What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Are all the eps out now or something?
The 1st season which is up to book 5
Don't you mean book 4?
Does it take place before or after the film? Or is it a new story all together?
Affirmative action casting.
The "literally vs figuratively" joke and actually getting it wrong (during Olaf play).
Patrick Warburton doesn't work as a storyteller
I forget because they did the joke so many times and didn't notice anything, how did they mess it up? Do you mean that he actually was standig at the edge of a pond?
Nothing. I unironically think it's perfect.
But the Austere Academy isn't included in the series.
That's the start of the 2nd season.
They actually go to the academy at the very end watch the fucking series
The pond part. When speaking as a character within the play, literally is the correct choice.
Is that fucking Neil Patrick Harris?
Goddammit, user.
I'm not saying that the academy itself is not included. I'm saying that the story "Austere Academy" is not covered.
Why are you so daft?
It made me appreciate Carrey's Count Olaf even more.
Are you fucking Neil Patrick Harris?
I also said up to book 5 a phrase here which means everything before.
Nothing, it's fine
No, "up to" indicates the maximum, and includes the number that is listed in its set.
If I said "You may have up to 4 grapes", would it make sense for me to start bitching at you if you ate an extra grape after the 3rd?
Wait for Season 2.
wow, okay you fucking autist. "up until"
>Affirmative action casting.
>the Baudelaires question if Josephine is really their aunt
>she looks in a mirror, sees that she's black and screams
what did they mean by this
That's the point I'm getting at.
>Affirmative Action casting
Mr. Poe being black is okay just because he carries the role very well.
Aunt Josephine being black was just weird.
Okay. You just want the season to come out sooner.
I don't think it's perfect but I like it a lot. It's good to see the author being so involved with it.
This He talks so fucking slowly i start to lose interest whenever hes on screen
It was pretty good, but I liked Carrey's Olaf more. At least this series will get to the end of the books.
When did you realize you were watching kino?
I can't see or hear him without thinking of Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove or Buddy from Seinfeld.
best quip?
>I prefer long form television to watching movies
>it's so much more convenient to consume entertainment from the comfort of your own home
>*stares at camera*
any of the quips directed towards netflix/streaming desu
ehhhh... even if you think the casting is fine and they condense the story well, you can't deny some of the CGI is a bit squiffy.
Half way through episode one and I really like it.
who knew arson was so easy?
the schismatics
>godforsaken nickelodeon
>Well, I hope I can prove myself to be the father you never had.
>We had a father.
>Yes, I know. And a mother. Remarkable woman. Flammable.
There was figuratively nothing wrong with the series.
Everything about the series grows on you as you progress. The sets, NPH, the hammy acting, the subplots, the changes made with deliberate intent.
>and a man with a hat
>actually I'm about to be quite rich
Did anyone else find Carrey's take on the characters (although campy) legitimately terrifying, where NPH's is more aimed at laughs? Specifically Stephano.
I just hope that when the books become darker - specifically 7 onwards, because 8 is terrifying - they go full macabre.
the series is intended to be babby's first black comedy, while the movie was basically a horror movie for kids. The books did a pretty good job of switching between the two, especially as the series went on
The movie was first three books watch the fucking movie
Did episodes 3 and 4 today. Before proceeding, there are 3 things i need to say:
a. I didn't read the books it was based on
b. I was translating said episodes, meaning that I had to cringe through all the pain
c. I have huge bias against web originals, and while something like Trollhunters helped alleviate it a bit, shows like OP's bring the bias back
Now that is out of the way, this series has
1. cringeworthy dialogue
2. cringeworthy acting
3. cringeworthy writing
4. lots of stupid jokes
5. way too much talking
I don't know how much of it is because of books (if any at all). Points 3, 5 and maybe 2 are common to web shows. Translating this trite was a pain
I only read the first 3 books as a kid.
Does Sup Forums recommend I read the rest and finish my childhood?
I keep fucking forgetting this is out. I should have watched it this weekend.
Is the author in it at all? I noticed a lot of meta shit in the teasers like the record having the Gothic Archies' name on it and shit.
too short
He has a cameo in the first Miserable Mill episode.
It's gonna end up being like 25 hours long.
Mr Poe being black is also funny because Poe is a fucking retard in the books.
