>6 Million
6 Million
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The narrative is collapsing so (((Hollywood))) is now producing shit simply to keep people in the dark. I don't even think they care if they make money on shit like this. It exists for subversion purposes only
lmao take your meds Sup Forums
holocaust is historical fact despite you crudely made mspaints telling you otherwise
Oy vey
Remember the 6 million goyim!!
Feel more guilt and genocide yourselves for the jewish people!
Pay your taxes to Israel goyim!!
>there's proof of the Holocaust
>just less than 300,000 Jewish deaths measured
>propaganda published years prior to the end of the war about 6 gorillion jews being killed
>this is common knowledge among historians, but they avoid challenging it to avoid being blacklisted
We're going to start murdering all of you filthy big nosed kikes again some day
When I went to see jack reacher 2 and the trailer for this played I let out a hearty chortle and several people turned their heads to look at me
>6 million in box office loss
its annuda shoah!
I dont quite understand the reason for this film.
Surely the most likely thing to happen is people will watch it, wonder why someone, especially a historian, would be so vehemently opposed to the Holocaust, then they will go and do their own research with many falling down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories.
Its going to do the opposite of what they want it to do.
Lidderally anodduh showah
>Its going to do the opposite of what they want it to do.
this is true but only because it lost money and the real reason they made it was to make money.
They don't give a shit. they figured it was an easy sell cause of they tons of people like OP who create a bunch of interest in this topic. they thought it would sell, that's it.
It definitely happened.
Why it's covered more than other, arguably more horrific genocides is beyond me.
it wasn't a great movie
>lmao take your meds Sup Forums
keep denying history shill
what did they mean by this?
oh vey
Eradicating a disease is not murder.
The first step on path to enlightenment is learning the holocaust was exaggerated
The final step is realizing it should've happened for real
anyone got a link to a stream of this? im not gonna torrent this junk
Jesus 'born of a virginal vagina' Christ, really.
You should see the disgusted looks I get whenever I try putting it into perspective and telling people this.
I'm always accused of being le nozzzee and defending Literally Hitler.
Why're there comparatively few films about the Armenian Genocide, or what all of the Communist dictators did, or the Islamic genocide of Christians and non-Muslims in the Middle East?
Ignoring other tragedies and obsessing over the holocaust is what incriminates Hollywood the most, and supports the idea, if any, that it's run by Jews.
The word holocaust doesn't even originate with the Nazis' supposed slaughter of six hundred sixty six sextillion Semites and counting, but is still synonymous by association.