Why is this show so widely acclaimed by nu-males, femenists, millennials, newlefties, well... by redditors in general
what's Sup Forums opinion on the show?
Why is this show so widely acclaimed by nu-males, femenists, millennials, newlefties, well... by redditors in general
what's Sup Forums opinion on the show?
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If Star Trek Voyager can get 7 seasons Firefly deserved better then 1.
I liked it but I'm not autistic enough to hate something just because it gets popular.
You want to know if you've got our permission to like it boy?
Yes. I refuse to like anything unless I know Sup Forums likes it first.
I've never seen it, but I can't stand that guy that also plays Castle
i watched the movie on dxm.
it was kinda fun despite tv series tier special effects and actors
8/10 series
I'm on Sup Forums and I like it. Other people might not like it.
Who would you fug and why is it the mechanic?
I'd rather the whore
I liked it, and it's tragic to see so many plot points left unresolved that were hinted at throughout the series.
Serenity, on the other hand, was shit.
Me? I'm Jayne
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
She's got beady Canadian eyes
I like how people younger than 35 on Sup Forums think they aren't millennials, and talk about them like they are some fringe demographic
he's not intelligent tho
I love Serenity, more than the show actually
I watched the first episode. Didn't like it. Didn't like the characters, the cliches and tropes for each just killed it for me. Oh quirky mechanic, oh meathead with a heart of gold, oh a dickhead captain, etc. The editing and directing put a bad taste in my mouth too, I can only take so many guitar twangs before I want to kill myself.
I'd wreck the mechanic chick though
Nice intro song
It's very comfy. Not quite on SG-1's level, but close.
Great show, solid acting, nice narratives, cool universe. 9/10
>big list of 99% of everyone that browses Sup Forums
>It was only one season because they ran out of Outlaw Star material to rip-off
t. numale from reddit
Posting the superior space western
Nice try OP.
seemed more noir than western to me
Heart of Gold was the worst episode.
Honestly the closest thing to a waifu that I've ever had
>That disgusting MLP tattoo
It had that early 2000s vibe where shows where starting to get as good as movies graphically
It was like farscape but put together better
serenity killed it for me and I don't want another season
It wouldn't feel the same 15 years later, I doubt they could capture the same feeling
I watched the show before I found out about the SJW craze and I enjoyed it. IDGAF if there's Black people in it etc. But the fanbase is distilled autism. I'll just leave this here:
I love the show and consider myself right wing and don't particularly like the idea of the nu-male. It's a great show and generally great show get picked up by other demographics.
I also can't stand Reddit as a serious board, as every single fucking comment there is made to get 'upvotes' and every comment chain is a shit fucking show of people trying to 'one-up' each other in puns or jokes, and it can get really tiresome. There's nothing organic about reddit.
Firefly is great and I don't care that it's popular with faggots and the writer/director is a cuck.
its a mix of decent concept, the episodes they did make were pretty alright, the mythology surrounding its existence and cancellation, and probably the biggest factor is that the show never had a chance to wear out its welcome with over saturation
Firefly is libertarian as hell, Whedon's politics didn't really rub off on it.
I like it quite a bit.
t. Sup Forums
the plot outline was revealed though
it was pretty bad, space hooker gets raped by a ship full of reavers etc
I liked it a lot when I watched it back in the day, I won't be able to tell you if it holds up, might have to revisit soon.
Why are you so concerned about what other groups, communities or websites like or don't anyways, it's not that easy to end up being associated with others you don't like.
You drink water right? guess who also drink water: FAGGOTS.
It would be better as an animated chinese cartoon desu.
Yes, it's called Cowboy Bebop
It's basically a live action version of Bebop and Outlaw Staw
which one came first?
but it has cowboy right in the name
1. glau
2. aria
3. mechanic
>female mechanic
a truly science fiction
its pretty good. the only thing i disliked was summer glaus character. it's kind of disappointing that was what they had in mind for the main story.
i liked the world they were building though
>first time character appears she's mindlessly fucking some mechanic dude for some dumb reason
come on now
>Because it portrays a resistance group led by strong women fighting a human (white) supremacist organization.
I thought it was awesome personally, but it does attract SJW's and numales like flies.
And fuller seasons, my friend. After an abbreviated 16 episode season 1, the rest each 26 episodes.