ITT: Universally-panned films you unironically enjoy
ITT: Universally-panned films you unironically enjoy
like how the fuck can you hate eight legged freaks
it's exactly what it wants to be, nothing more nothing less
I didnt like the part where the cat dies ;_;
That dvd had a cool game you could play on your computer i think
still exists, can find plenty of downloads for it, doesn't require a cd.
>48% on RT
>universally panned
I want normies to die
This movie is so fucking fun.
Seeing that many innocent townsfolk die on screen is still unsettling
Practically all animal related deaths are hard to watch
Fuck that, the movie cover gave me arachnaphobia, I've never even watched the movie, I saw the cover to the VHS one day when I was a kid and I've been petrified of spiders ever since
I used to play the 8 legged freaks TD custom game on WC3, though I remember it sucking pretty hard.
This scene is unironically kino
My nigger. It's shit but I like navy stuff and ACDC.
I think I got it around the part where the spiders started pouring out of the black guy's mouth
this movie didnt pan retard
by all accounts this movie has a nice following in the Russian market, or so it seems.
The Trapdoor Spiders still freak me the hell out
He's a surprisingly terrible comedian
Gerd Oswald's best film. Fuck MST3K
People don't understand the genius of this movie. It was intentionally shit, because the entire plot was Tom Green mocking his own rise to fame, as well as the retards and children that made him popular. The entire message is that shit sells, and it does, since despite how utterly fucking awful the movie was, it still made a profit.
this and Maximum Overdrive
More like Enkino Man
I fucking hate spiders, too, but watching them die is satisfying.
>It was intentionally shit
This is never a good argument.
freddie got fingered.
I've never seen it sober though.
rip torn is never not good
Came here to post this.
Turtle? Not turtle...
In this case it's true. Even the cover itself proves it.
The Counsellor
Agreed on Maximum Overdrive, great film.
None of the spin-off movies were that bad really. Not great, but not too bad either.
Now if only the movie were actually entertaining to watch. Strange how these misunderstood movies can never be meta while actually being good at the same time.
All of these.
now i feel like an aeroplane above the rain
this movie is comfy af
Batman v. Superman
It was funny as fuck.
There was nothing funny about it.
>yfw they were going to call it Arach Attack but it was still too close to 9/11 to get away with it
he ain't wrong, it was/is panned. and I like BvS
I like this one very much
This movie is the ultimate example of just a random guy being allowed to make a major film. Tom green was literally some random maple nigger before mtv found his public access show. What makes this so good it genuinely feels like there was no hollywood tampering with it.
The fucking sausage scene kills me every damn time I see it. Awful movie, but that scene is so surreal I can't help but love it.
The tooth fairy horror movie titled Darkness Falls. 9 percent on RT. Give me a fucking break
I unironically enjoy The Grinch.
Man of Steel, but there's a hint of irony to it. I enjoy the fact that it is pretty much a live action, western dragon ball z, which was already a japanese superman story.
The true tragedy of that movie is they had an amazing animatronic/suit for the creature that was completely scrapped.
I can't believe this movie got shat on by critics while they fellated Rogue One. It wasn't even that good, but the reviews it got were completely unfair.
I liked it.
I love this movie
It's like an extended episode of their HBO show with a proper budget.
Went into this one blind, only knowing it was stolen from Keanu Reeves.
GF and I both truly hated it, glad it was panned
I unironically love Freddy got fingered.
This film predated post-irony
Its one of the comfiest movies ever made, let alone comfy christmas movies
Fucking reddit pleb, kys
Comfy af
>Ironically making shit movies is still making shit movies
Is there a word for intentionally shitty/ridiculous films that are good, with good delivery from the actors and stuff, films like Scary Movie
>spiders giggling and making minion noises
Movies. They're not films, or flicks, or kino. They've just movies
But.. meme buzzwords..
>implying its shit
Its better than most superhero movies imo desu senpai. Pretty comfy B movie.
The cat died a warriors death. Do not be sad for he is nibbling catnip with Odin in Valhalla.
Saw this with some friends from college the other day, we couldn't stop laughing because one of our mutual friends is a fat sleazy smug douche like Howard which made this awful film a fuckin riot. That and Lea Thompson was fuckin hot in those panties. Sorry Jaeger
That makes it even better.
I mean the Genre
I love this film more than what is considered healthy. I've seen it at least 10 times.
This is literally all I think about when I see this or Christmas Vacation being talked about. And both are played for goofs for some reason.
That's a fine opinion. I think it is shit. I hate spiders and most B movies. So I think it is shit
This movie has an 11% on RT, but it's one of the best comedies made. I always finish it if it's on TV.
Technically the genre would be horror.
One of my favourite movies, fantastic worldbuilding
I was going to say "it's like Forrest Gump if it starred an inbred redneck retard," but it already does, so....
Because this is the moment when generation fag who don't know Kentucky Fried Movie and Amazon Women, took the market demo upper hand and killed comedy with its brainwashed groupthink.
Wasn't this just a bunch of unrelated shorts made by actors who clearly had IOU debts to pay to various studio execs?
Heil Odin!
The worst pet death is from the brothers grimm
I haven't seen this movie, is it as good as the Riddick movie that came out a few years ago?
That was one of my favourite cinema experiences
Vin Diesel surviving on a barren but beautiful alien world was pure kino
I felt sad when he had to kill his alien dog
just watched this super high with my friend the other night
super comfy 2000s nostalgia movie and the lead actor is so terrible
Do not compare this turd to AWOTM
I love Kentucky Fried Movie and Amazon Women on the Moon, but this movie just wasn't funny to me.
It's quite different, it's much more of a fantasy movie, almost, very sword and planet but has its own distinct flavour. Riddick's basically Conan in Space and Chronicles is like a bigger Conan story, more characters, bigger story, that kind of thing.
This is my list of dumb movies i kind of enjoyed
Pootie Tang
Run Ronnine Run
Hot Rod
Malibus Most Wanted
Fubar Balls to The wall
In no specific order
Apart from the God tier opening. That movie is pretty shit. I must admit the ent where they bazooka blast the monster with the industrial lighthouse light bulb wad pretty epic too
I liked it too but the ending was lackluster