What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>smiling and tan vs no smiling no tan
is that it?
holy shit are you literally blind? LMAO
So much sexier circa Attack of The Show.
Is this even the same person? Damn.
>nigger eyes
fucking digusting.
aging is cruel
still better than the alternative
this has nothing to do with aging.
*tips edgy fedora
>*tips edgy fedora
You're so buttblasted you can't even get the meme right.
Her boyfriend really really likes women.
Dun she lost all her THICCness too?
What did she mean by this?
>maturing, getting older
>losing weight
>using more make-up
That's all that is happening.
Still not good enough, keep trying baby
You're getting there
>people literally don't see the shaved done bone and collagen implants
How retarded are you?
>losing weight
are you retarded? do you know human anatomy? she shaved off her fucking jaw using plastic surgery
What are their favorite animes?
>shaved done bone
Wow frank, calm down.
She ruined herself. Utterly horrific.
she's a self hating hapa who sucked miles of dicks to make her career face
>are you retarded?
So her neck didn't get smaller by losing weight?
Are you retarded for thinking you're superior for spotting that? HOLY SHIT! You're a fucking genius we should all bow to your careful higher form of observational skills.
Seriously user, why are you so fucking pathetic? Why do you feel so much better about yourself with such bullshit?
>ignoring the biggest change
>focusing on her neck
Yes, I neglected to mention the plastic surgery, but then it occurred to me that people who concern themselves with such are people so pathetic that they focus on others as a distraction from themselves.
It is human to make mistakes, and rather noble to admit to making mistakes over the kind of idiocy you're inclined to. You're a fool pretending to be more than you are. In person you'd be boring.
>people who concern themselves with such are people so pathetic that they focus on others as a distraction from themselves.
TOP KEK. how autistic can you be, stop pretending to be retarded. lmao
>lmao, epic!
Not admitting your own awareness of your own failures is a shortcoming that makes you seem just as much a phony of your own.
public figures and actors are meant for the public to talk about. this is not my personal blog to come here and talk about myself. do you know where you are, autismo?
>public figures and actors are meant for the public to talk about.
Correct, but that shouldn't spare us from making our own judgments about those making a judgement about "public figures".
You possess nothing more redeemable than those you choose to ridicule. This is not a blog, but it is a public forum which we're free to express our opinion of those insistent on persecuting others as a means of deflection from themselves.
Hello Olivia. I can detect feminine typing when I see it.
You're projecting too hard. From all the tfw no gf, no singles theater threads on Sup Forums, how did you manage to glean that Sup Forums doesn't hate on itself and only bully "celebrities."
Also, JUST
what exactly did I say that triggered you other than pointing out the obvious change in the pics?
Her face still looks round af
Am I the only one who finds these jokes kind of depressing ever since the news that he's estranged from his family for mysterious reasons
It's pretty obvious that it's because he's gay and they don't accept it, and he hasn't come out because he doesn't want to put his family under media scrutiny
It seems common for many here to feel a sense of superiority with no ability to convey a kind of humility that is far more respectable, and admirable. I would prefer someone who is honest even in their failures, over someone blindly confirming their implied superior self righteousness.
Your need to resort to insult which represents a clear sign of someone who must quickly guard their own insecurities.
What are you guys talking about? She's way hotter now
We're gonna kick your cheese head fudge packing faggot asses next weekend, faggot
she used to be the ultimate hot-hapa-next-door
japanese potatos
Her nose got longer and her lips are still thin too
All in all I see it as an improvement though
I have stellar reading comprehension and I have no idea what your autistic rambling has to do with anything.
The thing is, since we're posting on Sup Forums It is implied that at least in some form or another in life we are already JUSTed, so we can feel free to make fun of celebs when they JUST.
The irony is that you don't show your own "humility" when you criticise for our apparent lack of it with your holier than thou attitude.
>17 minutes later
Bro, go jack off or something.
So you lack the depth to understand? That makes you the one who needs clarity, not me.
See what happens when being honest, some asshole has a trivial response. Your honesty was nice. I can appreciate it, but of course, who am I? No one.
I thought she looked hot as fuck in that X-men film.
>browsing one thread at a time
>doing one thing at a time
>go jack off
I knew it was a woman typing. Kek. Tits or gtfo Olivia. You're busted.
By that, I'm referring also to your face.
