Could I pass as a local in your country?

could I pass as a local in your country?

Pretty much.
Everyone would just assume you are Mexican.

Pretty much.
Everyone would just assume you are American.

Pretty much.
Everyone would just assume you are from the south.

why is it only fuglies opening these threads?

Pretty much.
Everyone would just assume you are from Charleroi.

Pretty much.
Everyone would just assume you are too white

You're an ugly motherfucker. Do you know that?

can pass as mix

as a jew

what makes me look jewish?

Pretty much.
Everyone would just assume you are a second generation Romanian

You would have to sharpen your eyebrows and tan a bit

Or 2nd gen poortugeese

Only Hindi and Polynesian people don't could pass as a local here.


Too wh*Te disgusting cumskin. The locals would rape you for your seed

d-do paki women rape wh*Toids?

se te esta expandiendo parte de tu cara yo que vos iria al medico

Pretty much.Everyone would just assume you are Bulgarian

No the women do that

Anything can pass as local here as long as you've got the accent.

I dox to this fagot and found photos of his sister, he lives in Rosario

Pretty much. People would assume you're a s*rb and/or kurd.


ejaculated already
thanks argentina

That obviously her sister
Same hideous eyebrows
Nice fucking tita though


Pretty much, everybody would assume you're another ugly-ass (I don't know why I'm even mentioning this, I think this is implied when I say "Turk") Turk roach

The shirt that has the sister is from a local football team here

Can i pass as local in your country?

Shit, i forgot pic

looks like a gypsy

I am Greek you subhuman ar*p, my ancestors slaughtered yours, we can recreate history if u want

we kinda look alike

hello my fellow nonwhite brother

What are you?

post pic