Because the Cushing family approved one and Fishers didn't

Because the Cushing family approved one and Fishers didn't

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Tarkin was a secondary character at most and they had his estates blessing. Fisher played 1/3 of the main characters in 2 sets of trilogies. Back to veddit with you underage.

This. If the Fishers had said yes you bet your ass we'd even be getting a digital old Leia in 9.


her character is no longer necessary

So they had her killed?

Because Cushing died a billion years ago and Fisher died just yesterday

Because he was a good friend

they got permission from cushings estate you triple nigger

How does this make any difference?

Wow, so Secondary Character humans are less valuable than main character humans in their eyes?

Shit's creepy

89% of the people seeing these movies have no idea who the fuck Cushing is by name and Id say 80% wouldnt even remember the Character Tarkin from Episode 4. The majority of movie audiences are retarded dude

No one cares

Rogue One was released in theaters before Fisher died

that legacy rape

Wow Audrey Hepburn is as beautiful as she was when she was 17. Why the hate? Is it because she's white and successful?

Average person doesn't give a shit about Cushing who died years and years ago. People will get irrationally upset over Fischer because they're all acting like they love and cherish her right now because her death is still fresh. 5-10 years from now, those same people won't give a shit.

let's say that talking about heritage right after some of your relatives has died is considered insensitive.
Nobody cares about the cgi version of an actor who died long ago, but if they do the same for a major actor who died recently everybody will call disney an insensitive and unscrupulous company ready to exploit and disrespect the image of a human being just because some commercial clause allows them to do so.

She was alive at the time, she was fine with it then but she's no longer with us.

They did by giving us more of him and making his character known to a new generation.

I still remember when this was released and people couldn't tell if she was "real"

Cushing's estate approved of the recreation, and his former secretary(who knew him for 35 years) was dazzled by the recreation and really liked it.

Also, Cushing himself loved working on ANH and only regretted that he was unable to return for the sequels.

>and his former secretary was dazzled by the recreation and really liked it.

Who gives a shit?

How bout they fix this fucking abomination. This is the best they could do? Really?

Looks pretty good. God dam you guys are petty

It wasn't even necessary to begin with. If you're going to bother to push it in the movie get it right. Seems to make sense.

It doesn't look that bad

Not that bad
Go to bed now

Tarkin and Leia are probably some of the best examples of this technology being put to use, even if it is a little uncanny valley but I believe that knowing that those two people aren't alive or have aged and don't look like that is a major contributing factor in why most people don't accept it.

dont worry

han solo is going to come back now after lando saved him from the fall and healed him

>cherry picking the best angle
She looks okay with her head tilted but she becomes jarringly bad as soon as she faces the camera.

You're delusional.

Wrong. Han Solo will be saved, but by Darth Maul, having magically survived his own fall, will returned as a Jedi redeemed from the Dark Side



Maul already survived. Learn your canon.

They'll use a puppet

The creepiest part of that is this

Oh for fuck's sake. How do you survive getting bisected then falling down a long-ass shaft into a melting pit?

Spider legs. Where have you been?

Not watching children's cartoons

But watching children's movies, I see.

Yes. Cartoons is where I draw the line.

>thinking the medium makes something less or more mature

>The creepiest part of that is this

this is the way
of the future


Right, like how there's no difference between a bathroom selfie nude and an oil painting.

>face is plastic looking
>hand is real skin of female stand-in
>dat uncunny valley

This was the last shot she was barely passable looking, the closeup was a dead giveaway oh wait...

There we go.

So if someone adapted Star Wars to animation, frame by frame, it'd be more childish?


You're delusional.

Why the fuck did she steal his hat?

>roasties now think it's okay to just take mens shit without asking as long as he's not chad

This is a truly sick and twisted world...

I was joking on the last part. I think there is a difference between a children's movie which, like many things that Pixar has done, can be engaging for adults to some degree.

A children's TV show by the nature of the format is almost certainly going to be very dumbed down and thus we get stupid shit like the helicopter lightsabers. There are probably exceptions, but they are few and far between.

Imagine what this technology will do for porn.

Porn will be shot dressed in those motion capture suits, then you can pick from a list of celebrities to superimpose into the scene.

Finally, we can see Bea Arthur get railed by all Three Stooges.

The fact that they were even discussing the idea is horrible.

Can you expect them not to? An actor playing a character from your movie trilogy dies and you need to figure out how to handle it. They probably had some story planned for Leia and they need to determine the best way to salvage it.

There's nothing on the nature of the format that makes a cartoon more childish. [Adult Swim] is marketed entirely to adults and they are cartoons.
Moving on your failed premise, you're focusing on two concepts. You compare the death of Maul with his revival.
One one hand, "a movie that can be engaging to adults." Phantom menace? I don't think so.
On the other hand, "dumbed down shit." Clone Wars? That show was made to redeem the prequels by adding real depth and gravitas to them. The helicopter lightsabers aren't even from the same show. You're an idiot.

>identities of dead people can now be trademarked, copyrighted, and treated as literal property to be bought and sold

Jesus... that's really fucked up. Audrey Hepburn used to be a human, but now she's a fucking trademark.