Her body and costume made it a film
>WM/AF was a mistake
I can bet, Kate has sad panda account
I sincerely hope she and Meg Ryan realize how badly they fucked up and how utterly great they had it before.
my goodness
And now she's gone. So fuck her.
she wants to look like an asian instead of a spic, can't blame her
It is a part of being human to compete to be idolized, but as we understand this behavior it reveals that fact that every situation is a trap of its own. The people being idolized have to pretend that everything with them is great despite it being untrue.
Bill Burr mentioned us all being born closer, or further from the finish-line, in the competitive race of life.
We can't control where we've being born placed into this life.
Being human means never being satisfied with whatever we've gain.
It is easy to put others on a pedestal, and idolize them but I believe it is more interesting to be honest about the uncontrollable dealing of our hand, or our placement in life. Honesty, identifying our failures brings awareness that helps us learn to more about life, instead of blindly going with the flow of generalized thinking, and simple minded punchline.
Trump won because people don't like dealing with complexity. People don't like admitting the trappings that each of us face, so instead we go on accepting a world that responds to phonies with simple minded ideas that offer us no change, no self awareness, no real applicable reach for better.
The most arousing trait of Olivia Munn isn't her physical appearance but how much of a massive slut she so obviously is, and that she's not ashamed of it at all.
Looking good for an almost 40 years old
Or maybe it was because he went up against a cunt nobody liked thus her rallies were completely empty everywhere she went.
Rly makes me... Hmm
she would had been the perfect Misato san for an Evangelion adaptation.
this image is from like a month ago
all she did was lose weight and get older, she looks qt without any makeup
you guys are SAD
If you knew how to identify failures, you would've deleted this post before posting.
She plays into her Dragon Lady stereotype well. But they always end up being typecast like Lucy Lie and Maggie Q.
His autism doesn't cancel out yours, user.
Those leaked pictures she annotated telling her bf to fuck her in the ass and how much of a cumslut she was were the hottest leaks desu
>people actually believe she had her jaw bones "shaved" down
Olivia Munn looks like THAT?
can you prove she hasn't?
Celebrity women have it pretty bad though, I must admit.
Women age rather quickly after age 35, and if they don't take measures to appear younger their careers can end quickly.
Honestly I would not want to be a celebrity having people displace their idolization on me. I wouldn't want people to expect me to be the shining light of prosperity.
We get old, and spend all of the money we've made. Nothing lasts forever.
Carrie Fish, in a documentary said she felt there was nothing worse than a celebrity has been, who has to pretend to be wealthy.
I tend to agree, it all has trappings of its own.
can you prove she has?
>forcing vocabulary this hard
Go home T.I. you're drunk
Women age like bread.
Men start to go downhill after 40, women jump off the fucking cliff at 35.
picture in OP is more proof than you have.
I didn't realize losing weight could cause you to lose bone mass.
this image is from 6 weeks ago and her face looks plenty round
there is no loss of bone mass you stupid fuck, its loss of fat around the bone which makes it more pronounced, that and makeup
go read more blind items
No, I wouldn't have deleted the post, but instead have proofread more carefully since I did realize after posting I missed lots of errors I should have corrected.
I am human, and I do make mistakes, and making such mistakes has more to do with my patience to re-check, and less to do with intelligence.
If your perception of someone is limited to their patience for correct arrangement of words, and sentences I doubt you're someone interesting in conversation, and more someone using this in the same way that children relay insults.
>her face looks plenty round
lol, you can literally see where her jaw is shaved off.
[vaginal flatulence intensifies]
>im a retard
the post
I am not drunk. I'm literally already home. Who is TI?
>Jennifer Manison
thats iggy poo
>retard thinks weight loss will get rid of bone
Women go off the cliff at like 22 dumbass.
>covering up freckles
why do girls do this
Practically outed himself with that response. Should've just ignored it.
more like 16
yes mien fat
because of betafag virgins like that shit
why are hapas so fucked up though?
High IQ and neurosis on both sides with no single identity of their own
>browsing one thread at a time
people do that? I usually have like 20 tabs opened at a time
try 12, you crypt robber
wouldn't be surprised
Racemixing ruins lives. But she did choose to be try to make it in the shallow showbiz, and she's been a professional beard. It'll make you tilt even harder.
She really did she jaw off her face.
Clear sign of someone whos completely fucked up inside.
Another mongrel goes nuts
Good lord why
Hollywood ruins souls.