now that the dust has settled, she's a complete bullshit artist, right?
Now that the dust has settled, she's a complete bullshit artist, right?
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get your astroturfing nigger ass out of here, freak
that woman is a saint
Scientology shills? Fuck off op.
>dude religion is evil lmao!
udder liar and i'm amazed anyone gives her any attention
Do polcucks like Scientology?
Really disappointed in you guys.
it's a pretty based religion desu. it's just not for poorfags
Pick one
>scientology is a real religion guys!
Nice try Scientology, but you can't fool us
scientology is a cult though.
prove it. oh wait, you can't!
except that there is actual proof that scientology is blackmailing people into staying in their cult and paying their way up.
t. David Miscavige
Nothing she's said is new. She's just reinforcing complaints that have been made since the '70s.
That's it! Back to Miscavige's basement to clean shit with toothbrushes.
>washed up sitcom slut who lost her looks makes up lies about some random religion to stay relevant
did she go full JUST?
>Being this pathetic
It's funny. I think between people shitposting and being contrarian, they're willingly shoving themselves into this awful little group of people that promotes things that are legitimately bad, because they've spent so much time being against popular things they've completely lost track of what they're supposed to like and approve of, especially if someone is claiming it on the internet.
Why don't you go get see how much bad energy or evil alien spirits you have inside of you, Bud? I'm sure they could use a guy like you :^)
if dubs Scientology is the one true religion.
trump really rekt that reporter
>Implying he isn't already apart of Scientology
It's actually ridiculous how many of them pop out of the woodwork whenever something like this drops.
Sup Forums likes anything nihilistic that inflicts suffering onto others because they conflate that with being "powerful" because they are impotent and traumatized sadlads with a victimhood complex.
Give me the memearrows and greentext. What crazy shit has she said in the episodes?
Hello SIDF.
Literally only facts.
I'm not sure why you assume they're so credible and innocent. They're actually really fucking horrible. Just because SJWs also don't like them doesn't mean you have to defend them, you hilariously mindless faggot.
No need to get pissed, I never defended them in my post, I just wanted a summary of what she's said.
i joined scientology and it helped cure my schizophrenia. the psychology "racket" did nothing to help and only made it worse
checkmate, skeptics
>tfw you can never remember her for Saved by the Bell
fucking nerds and their sci fi bullshit
>a hat
wow you surely proved your point
She wanted attention
My eyes are gettin' weary.
I think she's telling the truth but she's still a miserable cunt who wants attention. They don't necessarily have to both be wrong statements
I believe her.
My back is gettin' tight
Yes, she's friends with cedric inventor of bullshit bixler's wife... So, yes. Worse than scientology. Fact. Princessribidibi
Whether what she says is real or not, the fact is that this cult does what it wants and no one here has the power to stop them. More likely anons would join after revealing their secrets.
Why do you come here assuming that everybody follows some news bullshit? At least give some context, nigger
>join batshit cult that everybody with two brain cells knows is bad news
>whine about how mean they are
Who cares?
She's probably right with all her accusations but she can't really demand anyone feel bad for her.
It's like setting yourself on fire willfully then afterwards complaining that you got burned.
I mean, yeah, you really got burned. But what the hell did you expect to happen?
so which one of your personalities is the scientologist?
Scientology isn't even a cult. It's a commercial pyramid scheme and doesn't even try to hide it.
I liked it because the show didn't focus on any of the weird Xenu shit, it was more of a documentary on the organizational practices and legal doctrines of the cult.
Leia remi's world More like > e.t. Ponehone2312planet
Schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder are two different things user.
Ironic pro-scientology shitposting is absolute cancer.
>i don't know what a cult is, but let me defend scientology because i'm an ironic trump voter
'Look at me, this is MY serious face now' still you morons watch a second a dat crap. Idiots.
To be fair her mother was in Scientology and she was raised there. An adult getting into it is a retard but a child raised in it wouldnt know better for a long time
I was making a negative comment
pretty much this, they openly expect you to give them shit loads of cash for "audits" and learning the doctrine.
Imagine the same thing, charging for catholic confession and learning the bible
I have yet to see a doc where a sea org member who spent decades harrasing people and splitting up families shows any modicum of remorse or disgust with themselves, all you get is them smugly rattling off the shitty tactics they employed to the camera
Look at the end of Louis Theroux's doc, the former sea org member gets angry with Louis because he isn't acting outraged that current sea org members are targeting the guys family. This is because he is being a massive fucking hypocrite who engaged in and probably built a bunch of these tactics and now has the gall to act shocked when it happens to him.
Thats one of the most based bitches in hollywood she literally confirmed all the sordid disgusting debauchery that happens within scientology
>Failed scifiologist coming to 4ch because he cant into dianetics
Im sorry youre a retard
>Any Scientology documentary with this bitch in it
>Loved L Ron Hubbard, was a frequent on ship girlfriend
>Became a commander for some sea org ships
>Made people eat out of buckets and off of the deck
>Ordered for people to be bound by hands and feet and thrown off of the ship's deck
>Worked for years putting people in windowless boxed rooms
>Sits there grinning from ear to ear
>"It was awful. Truly cruel. I wish someone was there to stop it. But who? Why would ANYONE do this?"
Sittin' here in traffic
She was raised in the environment as a child. Can't fault her for not knowing better.
she looked like an angel on Cheers
Cedric Bixler... the guy from ATDI and The Mars Volta?
Fun fact: David Miscavige is 5'1.
Ultimate King of manlets.
I thought we couldn't talk about this ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''religion'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' here, you know what with chanology and all
Holy shit its true. No wonder he beats employees up he must have the worst napoleon complex
pic related
How can a guy this size "beat" people in the church?
Just pick the fucker up and put him in the timeout corner.
Rage and frustration. Just look at ,he's so ugly and pathetic! No amount of money in the world can unmanlet you, he knows it and he's pissed off!
That's probably why him and Cruise get along so well, manlets gotta stick together.
I like how it was all for tv ratings. Huge reddit threads etc.
Cruise actually looks tall next to him kek
____ is real religion but ____ isn't
All religions are viewed as cults before getting larger
on the Queensboro bridge tonight.
No, she is based.
She's a bluepilled cunt who's butthurt she didn't have the chops to make it past OTV, so now she's going on an impotent crusade against Based Scientology.
>the city of the black guy and white guy furthest to the right suits
fucking hell lads get it together