What exactly did the Dent Act do?

What exactly did the Dent Act do?
How the hell does one law elimnate crime in a city in only 8 years? If it was that easy everyone would do it. They seem to imply at points that it somehow infringes on people's rights, which raises the question of why the federal government and Supreme Court haven't intervened if that's the case.
And how is it "based on a lie" anyway? Yeah, Dent turned out to be an asshole, so what? Gotham still had a crime problem, and the law was passed and enacted by other people after he had already died. And the people Dent himself put behind bars would have remained behind bars because that's how the law works.

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>What exactly did the Dent Act do?

It put limits on parole for criminals with links to organized crime.

>How the hell does one law elimnate crime in a city in only 8 years?


Stop and frisk

Kills all shitskin criminals.

People linked to organized crime tend to not get parole in the first place. You don't need a law for that, just have people on the parole board not be stupid. More importantly, it takes years to get parole anyway, especially for violent crime and organized crime.
I really don't think something like that would have much impact.

Wow you really think ur smarter than the DA? hahaahaha neckbeard

Probably inspired by the real life RICO act

Gottham's politics never work if you look too much into it, it's some sort of independent city-state where everyone is corrupt and criminal are criminals for weird reasons. It's best to not think of it too much if you want to enjoy the movies/comic.

it exterminated all niggers in gotham

Why Batman didn't kill the Joker ?

Everyone else was owned by the gangsters. He was one of the few not to take their bribes

It singled out people in organized crime and put harsh penalties on them, with little to no trial. the side effect of that was it allowed cops to arrest mobsters without a lot of evidence, sort of like a "guilty by association" type of deal. Also, jails and prisons were filled to the brim.
The "based on a lie" part is based on the fact that after Rachel died, Harvey enacted his own brand of justice and killed people, all while acting that he was above the law.

It turned the lights on which caused the rats and roaches to scatter

Neckbeard thinks he's smarter than the DA.
Get a load of this hothead

Why did you repeat pretty much the same comment?

This is why Nolan's capeshit is better than Snyder's "2DEEP4U" capeshit.

What comment?

Its funny because Harvey Dent was literally right about everything and ended up getting killed in the end.

>was right about Lau ditching to hong kong
>was right about shady cops working directly with Gordon
>was right about baleman rescuing him if he took the fall

If they would have let him in on the investigation from the beginning, all the mob bosses would have been ratted out by Lau before the joker could ever meet with them. Harvey would have his face and be balls deep in that hairy Gyllenhaal snatch

You really know fuckall about organized crime, don't you?

So pretty much the RICO act?

muh rules

>How the hell does one law elimnate crime in a city in only 8 years?

We're talking about organized crime here, big league organized crime, not dumb gangbangers shooting each other. Most of the gangsters we saw in these movies were very much white.

>plot holes
How new are you faggot?

If you want to eliminate organized crime, deport all Mexicans and Russians

This, I think of it as like a super duper RICO Act. Just makes it super easy to lock up criminals based on who they associate with. If Tony hangs out with Jimmy, and they can prove that they are at least tenuously connected, and Jimmy gets picked up for racketeering, then they can nab Tony too, because association is tantamount to conspiracy.

pic related

Until proven otherwise I refuse to believe that any one individual could say something that retarded.


Yeah pretty much, but much stricter and crazy enforced.

>People online have been attempting to poke holes in the science of Interstellar. Do you find that literalness a bit silly? This is a movie, after all.

>To be honest, I haven’t read whatever holes people are trying to poke so I can speak to the validity of it. My films are always held to a weirdly high standard for those issues that isn’t applied to everybody else’s films—which I’m fine with. People are always accusing my films of having plot holes, and I’m very aware of the plot holes in my films and very aware of when people spot them, but they generally don’t. But what were some science issues people had with the film? That was Kip’s domain.

What a fucking faggot

>What exactly did the Dent Act do?
Made it harder for criminals to use the law to get out of prison.

>How the hell does one law elimnate crime in a city in only 8 years?
Ask Rudy Guiliani.

>And how it is "based on a lie" anyway?
The story was that Dent was one of the only honest people in Gotham and was trying to clean Gotham up, and he was murdered for being a good man. This was a wake up call for the people of Gotham and lit a fire under their asses, causing them to take up the cause and finally clean up their cities. The lie was that Dent didn't die because he was a good man: he died a monster. It hurts to find out your hero, and your inspiration, was a criminal the same as those you put away.

he is right thought

what people are calling plot holes are usually just bits they did not like or weren't paying enough attention to understand

for example, as far as I could see, there were ZERO plot holes in both Inception and Interstellar, both were meticulously crafted to avoid any. and I also think both those movies are terrible, but plotholes is not an issue

It made crime illegal

He made crime illegal

organized crime is the literal cancer that has killed entire cities and even societies from the dawn of mankind.

over what moral restraints the state doesnt lobotomize those fuckers (so, not killing them) so they become unable to do their mafia shit? because jail means shit for them, they still manage their bussiness from the inside. there should be a way to disable them, why is no one doing it? is this all a big ruse and they get jailed just as a way to show people "see? we got the bad guys, no need to be afraid now", but its all a facade, because they are somewhat functional to the big scheme.

