Zombie flick

>zombie flick
>they're fast
>they can open doors
>they're intelligent

Other urls found in this thread:


>they can speak and they say shit like "die motherfucker!"

>this zombie movie is completely unrealistic

Would this work as a movie?
>intense zombie flick
>at the end its revealed the zombies were just regular people angry over something




i love that pic. but why is wojak way bigger than pepe? is that real frog pepe and not antropomorphic pepe then?

But can they crow ?


probably as a book that gets adapted into a shit zombie film

>The walking dead has pretty realistic zombies
>It's boring as fuck

>first movie has zombies that are fast, intelligent, and almost unkillable
>Fourth movie has slow dumb zombies that die by headshot


Yeah because zombies could live for years, right?


>zombie movie
>It was actually a Pepsi ad

It may be stretched and a lot of the scenes are shit, but the overall movement and attacks is what I would expect zombies to be like.


What is I Am Legend?


Possible if whatever witchcraft is animating the corpse can also cause neural activity, though that would basically bring someone back to life but with brain damage.

There are actual fungi that can hijack the brains of insects and in such turn the insect into a meatsuit that it can control, make the insect a zombie.

Also cats have a parasite that does the same thing to humans.

Those creatures were humans who lost all of their primate neural activity and mentally regressed back to proto primate mammals thats why they were mindlessly primal and wild.


Maybe they decayed


>epidemiologists run zombie style infection simulation
>discover that a zombie-like virus spread by a bite could never spread outside a single city
>even countries with limited disease control would have the region quarantined almost instantly




never underestimate the power of corruption or the consequences inept people in high places.


How the fuck could a study even be conducted when the variables are unknown to us?
To me a zombie apocalypse could spread, but only if the reanimation time was of 2 seconds. In any universe where it's stretched to more than hour, then it becomes inconceivable how it wouldn't be stopped in the first suburb it started in.