Star Wars Theory thread

Could this be CT-7567?

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>Rex for you newfags

The Clone from Rebels right? No, but sure it could work.

He was in TCW too, a main character in fact

Showrunner of the "CANON" cartoon said so.

Never watched it. I can see the resemblance, but it's just a coincidence.

They could say it was him, sure.

Anything is possible in the Starwars.

>I am so autistic that I look for characters from my favorite children's cartoon in a flick released twenty years before I was born

Even if that were true, Clones have age acceleration, he's probably dead.

What is up with all of the Star Wars: Rebels threads on Sup Forums lately?
Do we have a Sup Forums refugee crisis?

It's Nik Sant. For some reason I decided to remember every single one of the Endor strike team.

The dollie of him that Sideshow made is called Nik Sant.

We don't know if that's the case for their whole lives in the new canon. We just know that they reach maturity very quickly. Plus RotJ takes place only 3 years from where Rebels is currently

Refugees sick of Sup Forumsmblr flood in all the time. I don't know what it is about that place and the culture being so similar to every normalfag message board out there that the typical Sup Forums user hates.

Dude doesn't really look like Tem.

manchildren tend to be social justice types
Just look at Chris-chan

>Watch out for that vicious sith lord Darth Vader, Luke. Did I ever tell you I fought with him in the Clone Wars? Your father was the general of the 501st Clone Legion, one of the best fighting forces in the galaxy. We battled slapstick droids with the help of his heavily sexualised 14 year old padawan, Ahsoka. Even though the Republic supplied its leaders with state-of-the-art vehicles, they chose to fly in an old spice freighter, which made your uncle's lie true, from a certain point of view. Unfortunately, the leader of the republic was secretly a sith lord who implanted microchips in all clones to force them to kill their good friends, the Jedi. He also convinced your father to kill children so his wife wouldn't die in childbirth, which she did anyway. Fortunately, I had deserted the republic before I could be forced to kill anyone, and went to live on a desert planet in a gypsy walker for about 15 years with two other clones, Wolffe and Gregor. And they were good friends.

>this autistic fanfiction is all canon now

They only used that badly designed ship in the first season.

Then they made Anakin travel in his personnal starfighter, or in Republic Army ships

i like this guy

What were they thinking with this design?

It was a joke.

Disney has to be fucking retarded not to use this guy in a Boba Fett movie.

Isn't it just AT-TE transformed into a comfy home


But that's Legends