodes and it goes downhill as soon as Naraku is introduced. What truly destroyed it though was the constant in-manga filler that Takahashi kept producing. She ruined her own story.