Complete Disney domination.
Complete Disney domination
Wow, what a shit year.
>R1 will likely make a billion
>geek culture cash grab
>animated film sequel
>original animated (fair enough although pushes political agenda)
>geek culture cash grab
>rehash childhood favourite
>original animated film
>geek culture cash grab
>geek culture cash grab
>geek culture cash grab
>geek culture cash grab
Why is the MCU so much better than the DCEU in every way?
>only 2/10 are original movies, both animated kids movies
Cinema is fucking dead.
>a-at least DC is in the top 10
And then there's this neckbeard. *tips fedora*
only people who think this are redditors
they have shit cinematography though, DCEU has a semi-decent one
back to r/mcu
Disney is buying up all media to make enough money to develop their genesis device to resurrect Hitler and usher in a fourth Reich that will endure 1000 years
based disney
but is there any mainstream studio doing actually good cinema?
>The absolute STATE of Moana
Fucking firstly, it's actually "r/marvelstudios". Get your facts right
Secondly, why should I? This is a place to discuss movies. It's not an echo chamber for people who don't like capeshit
Fuck off. He was replying to me, not you.
DC are delivering some true kino.
>>only 2/10 are original movies, both animated kids movies
>Cinema is fucking dead.
are you really that dense that you think some arthouse pretentious flick would ever gross a billion dollars?
really? are you that delusional? the shit that makes money is garbage for normies that take their children to, like "sing" which is the cinematic equivalent to the holocaust
yeah Disney
A24 isn't really mainstream, though I am seeing their films in more places. I think kino is catching on slowly
Zootopia was good at least.
which is the best movie amongst that top ten shitshow?
imvho: unironically, deadpool
Big sudios raping american audiences with retarded movies is just bussiness as usual.
only 5/10?
pretty shit considering the other big titles they had
>this obsessed comicbook clown
lol at your life
average person is just stupid.
10/10 shit tier
has this been the worst year in cinema history?
>literal disney shills
jesus christ they're everywhere
not him but I don't think you realize how to spot a neckbeard. neckbeards are the ones going to see those films, not shitting on them.
neckbeards love capekino
civil war was a great film though. one of the best films in years. great writing, acting and directing.
>mfw civil war is so deep people think it's shallow
>there are shills on this board RIGHT NOW proud of this and thinking this is good
>civil war was a great film though. one of the best films in years.
No (You) for you
>all original IP movies are now "arthouse pretentious flicks"
Here is the box office of 1996. Note that only half the movies are sequels, remakes or adaptations.
>tfw there will never be a new star wars/Indiana jones/back to the future/any other franchise
>tfw making new original trilogies is a dead art
Reminder that a like movie Rain Man could be the highest grossing film of the year as recently as 1988.
>4 out of 10 are from Buenavista Disney
>9 out of 10 are pure shit
there's nothing new under the sun.