>"so why did you disliked/liked the movie?"
>"I dont know"
How the fuck can you not know why you liked/disliked something
>"so why did you disliked/liked the movie?"
>"I dont know"
How the fuck can you not know why you liked/disliked something
I think most people have a gut reaction to a film and then they fill in the reasoning afterwards with the power of confirmation bias.
i have a friend like this
pisses me off
ask for clarification again: just cause
It so weird to me because when watching a movie I aleays think like "oh yeah I liked that" "oh yeah I disliked that" etc
I guess other people really do turn off their brains
Think so as well. Well put user.
They know why they liked/didn't like it they just don't know how to articulate it yet. Stop being autistic.
most people can't express their opinion just because they don't know the correct terminology
because sometimes something is so shitty that it doesn't even deserve the mental energy it would take to analyze it
Taste is hard to define sometimes. Why does shit taste bad? I personally haven't tried it but I'd imagine I'd have a hard time explaining the nuances of how horrible it tastes.
People do this with virtually everything. Especially political opinions.
People that don't watch many films are film illiterate and honestly can't understand how to verbalize the things they like or dislike when it comes to film.
>Why does shit taste bad?
Because it's harmful to the organism.
It ain't hard mate.
Some people is just plain stupid. I believe that they do have reasons for their liking/disliking of things, but going into their own minds to locate them and finding a way to communicate them to someone else is too much effort for them.
One time I got sick of it and sperged out in a meeting, in my autism I said.
>your opinion has to be based on something or else you don't deserve to have one
And it was like if I had just said something like "poor babies don't deserve to live" everyone got upset that I was denying this guy's right for a baseless opinion.
I didn't like olives the first time I ate them. I don't currently like grapefruits.
>"so why did you disliked the movie?"
>"it was dishonest"
Schindler's list?
So are cheeseburgers
most people can't express their emotions or feelings adequatly
it's called autism
I'm sure that with enough vocabulary you would be able to describe precisely what you didn't like about the taste of olives and grapefruits. Also, what is it with this place and food analogies?
Sounds like you're really immersed in the world of the movie. I hope you're making notes too
>you would be able to describe precisely what you didn't like about the taste of olives and grapefruits
Yes, but why? I don't like 'em. Why? Go fuck yourself, that's why.
Too salty and too bitter. It's not harmful tough.
>"so why did you dislike the film?"
>"it didn't even have a script"
>call him an idiot
>look it up
>it actually didn't have a script
>people without art education who can't paint of sculpt think they can form an opinion on a work of visual art
Always makes me chuckle. You literally don't understand why you like a certain picture unless you're good enough to make a picture just like it. "I like the colors" and "I like composition" are not proper explanations, that's like saying "I like the taste" when talking about food. You guys are clueless and you don't even understand that you're clueless. Cue the "I don't need to cook to tell that food is shit" apologists. In the case of visual art, nodoby but the cooks can truly judge it. You develop taste as you develop skills, if you don't have the skill your taste is shit.
If you don't want to tell your motives to someone that's perfectly fine, but I think this thread is for those dense motherfuckers who can't verbalize what they feel, yet they are absolutely sure that the film you like is garbage.
I was thinking about this with the food analogy. I am clueless regarding gourmet stuff so it would be very hard for me to explain why I don't like the taste of something.
Then again I don't need to be able to cook something good myself to form an opinion. Knowledge about the process of creation and the experience of having tasted several meals is enough to give you some judging credit. The same happens with films and music I think.
Most people do this with every single thing.
Heres the thing though: i am autist and I can express why I liked or disliked a movie
Its very hard to keep our powerlevel hidden
Uneducated common moviegoers don't have the vocabulary to explain why something was good or bad. This is why I'm so disconnected with my family when it comes to talking about movies.
damn faggots don't even know about mise en scene
I say that when I want to avoid discussing the film. Which is nearly always.
>>because Sup Forums told me to
movie critics are nothing but hopeless efforts trying to rationally justify what the inconscious part of the brain decided long ago, for reasons completely oblivous to us, resorting to far fetched mental contortions and plain old lies.