What do you peoples wear when you go to the theater? Casual wear? Get dressed up like it's an event?
Cinema Attire
Crabs leggs.
What I normally wear. Why would I get dressed up to sit in the dark?
Clothes dude
>skinny jeans
Absolutely disgusting.
Tapered fit or bust.
>wearing faggot minimalist desert boots
>hair is outrageous
jesus get your themes together bro
>not going naked to your local kinoplex
You should try it, it really makes the penis inspection easier.
Level IV body armor
yeah those jeans won't even fit over my theatre diaper
anything conducive to making it easier for me to bust my nut
I wear a coat, a shortish dress and loose underwear. Take the coat off and put it on my lap in the theater so my boyfriend can finger me
A fedora
This. Jinko Jeans, leather coat and also bring my Katana in case some fool trying to shoot up the theater, I'll cut the bullets, gun and the shooter in half.
The Joker from Batman The Dark Knight.
bright neon colors that show up well in the dark.
Here's what I and my crew wore to go see Rogue One.
Bib to catch crab grease, nappy to do peepee and cacca, Incredible Hulk PJs and C3PO slippers.
>black trousers
>brown shoes
I'm diamonds t b q h
Name of this band?
Hi Manzi
My duster that matches my falcon's tint.
Is this type of outfit okay?
>He doesn't even teleport