Why does he keep giving them free advertising?
If he didn't do this every Sunday I'd probably would've thought the show was cancelled years ago.
Why does he keep giving them free advertising?
If he didn't do this every Sunday I'd probably would've thought the show was cancelled years ago.
Other urls found in this thread:
They stole a Mitch Hedberg joke last episode.
>working at hooters in the kitchen
This is really becoming pathetic. How can trumpeters defend this?
Probably the same way you can defend the constant bitching and whining of your left wing talking heads.
Because if he keeps throwing these bones around, he'll never have to face any substantial criticism for actual policy, and the media will eat it up rather than focusing on actual rampant and important flaws Trump has. It's how he got elected, distracting people from how shit he is
Also not Sup Forums
>Knocks trump for being a babby every week on Twitter
>He must be a leftist!
He's just saying what everybody's been thinking for years. Nobody can defend SNL in current year. It's been terrible for AT LEAST two decades.
>leftists give trump publicity
>trump gives leftists publicity
they deserve each other tbqh
fuck drumf tho
They do it now but believe me once actual policy starts happening that will be the focus. Right now it's just inauguration shit posting.
I've been saying this for months. Leftists love impotent bitching and Trump gives them more reason to go for it. Trump getting elected was the best thing they could've hoped for.
>He's just saying what everybody's been thinking for years.
Nigger lover
Snl is fucking terrible, But shouldn't this man child be preparing for presidency or some shit.
His policy is great though.
I can't wait for cheap inexpensive health insurance.
Does anybody have his SNL monologue from 2004? The link above is when he hosted in 2015.
>free advertising
But everyone already knows SNL has been shit, and its been shit for YEARS.
If anything, its just going to be a bunch of contrarian/hipsters trying to spite him.
It's more funny that Donald religiously watches SNL.
Everyone else thought it was dead, and he's over here up at midnight glued to the TV. He's not out on the town, and he's not sleeping. He's up wide awake watching SNL and tweeting about it. That'd just so weird and kind of funny. Almost like he doesn't sleep.
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Leftists keep whining, it's pathetic. Four more years, faggots.
>president elect of a "1st world" country blogging about their television preferences
bravo, america
he's right though, he usually is, but still
i don't see a problem with this. its what everyone thinks of anyway
he's not wrong.
Obama talked about TV shows all the fucking time. It just always fell in line with the reddit circlejerk so nobody minded. He talked plenty about Game of Thrones and the Wire.
>he's talking about something Sup Forums related so I can post this here even though it belongs in Sup Forums
>if you're not on our side, you're for everything I hate
Four days
what do you expect?
I wanted him to win for the bantz but the guys clearly a fucking idiot
hes proven that time and time again
why would presidents have time to watch tv shows? dont you realize what a stupid concept is that? a president sitting watching the dumb box?
Because he's not wrong, snl is shit worst it's been in a while
He'll wing it like he does everything else and if that fails he'll blame someone else.
They watch a zeitgeist tape which collects the key pop culture moments of the week and compresses them into one clip so that the prez can look like he's in touch with the common man.
there is also food that tastes bad, pictures that are ugly and cars that don't drive very fast. he comments on snl as they made fun of him, he is the ultimate beta.
Care to be more specific? Can't hear it over all this crying from Donald's twitter.
Sup Forums must be so proud they helped a shitposter get elected.
Barack was also more eloquent and articulate about what he watched, it wasn't just bitching on twitter every day how something sucks
>Sup Forums must be so proud they helped a shitposter get elected.
No SHIT they're proud. Wouldn't you be? Trump was the biggest longshot ever, and they backed him since the beginning.