Can you read the books in any order?
why the fuck would you
definitely not
Isn't there a new story every book? How does it work?
fairly sure he's also a vendor in josephine's town
Yeah, that's where the cameo is
They're interesting and very easy reads.
How was it?
In book 12 literally figuratively everybody dies. I can't wait.
Bad casting.
Children can't act
NPH is awful.
Way too campy (and I like camp)
I had trouble watching it. I had to go back and rewatch the 2004 movie. As flawed as it is, at least it's closer to the spirit of the books. Also I unironically love Carrey's Olaf
yes but why bother? used to lvoe them as a kid till i got to the end. theyre very formulaic and repetitive. each book has them move to a new foster home where olaf shows up in disguise, nobody believes the kids when they find out its him, foster parents die, on to the next one. After Handler realizes that this pattern gets boring he adds the VFD subplot. Here he goes full LOST and starts shrouding the series in mystery and theories just to make it more interesting. of course at the End there is no payoff and realize you got scammed. haHA im leaving it up to interpretation! is the lamest, laziest way to write anything. /rant
Read it in order. Each later book has references to previous books. After the vile village it's less about finding new guardians and Olaf shenanigans but more being on the run from everyone
Is this true?
Are they really Kid Kino?
The first few books are pretty much the same story over and over, but they introduce new characters that show up in later books. There's no reason to read them out of order at all.
Everything picks up after the Austere Academy, which the miniseries apparently ends at the beginning of.
Which book is the tv show based off? I've watched the film as well
It covers books 1 through 4
The books more or less played a huge part into how cynical I ended up as a person. The books pretty much teach children to be nitpicky and notice annoying little quirks about people.
I like how every now and then the author completely breaks away from the story to detail how incorrect or stupid something someone just said is.
And the film covers books 1-3, just so you know.
Why didn't the kids just kill count Olaf? Not like the grown ups would be competent enough to figure out they did it anyways.
Each 2 eps is one book.
The movie is the first 3 books with the order switched and changes in the plot.
But user, they do kill Olaf in the last book.
I honestly don't remember anything about these books. I should re-read 'em sometime.
So I just start from book 5 after I've finished the TV show? Or is it worth reading the books as well?
nigger, just read them all.
The first 3 books are short. It's one of those kids series' that get bigger with every book. I read the first book in an afternoon when I was a kid and read I think up to about 6 all in a day each. They have that addictive quality, and each is only 13 chapters. The margins are also fuckhueg, so they'll less long than they look.
I'm poor
what is a library?
They eventually do.
With a Harpoon Gun.
It's pretty fucking metal.
Torrent the fucking PDFs, you fucking child. Or better yet, go to a goddamn library.
I remember thinking the cover of the last book was just a ruse, but goddamn. I was shocked as a kid. Not as shocked as when the hotel burned down and killed fucking everyone, even Justice.
Wasn't it that Ishmael prick?
Didn't the books end with "So you've got to take this long-ass boat trip that'll probably kill you and even then there's a 50% chance you'll arrive to see that the plague you unleashed destroyed civilization"
I think the kids killed their friend in the hotel and (((Ishmael))) killed Olaf.
Not sure.
The ending is completely grim dark. I think it's implied the giant, underwater question mark thing kills them.
>I think the kids killed their friend in the hotel and (((Ishmael))) killed Olaf.
That's pretty much it
Don't know where to torrent them. And I doubt my library will have them, at least not all of them
You can call me Ish.
Pirate Bay or KickAssTorrents. And your library probably WILL have all of them unless you live in a third world country
What even was that thing?
I think it was a sea monster, but it's never explained at all.
for those who've read the series. What do you think about the subplot with The Parents. From what I remember they actually did just die in a fire. for me I hope it means they change the weird way it all ends. It's one of those book series that end up writing itself out of a satisfying ending.
Yeah it's a sea monster.
Gets some backstory in the prequel series.
Lemony Snicket was in a relationship with Beatrice, who was Mrs. Baudelaire. They were involved in the VFD, which was a secret society. Olaf burned their mansion down partially because he hated them and partially to get their money by taking in the orphans. They're just explaining stuff that is only implied at in the books or in the sub books like Beatrice Letters.
I don't think they will change the ending much. It's meant to be vague and depressing.
So their dad was a literal cuck?
Cause Lemony tried to get her back and she wrote him a 200 page book abut how that wasn't going to happen