>because they are somewhat functional to the big scheme.
What do you mean?

My town used to have a really bad gang problem. Then they introduced some tough on crime initiative and it's been cleaned right the fuck up which is good. The only problem is, first timers and people with misdemeanors get shit on and usually wind up lifetime criminals because it's so hard to get out of the system.
It's literally Sup Forums's wet dream and america's future.

I have no understanding of Gotham politics, but if you're asking about real life, "government" is just a mob that got on top.

>multiple large jerks that don't wake the protagonists because plot
>>the super-sub-level dream level made 0 sense

>recruit protagonist who's told he's super important for the mission after HE finds them, right before they're due to launch. they never once actually look for him
>the ENTIRE equation for gravity (that thing they've spent ages not being able to discover) is encoded in binary into a broken watch which someone is supposed to be able to reasonably decode

Those are just off the top of my head
Im pretty sure there are more

Aside from you know, crimes against humanity

user, in Gotham the law works in mysterious ways. First, they pardon the Joker on a regular basis in the comics.
If he gets imprisoned, they send him into a "high" security facility from where he'll flee for the hundreth time instead of a place from where he did not previously flee a dozen times before.
Also, despite the Joker being a murderous psychpath, noone ever shot him on sight.

The issue is more how he deals with the accusation than the actual plot holes, if any.
The worst thing (imo) that any artist can do to their own craftsmanship is to not take responsibility for their art. To act like a something it's no big deal and in the same paragraph blame the other people that were working on the piece, is very disrespectful of his own art and to himself.
Like a parent not taking responsibility for their child.

This guy gets it. Stop and frisk eliminated crime in NYC virtually overnight.

Also, the three strikes law.

he means the mafia owns the courts, which is true in nevada.
you're some joe blow nobody? enjoy life in prison!
you're tommy "eyes" saffariti? oh I'm sorry sir, here is your acquittal nice and hot.

nothing you listed is a plot hole, thanks for proving my point.

those aren't plot holes.

OK, agreed

What's it like living in the third world?
The difference between a proper democratically chosen government and a mob, is that I can go outside right now, scream that my country's leaders are flying faggots, and there will be absolutely 0 repercussions.
Do the same thing in Palermo about one of their mob bosses and post about what happened.

He was of the deontological masterrace instead of a filthy subhuman anglo-utilitarianist.

>This guy gets it. Stop and frisk eliminated crime in NYC virtually overnight.
That's not what happened at all

>established rules being broken/ignored aren't plot holes
>a completely impractical solution isn't a plothole
wew lad

so the difference between mob goverment and your "democracy" goverment is that the later ones dont give a flying fuck if you say anything about them because they are too powerful to be bothered by insects misbehaving in their reign?

you mean like all the communist kike gangs that went around beating people up with baseball bats?

plot holes are holes in the plot. gaps or inconsistencies in the flow of causation of plot events. simply implausible, or unexplained, things are not necessarily plot holes.

>plot holes are holes in the plot. gaps or inconsistencies in the flow of causation of plot events.
like the things mentioned you mean?

The difference is that my government has to answer to the people and not the other way.


This. In fact, Donald Trump's election basically proves that the people do in fact have power.

>Ask Rudy Guiliani.
More like Koch. Rudy just kept the themeparking of nyc going.

Are you saying Koch was responsible for stop and frisk laws, broken window theory, and increased police armament?

every democratic election proves that you fucking tinfoil domed bellend, christ.

>Encoded in binary
Jesus Christ it was fucking morse, did you pay any goddamn attention? Interstellar was a great fucking movie, fuck off with that shit

>What exactly did the Dent Act do?

Enacted race laws

It made being a criminal illegal.

Considering Gotham is like 90% criminals so they probably just arrested everyone then released the good people instead of the other way around


I imagine it was RICO on steroids
In the Dark Knight there were making a RICO case against the entire mob for putting all their money together
They mention the head guys can get out on bail or parole but the majority wont have the resources to do that effectively getting rid of the mob
I imagine the Dent act got rid of any bail or chance of parole for anyone involved with the mob and it made even easier to expand the net of who could be put on trial by association

Because he doesn't kill. But he could have abstained from saving him when he fell down from that building. Because that's totally not killing.

Batman tossed him off that building. Joker was laughing on the way down because he finally got Batman to break his one rule.

>How the hell does one law elimnate crime in a city in only 8 years?
Nationalization of rotor blade manufacturing.

I'd imagine cleaning up crime is a lot easier when you have fucking Batman gliding around busting top mob bosses

I think they implied that it's some kind of expanded version of the RICO act, expanding the number of people who could be arrested and prosecuted even if they didn't have very strong links to a crime.

Sure, at first. But then Batman starts attracting and creating all sorts of super villains, and then he has to spend all his time sorting that out, which kind of negates any positives he might have brought to the table.

Probably by then the police should have a firmer grip on crime control so that Bats can deal with the supposed super-villains

Actually, at the end of TDK, Batman just gave up for 8 fucking years so that he could sit in his Mansion crying about Rachel. Batman didn't do shit.

The Dent act was basically a Super RICO and sounded illegal as fuck.

What's illegal about it?