>is marketed entirely to adults

But the shows are all very childish. You can't deny this. You just torpedoed your own point.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. It's not the live action vs. animation I take issue with, but that it's a TV show designed for young children. I wouldn't want to watch it if it were live action either.

And yes, TPM and the rest of the prequel trilogy were terrible. That doesn't invalidate my point.

Wrong, they all contain elements that can't be displayed in children's media.
Please explain how Venture Bros is childish. Or Evangelion, for that matter. Same format.

>That doesn't invalidate my point
Your point was that you hadn't learned about Maul coming back because you don't watch things marketed to kids, when that's what Phantom Menace was.
The TV show isn't designed exclusively for kids. It focuses on war and its effects many times more than the movies. Again, the helicopter sabers are from Star Wars rebels. Perhaps that's the cartoon you're thinking of, but Clone Wars was more mature.

Are these made by compositing existing footage and putting it over the scene? They don't look like CG and textures the way CGI Tarkin does.

>there is no such thing as a childish adult
>there is no such thing as childish, immature humor intended for childish, immature adults

That's because they're all in low-definition so you can't tell.
Same way as people complaining about Darth Vader costume in Rogue One because they had never seen it in HD.

>there's no such thing as mature adults

>>there is no such thing as childish, immature humor intended for childish, immature adults
So what, now the only humor allowed for adults is classy British humor?

>british humor
>not trashy as fuck

Best joke of the thread tbqh with you family and friends.


I was just making the point that just because Adult Swim claims to be marketing their content towards adults they're not btw, that doesn't mean their cartoons suddenly can't be childish. They can be childish even if they are intended for adults, and I feel it's safe to say virtually everything they make IS childish.

That's not necessarily bad, I like childish humor from time to time too or I wouldn't be on this website.

She became one with the Force, user. She'll appear as a sexy blue ghost in your room tonight.


>Adult Swim doesn't claim to be marketed to adults
>it's called Adult

Isn't the target demographic of Adult Swim teenagers who think they're mature and sophisticated? That said, Venture Bros is great.

I feel bad for her daughter, losing her mother and her grandmother in such short time and being on scream queens at the same time.

>reading comprehension

I'm saying just because they're claiming to be targeting adults doesn't mean they actually are.

>reading comprehension
>just because Adult Swim claims to be marketing their content towards adults (they're not btw)
You said they don't claim to.

>one joke makes an entire show geared towards kids

yeah looks great senpai

Cushing did not have children and she was very close to him?

Future VR 3D 4K cant cum soon nuff

peter cushing is a white male

that Chris Reeve one was awkward as fuck

>"just because Adult Swim claims to be marketing their content towards adults"

That means they're claiming to be marketing their content towards adults you fucking moron.

>and being on scream queens at the same time.

You forgot the last sentence.
>they're not btw
YOU said that.

That means they're not actually marketing it towards adults despite what they claim. How the fuck would the entire part before it make sense otherwise you retard?

>Just because they claim (they're not btw)
This is what you said. You said they aren't claiming it. Your composition was awful.

If Carrie Fisher didn't care if they digitally recreated her character in Rogue One why would doing the same for Episode 9 be any different? She clearly was going to be in Episode 9 had she lived and she wasn't against the digital recreation route.

Clearly it's pretty hard to do well, and to do it for an extended period of time is even harder, but to rule out entirely doing it off the bat seems strange to me. Probably her daughter holding out for more money or something.

That's NOT what I said, that's what you interpreted because you have piss poor reading comprehension, particularly in terms of context. The bit before that makes absolutely no sense reading it the way you interpreted it. Use your fucking head.

>That's NOT what I said
I literally copied and pasted you moron. Scroll up and you'll find it is what you said.

Are you fucking retarded?

So did, and I explained it to your dumb fucking ass.

Again, you don't even have to take my word for it, you can literally look at it again with the first part in context and realize what you're claiming makes no god damn sense.

Don't get mad at me because your redaction sucks.

No, I'm not mad at you for anything I did, I'm mad at you because you have the gall to blame others for your own stupidity.

It's speaking the truth. You needed someone to call you out so that you can improve in the future, idiot.

There's a pretty clear context difference, dude.

What they did in Rogue One wasn't a billion dollar commercial project performing damage control while the subject matters corpse was still warm.

No you dumbass, YOU'RE the one that needed to be called out for being an idiot.

I really don't care if you improve or not, but I'm glad to have called you out regardless. Take responsibility for you own fuck-up next time dipshit.

You people need to learn between the lines.

"Has no plans to"

She just died and Episode 9 is in the earliest stages of production, as in they've penciled in a director and they have a plan for the plot, but no screenplay yet. They're going through lots of possible options, but as yet, there is no definite plan. They don't want to have a news story come out immediately saying "No matter, we'll just CGI her in, no worries!" because it seems insensitive so soon after her death.

If they decide to do it, which I think they might given how her just suddenly being dead would probably fuck up the narrative structure and character arcs they've been building, they will slowly hint at it, you'll have them talking about how Carrie was looking forward to Episode 9 so much, how her daughter is on board, etc, and then announce that they will "lovingly and respectfully include her in her final farewell to a character she and so many millions of fans cherished so much", or however they spin it.