Thread discussing asking about arabs/muslims gets deleted

>thread discussing asking about arabs/muslims gets deleted
REALLY makes you think

Actually, it doesn't make me think.

But it does make ME think.


some butthurt terrorist janitor probably

But it was my thread and I'm not white

Vuelve de tu muro puto narco indijena de mierda come ratas asco de raza punos mestizos malditos mexicanos ojalá os bombardeen a todos con nukes para salvar al mundo de una mierda de país .un saludo una compatriota hispanoamericana ;)

Maybe all Mods and Janitors are Halal.

t. Manolo Gallego

t. leb subhuman

why are you so obsessed with muslims

go watch japanese cartoons


It's funny how you hate Mexicans while your country is getting rekt by Muslims on a daily basis.

Enjoy your terrorists, Moro.

Qué mierda si hay blancos en México gracias a los gallegos puto indígena tiraflechas lo único que haceis es pasar droga y violar /secuestra mujeres además de carteles y trato de blancas .el país más atrasado de america gracias a África no estas en la última posición

>make one thread
What did xe mean by this?

Remember, Aztec and Maya friends, blood sacrifice good, absolute submission to a fake desert god bad.

don't you have a bus to be run over by?

and for the record I hate mexicans outside of mexico, so don't even give me that.

t. terrorist

happened to me several times, every time i make mudshit thread, it doesnt take long until it get 9/11-ed, mods are literally bin laden incarnate

Mejora tu ortografía antes de dejar comentarios Manolo.

I'm not spanish user , what at shit, im not a fucking African like you

Él es 100% azteca.

>literally a muslim immigrant

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Mexico is not the worst country in Latin America by far.

You just have no idea what are you talking about and this is because you have never put a foot outside España.

You can't even type in english, lel.

No friend I don't understand your Arkansas expressions returns to your barn plis .Go on a corn cultivate

Yes I from Portugal :) the best country no black people and no jude ,god save Portugal

Joder. Ya deja de actuar como pendejo hijo de puta. You need to learn some manners, Gallego. I am more than happy to teach you some discipline...

El moro se cree que su gente es blanca