ITT: "Wait that shit is STILL ON? "
ITT: "Wait that shit is STILL ON? "
I feel like BCS is on for like six weeks and then takes a two year break after every season
Also pic very related. It's gotten consistent ratings since it came out in 09
This is actually pretty decent.
Leagues above TBBT, 2 Broke Girls, Mike and Molly.
It doesn't deserve to be on honestly
>Start off with handrawn characters
>They have actual facial expressions and emotion
>Say fuck it and switch to flash
>Characters are lifeless with little to no actual movement
>Cold dead eyes and smiles
I hope BCS goes for years. The atmosphere on that show simply doesn't exist anywhere else right now.
Do normies even watch BCS anymore?
On contract until 2019.
Yes they pretend it's a "deep, slow burn, character drama" and that it's a sophisticated, carefully crafted show.
Who else /couldn'tfinishthesecondseason/ here?
Well it's not stock car racing.
Literally who watches this
it used to be good
BCS is an amazing pleb filter. It really exposes Sup Forums for the brainless fuckwits they are
Old people and housewives because TNT marathons it every fucking weekday
You're absolutely right, it's a marvelous pleb filter, in that plebs think it is some profound thing worth marveling over. It's empty shit and Gilligan himself will readily admit to this, especially on the Talking Saul post show
Holy crap this is still on
And I fucking love it.
Threads during the seasons are comfy too.
BCS would be good if they didn't shoehorn formulaic Mike storylines into it.
Stay retarded. You probably want more m-muh mike! because you have one brain cell rattling around in your head. BCS is better than breaking bad could have ever hoped of being
This thread is about series no one cares about
used to watch it. i'm done after this stupid cock sucker went out of his way to participate in that jewtube video trying to get the electoral college to subvert the will of the people
Please, Mike is somehow worse than Jimmy at this point. Season 2 was just terrible in everyway and completely undid all the positive things that came out of Season 1.
Gilligan has said that it would be wonderful if BCS kept on going for 7 or 8 years. He followed this statement up by saying he has absolutely no idea how Jimmy becomes Saul. So we're just sort of here going along for the ride until Gilligan decides he's made enough money and wraps it up in the cheesiest way imaginable.
BCS is not better than Breaking Bad and Breaking Bad was nothing special in and of itself, just a watered down, edgier Sopranos.
fuck off, Better Call Saul is one of the greatest shows in the history of television.
y'all niggas just enjoy being contrarian.
>AMC memeshow spin-off to one of the memeiest shows to ever exist
>one of the greatest shows in the history of television
Season 2 backtracked all over developments from Season 1 and made literally no advancements at all. After 10 extra hours we're still at the same relative spot we were in at the end of season 1. Plus it goes against character traits established in Breaking Bad, rendering certain characters completely redundant
So retarded..
>Literally who watches this
it's been cancelled
>Gilligan has said that it would be wonderful if BCS kept on going for 7 or 8 years
Really? Because I thought he said it's been mapped out to finish around S5. I believe he said he didn't want to keep it going too long because Odencuck isn't getting any younger
One of the first things he said on Talking Saul after the season 2 premier was that he thought it would be great if BCS just kept going on for "a while" and that he had no idea how Jimmy becomes Saul and he thinks that that is great. Dudes a shameless hack.
This always looked like an inferior Malcolm in the Middle. Is it an inferior Malcolm in the Middle?
Yes, it's really to obvious and unfunny
I shit you not.
It was fine up until Brody died. Watching 3+ seasons of the crazy white bitch kill terrorists and bang dudes like a train will make anyone hate it.
>the middle - 8 seasons
>malcolm in the middle - 7 seasons
>season 6: Carrie is back in the United States, living in Brooklyn, New York. She is now working at a foundation whose efforts are to provide aid to Muslims living in the United States.
Its probably the most realistic comedy ever, its nothing like Malcolm in the Middle. I sometimes feel like its so real that it gets depressing actually.
I am sure you are not alone, hopefully they have an escape plan if(when) the ratings tank hard, they could just make him Saul already.