>donuts. is there anything they can't do? xDDD xDDDD xDDD xD xD
>that's like my favorite Simpsons quote, man!
>also, did you hear they're making bacon Krispy Kreme? HOW IS THAT NOT AWESOME!
>xDDD xD xD xD xD
Donuts. is there anything they can't do? xDDD xDDDD xDDD xD xD
Haha, well memed my friend xD
yeah! XD le homer is so funny le simpsons are so much better than king of the hill because it is so wacky and king of the hill is so boring XD le look at my doggo its not as good as rick and morty tho wubba lubba dub dub!
I agree. King of the Hill is for true patricians. Simpsons is for dopes
Well you were kind of autistic about it but I agree with your point. Despite all the praises it gets Simpsons is actually kind of lame.
And I'm talking the golden age of simpsons.
>rick and morty
It's on adult swim, what do you expect.
King of the Hill is the only good program they ever showed on that wasteland of a channel.
>But Duuuude...Leonard NIMOY was in that episode? How can you hate on Leonard Nimoy?
>I love it when celebrities are willing to look silly! :D
Last exit to springfield is a GOAT episode
Let me guess, you're some underage retard who never watched classic simpsons growing up, watched one episode and got all butthurt because you dont get it?
see, this is why none of us has any friends
no op but I've seen all the classic simpsons and while there are some hard keks and few truly hilarious characters (mr burns moe) the show is massively overrated
It also just has this boring quality I can't put my finger on.
Just admit you got duped like the rest of America.
forget to take your pills, junior?
not him, but I'm 34 and I think even the classic simpsons is super overrated and has been surpassed by other shows.
Frankly, shows like the peak seasons of King of the Hill's humor is far superior. and more subtle too, which is probably why it doesn't appeal to your reddit-tier brain.
>It also just has this boring quality I can't put my finger on.
As opposed to what?
What cartoon show is a constant barrage of fun compared to classic era Simpsons?
if you didn't watch it while growing up in the 90's, you won't appreciate it. it's a very authentic portrait of american life in that time.
> I'm 34
> reddit-tier brain
I'm 48 and I find golden age simpsons hilarious. get some taste kid
the good seasons of King of the Hill are way better
seems like a bunch of 20-year-old reddit plebs like it for all the same reasons the people who watched it when it first aired like it. i don't think anyone's missing anything. i get it, i just don't like what's there, because I'm a King of the Hill patrician.
>barrage of fun
you're implying simpsons was fun. Just because a show is loud and energetic and fast paced doesn't mean it's actually fun to watch
Not all of us are so easily seduced by bells and whistles
>34 year olds don't use memes!
you get some taste.
>it's a very authentic portrait of american life in that time.
Fucking kek 'it was about THIS TIME maannnnn' ' I feel like....connected' 'our generation WHOA'
Why do reddit fags always say dumb shit like this?
Your arguments arent very convincing, dare I say your 34-year old brain is pretty reddit-tier
how are your arguments convincing, exactly?
>simpsons pleb calls someone else reddit
do you have a sister?
If we're being fair, even the golden years of KOTH used this cheap joke.
Greg Daniels was based for criticizing simpsons, but I guess he didn't happen to have a problem with that particular trait.
I'll admit that golden age simpsons is overrated, in the sense that it's not the end-all animated sitcom that many claim it to be (KotH is probably the only comparable one). But the first 6 seasons of Simpsons are very good, as they developed a good amount of main and side characters that were believable, most of the time. It had heart, and it came first, so most of its reputation is predicated on being the first to do comedy-emotional shifts so well, this format being copied by later shows like Futurama, Reddit and Morty and even American Dad sometimes.
The most boring show ever made
Pretending to enjoy KotH is the epitome of reddit
>le shitposting is le like muh maymay
>was it autism
>jews did it
I will never tire of watching autistic people talk about subjective opinions as though they're objective.
Keep on, keeping on ya mongoloids.
>emotional moments
It always felt so forced and awkward in simpsons. A for effort maybe but they couldn't do those well
>futurama emotional moments
Oh pls, futurama is simpsons ugly stepsister all around, those emotional moments beig no exception. that shit with Fry's dog? cheap and gay as fuck
>reddit and morty
I kek'd
>first six seasons
Why does six get a pass? Oh well, at leads you're not one of those fags who says the golden age ends after 9
7-9 are unwatchable but 6 isn't up to pat with what came before.
Golden seasons are 2,3 and 5, 5 being the absolute best
Reddit fags never even saw KOTH until ledult swim picked it up.
I was watching it back when it was on Fox and also FX and UPN reruns
If reddit pretends to enjoy it, it's probably because mike judge co created it and he did some truly reddit tier movies like office space and Idiocracy.
Don't let that shit get in the way, KOTH is Master Race
Agreed but shit show in your pic
>le amused outside observer
go suck a dick
Ouch! You got me!
Go back to masturbating to children's feet you retarded degenerate
>what is this expression trying to
>what will be his endgmae
>star wars lmao
but I have plenty of friends
just kidding, I don't have any either, I just wanted to leave reply in this shit thread
>office space
this fucking meme has gotten way out of hand
>I don't know who that man is but he looks like he's made of CHEESE lol
jesus dude change your posting style im beginning to recognize you in threads
>typical koth redditor
>Go back to masturbating to children's feet you retarded degenerate
That made kek really hard, but you're still a fag
The KotHautist literally called for backup in the KotH thread to come into this thread and start shitposting. what a faggot.
they've taken two memes that only filthy casuals appreciate (that's my purse is the worst example. any true king of the hill fan isn't amused by that episode and in fact Greg Daniels and Mike Judge fired the Jewish showrunners in charge of that season).
Compare that though to the 1000 from The Simpsons. And simpsons doesn't have many quality moments. koth has plenty that never get meme'd because they're too sophisticated for reddit-fags
You can't even argue that Office Space is reddit. It has all the reddit scenes:
>dude, gangsta destroying of a computer
>dude, that's my stapler! xD
>dude, that'd be great!
I'm starting to see the problem. You're basing the qualities of art based on how other people perceive them, and not the actual content. yes tjhose scenes are memed to hell, but they worok within the context of the film and they are funny, like the rest of the film.
You could say I was just retaliating against your JPEG comment
What's with the sudden surge of shitting on classic Simpsons? Kiddies trying to find new ways to be contrarian?
The simpsons works us fans because of the balance of ridiculous humour and emotional core. 'overrated' and 'boring' are not a very good criticism
Don't respond to someone if they say something "is reddit" or call you a "redditor" for liking something. It just shits up the thread with unnecessary name-calling.
>everything I say is fact and if you disagree with me you're just a kiddie contrarian
More like we were meme'd into believing this show was amazing but finally woke up and were honest with ourselves that this show was not as good as advertised.