Mid-January 2017

>mid-January 2017
>still no trailer for the final season of tv kino

Don't watch the trailer!
I'm so glad I didn't for the second season.

Sup Forums will never appreciate this kino OP. You're wasting your time

>unironic use of the term "kino."

So retards like this. Gotcha.

>Be me
>Hear about this show called "The Leftovers"
>Decide to read what it's about
>Apparently its first season is based on a book

>Fast-forward to three months later
>I look over the DVD section at my local library
>See that they have The Leftovers Season 1
>Check it out, watch every episode, enjoy almost every moment
>Masturbate to the sex scene in Episode 7 a number of times
>No, I can't seem to remember how many times I did
>Moving on
>Decide to watch the second season
>As it turns out, my local library doesn't have it, someone else checked it out
>I put it on hold and wait months for it to arrive
>Finally, it arrives
>My brother checks it out for me, since he volunteers there and I'm too lazy to leave the house
>All that time waiting for it has killed my interest in watching it
>Eventually, I get around to watching it
>Put the first DVD in the DVD player
>Main menu
>Press play
>The first thing I notice is that they've changed the intro with country music and Hi-Def still pictures of family photos with one or two family members absent, their silhouette(s) is all that remains
>Decide to watch it anyway
>"So they changed the intro. who cares? Not me."
>Continue watching
>First scene in the first episode of season two is of a pregnant cave-woman leaving her fellow cave-people to take a piss, when suddenly, an earthquake erupts! She is the only survivor of her clan, and must give birth to her child on her own!
>What the fuck is this shit
>Decide to continue watching, despite the awful beginning with said cave-woman
>The scene transitions to present day
>Teens are swimming in the same waters a cave-woman had to cross to save her child
> They later get in their car and go to their homes
>All of a sudden, the show is about a nigger family living in a city in Texas where no one disappeared

>nigger family
>That's strike three!
>As if the cave-woman story didn't put me off already, they had to introduce a bunch of new characters nobody asked for, and expect me the viewer not to mind
>Don't even bother watching the entire episode
>Stop watching when the show is suddenly about a bunch of niggers living in the only city where no one disappeared, and has now become a tourist attraction
>Don't even care how the Garvey family is supposed to end up there somehow
>Fucking dropped

Anyways, can any of you recommend me a show that doesn't have a weak-ass second season? I guess I should have seen it coming, Deadwood's the only good show from HBO.

You didn't make it to the end of the season to "International Assassin"?
You literally missed the best.

If you're that bothered by black people you should probably stop watching everything, because it won't get any better for you, and your deadlocked position.

Basically the reason you can't enjoy the show is because you hate all black people, even fictional representations. You're limiting your acceptance of what might have greater potential..

Is that the last episode? I can always torrent it, instead of having to wait months in order to check it out again.
Are the Garvey's even in it? Don't get me wrong, Holy Wayne was great as he was (meaning they didn't have to cast a white actor), but to make a second season based on a book already covered by the first kinda shows how they've run out of ideas. In what way does the family introduced in season two have anything to do with the family of the first? Do I have to watch all ten episodes to find out, or are they no longer of any importance?

Yup, let the mystery be.


>Getting triggered by blacks being in something even though they have a minor part and all are good actors

Thank god I am not an idiot and can actually enjoy things.

Everything you asked is answered by the show itself if you actually kept watching past episode 1. Grats on looking like a total fool user.
Ever wondered why s2 scored higher rating than s1 ? because the season is actually better but you wouldn't know that since you've stoped watching because of a "black family"

So it's not entirely about them? That's all I needed to hear...

Season 1 was better tho
Season 1 is a pleb filter
Season 2 is still great, can't wait for season 3

Not entirely no

You could have torrented from the start. Why would you wait for your library to have it?

The black family has some serious problems and the son really the one worth a damn in the family

Also the garvey family is still the focus of the show in season 2.

As you watch the season 2 you start to realize the black family is kind of contrast to The Garvey's.


season 2 was better if only because it kept the cringey imagery shit at bay (you dont see much of it past like the first 2 episodes)

that and the way things played out, as well as how they were shown playing out, was generally better writing-wise

I didn't think it'd take so long for it to arrive. I mean, it's only 10 episodes. Plus, there were other movies I haven't seen at my local library that I watched while waiting for whoever checked it out before me to finish watching it.

What I didn't like about season 2 is the explanation of what happen to the teens that disappeared. What reason did they even have to join the Guilty Remnant?

holy shit you are autistic. way to jump the fucking gun over some meaningless shit. i bet you browse Sup Forums based on how close-minded and stupid you are.

they were tired of all the ridiculous fucks in town as well as their own selfish short-sighted families. guilty remnant was a tool to help them abandon that.
im thinking season 3 required more writing time to deal with the series being cut short

to remember

I sort of agree, I couldn't give any kind of symbolical shit about the nigger family and if they were white I still wouldn't have given any shits because I hate shows that keep piling on more characters instead of developing the myriad it already has. I also hate the new intro and I think season 1 was 90% weak.

However, you are a faggot for missing out on the best the show has to offer just because of a weak introduction into season 2.

I always just took it as what rebellious spoiled teenagers do.

>Hey everybody seems to hate the GR
>I know, we should join them as a fuck you to mom and dad because they got me the wrong color on the car I wanted