What did they mean by this?
>From: Scottish Sunday Herald TV Guide
What did they mean by this?
>From: Scottish Sunday Herald TV Guide
Actually mildly amusing if you look past the liberal bias
tis only bantz
Just your basic variety of leftist drivel.
I blame Maddox and the internet in general for this writing style.
It is so uncouth and unpleasant to read, just attack after attack after attack. Jesus should come back pronto and help us all.
wtf i love scotia now
9/11 opened up a portal to the silly timeline. Nothing's been normal since.
Really, really, really, really nasty!
>''just attack after attack after attack''
>says the Trump cocksucker
not really, it's 'funny and original'-tier
Nah, things were normal up to about last year. My bet is this is all Bowie's fault for dying
get out
>Being this triggered
Pointing out some rather obvious bias and wanting Jesus to come back and help us out does not mean I would perform fellatio on another man, if you want to then that is your business but leave me out of it.
Nobody is triggered
Nobody is blown the fuck out
Nobody is mad
Nobody is crying
In your heart you know this.
Polls show 14% of people trust the media in 2017. Back to Buzzfeed you go
It's just a joke.
t. burger who voted for trump
Scotland hates Trump.
>it's a foreigners getting butthurt over American politics episode
Best episode of the season :^)
I can almost see the pseudo intellectual nu male typing this out, chuckling as he sips his Starbucks coffee, bragging to his 1000 twitter followers
Why are Europeans so butthurt? Also, why are you all so obsessed with America. I literally couldn't tell you who the current prime minister/president/king(?) of Scotland is or any of their previous ones.
Scotland especially does because of the golf course he built there
Just some cheeky banter. No need to get triggered
don't think those kinds of people exist in scottland
Literally given a referendum to vote on independence, yet still voted to be ruled by their big strong English masters.
>so uncouth and unpleasant to read, just attack after attack after attack
Kind of like Sup Forums spammers on Sup Forums ...
Of course they do, why wouldn't they?